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Moyles Faces Radio Ban After Calling Women


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The tuning wheel/button is there for a reason.



Yeah what he said...i hate the "I was do offended that I had to listen to three hours of that etc etc etc" brigade...turn it off if you dont like it. Cock.



I suppose I hate them as well.


but The BBC is a public broadcasting service. There has to be some sort of standards of decency. how do you tell your children that to talk about rusty bullet holes and farting in a restaurant isn't appropriate when MArk and Lard had been doing it all afternoon for the past x amount of years.


IPeople have every right to listen to inoffensive radio broadcast as you have to pander to the lowest of standards.

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The tuning wheel/button is there for a reason.



Yeah what he said...i hate the "I was do offended that I had to listen to three hours of that etc etc etc" brigade...turn it off if you dont like it. Cock.



I suppose I hate them as well.


but The BBC is a public broadcasting service. There has to be some sort of standards of decency. how do you tell your children that to talk about rusty bullet holes and farting in a restaurant isn't appropriate when MArk and Lard had been doing it all afternoon for the past x amount of years.


IPeople have every right to listen to inoffensive radio broadcast as you have to pander to the lowest of standards.


yes but the bbc has loads of other stations you can listen to, you know what sort of material chris moyles does so why tune into him if you know you are going to be offened.


and whats mark and lard got to do with it? they haven't been on radio 1 for years

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Ok we'll stick with Moysley.


If my children listen to the BBC I expect there to be a ceertain standards


When my (then) fifteen year old girl became aware of what a fifteen stone (?) foul mouthed lout who is twice her age wanted to do to another 15 year old girl, it all becomes a bit worrying. Yeah, this was one of Moyles' inappropriate 'gags' but they are all in the same low-life arena.


It was a only a few years before that, that I had to explain what his ginger predecessor meant when he did a sketch where he asked Carol Vorderman for a "shag" (The sketch went "can I have a consonant Carol . . . . can I have a vowel please Carol...can I have a shag please Carol).


So when we all start being oh so naughty because it is considerd the norm, where do we go from there? If the BBC can't uphold some sort of standard - and it most certainly can't - then who can?


Perhaps our society doesn't need standards. Maybe we should simply always splatter our language with 'eff' and 'c' and talk about bodily functions whenever we want because it is naughty and offends all those snobby decent people.

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Doric If you didn't like Radio 1 because off what Moyles said, Why did you tune in again?, You know that he does it all the time and you can expect that.


I don't see any logic in complaining about Radio 1 but still tuning in.

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are you that stupid to think your 15 year old girl isn't exposed to words and phrases at school that are alot worse that anything chris moyles will ever come out with|?

Although that is a valid arguement, Doric can't really help with what other kids say at school but he can stop tuning in to Radio 1, That is what i don't understand.

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are you that stupid to think your 15 year old girl isn't exposed to words and phrases at school that are alot worse that anything chris moyles will ever come out with|?


Well that is kind of my point. The BBC (radio 1) seems little different to the school playground these days. But somehow I don't think there will be a loutish fifteen stone bloke twice her age who will muse about deflowering her, or maybe there is, I really don't know.


But I don't expect the BBC to thrust the seedier side of life over the airwaves..


here's a clip for you,



I would be realy stupid not torealise that the bloke is paid a fortune because lots of people apparently want to listen to him. I simply can't understand why and can only think it is because he is 'naughty'. Mebe it is a primal thing, like some babies mess their nappies on purpose because it annoys their parents. Naughty.


I really don't know anymore



Modey, I can't really control what my children listen to. And as I keep trying to say, I really do expect the BBC to broadcast material that is of a higher standard than it is. Listen to the clip again. :(

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Modey, I can't really control what my children listen to. And as I keep trying to say, I really do expect the BBC to broadcast material that is of a higher standard than it is. Listen to the clip again. :(


yes but that is one thing you can control yet you still choose to listen to him, that's what i can't understand.


as i've said, people know what sort of material to expect from chris moyles, i personally don't actually think its that bad but for anyone that does there is always terry wogan and ken bruce on radio 2.


i just don't get people that complain when they hear a naughty word on a show like his :unsure:


and as for the clip its the first time i've heard that and yes he shouldn't be saying that but that was a slip of the tonge and all the time i've been listening to him i have never heard him swear on air.


if he was using lanuague like that every day you migh have a fair point.

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Sorry to go on a bit, but anyway . . . ..


He does give an apology.

So that's alright then is it?


Although in fact the rest of the recording he does spend about two minutes apologising profusely and did seem a bit embarrassed.



yes but that is one thing you can control yet you still choose to listen to him, that's what i can't understand.


I don't listen to him at all but I won't tell others, especially my family, what they can and can't listen to. But now and again, I will inevitably hear bits of the show. Perhaps I should calm down and listen to the show more and maybe I will see satire instead of cheap shock, but I somehow don't think so.


The thing is, I am truly amazed that this sort of thing is what we take as entertainment these days. I am not suggesting we should all be sat around a crystal set listening to Dick Barton or The London Synmphony Orchestra, but what the BBC Radio 1 prime time breakfast broadcast provides this past 15 years can hardly be seen as entertainment progress - can it?

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So when we all start being oh so naughty because it is considerd the norm, where do we go from there? If the BBC can't uphold some sort of standard - and it most certainly can't - then who can?


Well first of all Doric you have used some choice expressions yourself in this very thread. Presumably you will not allow your daughter to read the Manx Forums. I have news for you there are many young people who do.

Secondly, do I understand you to be saying the BBC should hold responsibility as arbiter of public standards or respectability ? If that is what you are saying I would suggest you are quite wrong and have misunderstood the role of public broadcaster. Surely the BBC, as a public broadcaster, follows the mores of society rather than drives them ?

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