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Tt Marshalling: Understaffed And Unsafe


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In this weeks Motorcycle News, 2 off their undercover reporters, and I use the term "Reporters" in it's broadest sense, have published their findings and give a damming opinion.


Mr Steve Farrell and Mr Tom Rayer give the following reports taken from the MCN.


Steve Farrell.


" It's as I'm watching the 15-minute instructional DVD in the Marshal's hut the the responsibility of Marshalling begins to sink in.

As we're told ( at a bewildering speed ) everything on how load a casualty into a Helicopter to what to wear, it occurs to me that a mistake could result in tragedy. There is far to much infor mation to absorb.

Next we,re asked to complete a form declaring our own fitness. And that's it. Selection over.


I at least expect to be given something to study that night, but to my shock we're told we start in 15 minutes. I fell totally unprepared.


At my post, I'm told by Senior Marshal, Debbie, that there's a shortage of volunteers today. As a result there are numerous changes of Plan. First she says my job will be to use a roadside phone to report retired bikes. Then I'm asked to check a section of track for debris.


That I'm competent to perform any of these duties seems largely assumed. If this is "an improvement", I hate to think what it must have been last year. " [end]


I would ask Mr Farrell, did he make himself available to the many courses run in the UK during the run-up to the TT ? If not, why not?


Did he at any time approuch the Training Staff and/or Chief and Sector Marshals and explain his doubts of being " Totally Prepared " ? If not then why did he still accept the responablity of being a Marshal ?


As Mr Farrell states, "First she says my job will be to use a roadside phone to report retired bikes. Then I'm asked to check a section of track for debris." , He was not given major role in the sector, only a minor one, to which to seemed to have a problem forfilling even that task.


As we now live in the 21st centuary, I would have thought the knowledge on how to use a phone would have even reached the part off the world Mr Farrell lives, but then He might just be the Village fucking idiot. Who knows.


As for "Then I'm asked to check a section of track for debris.", I would have thought someone whom I presume rides bikes and visits alot of tracks as part of his job, would know what debris would be and have the Common Sense to remove it. It appears not.


Mr Tom Rayner then goes on to say in his posting,


" 30 minutes ago, I was in the Marshall's hut watching the brief training video - now I'm quaking in a tangerine tabard as John McGuinness hurtles towards me at 150 mph.

The lives of riders, spectators and my fellow marshalls rely on my actions and all I've done is tick a box and sign my name. There's no way i feel ready to deal with an emergency - I haven't even been told how to lift a bike and where to carry it to.

Of course I was shadowed all the time by experienved marshal Alan who had once been a Chief Sector Marshal, and had Marshalled on the Island his entire life. He was patient and reassuring and made the experience much less intimidating for a first time volunteer like myself.

Then it happened - the drama I had feared. I spotted a cat wander nonchalatly on to the road. I could hear the howl of a four-cylinder superbike croosing the start finish line. I had seconds to act and panic gripped - this wasn't in the safetry video.

Luckily Alan had spotted it to, and ran the feckless feline off the track. I was nowhere near prepared to deal with a serious incident." [end]


I would ask, did Mr Rayner always have tihs phobia about cats or his nightmare only been filled with cats at the TT?


Yet again the reporter states, " Of course I was shadowed all the time by experienved marshal Alan who had once been a Chief Sector Marshal, and had Marshalled on the Island his entire life. He was patient and reassuring and made the experience much less intimidating for a first time volunteer like myself. ". He was put with an experienaced Marshall so what is his problems. As for the cat, maybe he should try to Marshall at Philip Island where the bikes reach up to 200 mph on a straight that has problems with flocks of seagulls landing on it.


Did he express any of his doubts to anyone either? Did he attend or try to attend any of the UK trainings?


In both reports they both say that they were placed with Experienced Marshalls but that doesn't seem good enough for them. At NO time did they express any concerns about their suitability until afterwards and instead of just saying, " Sorry, Mr Hurst, We're not good enough as I'm to fucking stupid to use a phone and that daft twat Rayners got a Cat Phobia " they choose to slag to whole system off.


If this is the best Investigating Reporting the MCN can come up with would make it laughable if it wasn't such a serious subject. It reads like something that has been written for a High School Rag by 2 6th Formers who have been here on their Hols.


If they really wanted to make a difference they should make suggestions as to how things could be improved and not just criticise. For that on it's own is just that, criticisum, and on it's own with no suggestions, has no positvity aspects whatsoever and only demeanour the many hours of hard work the Genuine Marshalls and backroom staff put back in to a sport the love and care about.


But then as both state, they are both inexperienced and don't seem to be prepared to learn.


Chief Marshal Roger Hurst goes on the claim that New Marshalls are assessed on arrival for duty and dismissed if they appear incapable. He said " We'll debrief and discuss more improvements that can be made. We're improving every year".


I'm not a Marshall but as an Ex-rider have and always will have the highest regards for them and the work they do. Marshalling and Racing are quite similar, the more you put in the more you get out but it's the hands on experience which cannot be taught at a Race School or in a classroom which makes you better.



Sorry for the long post but this type of gutter press gets my back up.

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Alot of people including myself did comment last year, on the `lack' of training these `wonderful' people have.


Lack of training.


What about the 40 minute video you had to watch at the Masonic Hall before signing up? If that's not top class training then I don't know what is.

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What about the 40 minute video you had to watch at the Masonic Hall before signing up?


You sure you went to the right induction meeting dude? Were you standing on one leg with your trousers rolled up whilst watching the video?

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What about the 40 minute video you had to watch at the Masonic Hall before signing up?


You sure you went to the right induction meeting dude? Were you standing on one leg with your trousers rolled up whilst watching the video?


Well I did wonder when they handed me the special apron with a big "M" on the back.

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Lack of training.


What about the 40 minute video you had to watch at the Masonic Hall before signing up? If that's not top class training then I don't know what is.


Dude those people who have just signed up are put with experienced marshals, everyone has to start somewhere.


As for the Motorcycle News I stopped reading that paper full of adverts the last time they did something similar and had a go at the TT.

Lots of people from far and wide won't buy it now as they've shown there paper to be tittle tattle nonsense.

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  • 2 weeks later...

MCN has printed a few letters they received in response to that article - in case you want to spare yourself spending £ 1.70 to read them, here they are:




SID is also mentioned in the current issue, although it's only a tiny article and (now) outdated :(

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