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Moyles Faces Radio Ban After Calling Women


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Well first of all Doric you have used some choice expressions yourself in this very thread. Presumably you will not allow your daughter to read the Manx Forums. I have news for you there are many young people who do.


Secondly, do I understand you to be saying the BBC should hold responsibility as arbiter of public standards or respectability ? If that is what you are saying I would suggest you are quite wrong and have misunderstood the role of public broadcaster. Surely the BBC, as a public broadcaster, follows the mores of society rather than drives them ?


Your first point and as I have said, I don't dictate who should listen to what, especially my family. But when the BBC - as a paid institution with public money - decides to drop the standard of what it broadcasts throughout then I am concerned.


That kind of answers your second point too doesn't it but to go further, when you consider that the BBC broadcasts throughout the World it really does represent the licence paying public. OK so the World Service and Jenny Green etc don't titter on about matters such as "inspecting rusty bullet holes" and the like, as Mark and Lard used to find so amusing to the nth degree, but the organisation is a representative of the British. And as far as the British Broadcasting Corporation is concerned that is you and me too, our kid.


As for

follows the mores of society rather than drives them ?
Only in your dreams. It is one of those art-life-art-life things isn't it. Next time you are on a bus say, with loads of school kids ask yourself if the language they use such as all the "I was like soooo, you know...what!!" coupled with the splattering of various '4 letter words' words, more akin to the language you used as a child or more akin to what they have picked up from their heroes on the TV and Radio. Broadcasting is a very powerful medium but I think you knew that anyway.



And for the avoidance of doubt, unlike the BBC, the person known as Doric has never and never will charge people for lauding his opinions that he broadcasts on manxforums and indeed anywhere else on the WWW. Although I will strive to keep within the standards set by the moderators of this forum.


Oh, does anyone remember the days of the forum swear filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?

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Sorry to go on a bit, but anyway . . . ..


He does give an apology.

So that's alright then is it?


Although in fact the rest of the recording he does spend about two minutes apologising profusely and did seem a bit embarrassed.


He knew he was in the wrong and he apologised accordingly, Mistakes happen live on air, You watch any live tv program and mistakes happen and some of them have sworn by accident!

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Mistakes happen live on air, You watch any live tv program and mistakes happen and some of them have sworn by accident!

Whatever happened to the '7 second delay' so that they could cut out swear words etc. usually from people phoning in. Surely they could apply the same technology for presenters to get rid of the odd accidental swear word. Anyway - what's the legal problem if the words in the Oxford English Dictionary.

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Your first point and as I have said, I don't dictate who should listen to what, especially my family. But when the BBC - as a paid institution with public money.


And how many Million listen to radio 1?, I imagine plenty enough to pay for broadcasting etc.


Oh, does anyone remember the days of the forum swear filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?


People used to bypass the swear filter by putting *'s and people knew exactly what somebody wrote, It wasn't exactly rocket science guessing to letters.

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Oh, does anyone remember the days of the forum swear filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?


Yes, and I remember people bypassing it with BB code or using numbers to form words like sh1t, which made it pointless. I also remember the week or so after it, certain people abused the fact that there was none, but now, nobody uses it gratuitously, just like we hoped.


Although what really made me laugh was the one person who flounced off in a self righteous, moralistic stomp, professing that they weren't going to post here anymore because standards had slipped so much... only to then continue posting under another account they'd registered a while back. They still post here now. Whatever respect I may have had for that poster disappeared right there and then.


Oh, and I love to hear people say 'Did you hear that rude pig Moyles this morning? I listened to his whole show and he was so offensive. I'm going to listen to it tomorrow to see how far he goes then!'. Idiots.

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I remember when there was talk of the swear filter being removed and at first I was against it, But reading through other threads it was clear that as ans said people just bypassed it, In the end I said I didn't want a filter because it really didn't make a difference.

People still put 1's in place of i's and people also put a $ instead of an s, Maybe they are trying in some strange way being polite or just don't know the filters been removed!

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just don't know the filters been removed!


That just shows how much difference not having one has made to the average post if people don't even know they can.

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Personally, I think the world is going crazy, we can't do anything nowadays without getting in trouble. I mean, people should get over themselves - its not as if words can physically hurt someone. They're just trying to convince themselves the world is wish-washy, when in reality it isnt.


If I go down the street, I hear constant swearing and cursing, but I don't run to the police station and tell on people! Suppose it gives moaners something to do with their lives.

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I love moyles, he's the reason I get up in the morning :), but i can't stand people who complain about the simplest of things that are obviously meant as a joke.


In the last year 7 complaints have been filed, SEVEN! If an average of 1 million people listen to the show per day, (I'm guessing with figures), then the complaint rate for a year of broadcasting is 0.0000019% and in my book thats pretty good?!


Here is the full clip of Moyles swearing

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I love moyles, he's the reason I get up in the morning :), but i can't stand people who complain about the simplest of things that are obviously meant as a joke.


In the last year 7 complaints have been filed, SEVEN! If an average of 1 million people listen to the show per day, (I'm guessing with figures), then the complaint rate for a year of broadcasting is 0.0000019% and in my book thats pretty good?!


Here is the full clip of Moyles swearing


That clips shows that he was clearly sorry, How can anyone complain about that!


7 complaints! in total?, What is the world coming to!, 7 complaints against the millions and millions that listen every year!

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Isn't it missing the point to compalin about what you and your kids listened to together? if so, you are capable of controlling that.




equally, shouldn't the real worry be what kids could have listened to on their own?

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equally, shouldn't the real worry be what kids could have listened to on their own?


As has been said, There is nothing worse said on Radio 1 than in the school playground, Kids will listen to what they want to anyway, very little you can do to stop that.

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ans has a good point about the filter; had no real impact whatsoever. I actually find I get used to typing stuff like what the eff and sh1t and stuff and it's just habit now to get round the work filthcatcher a bit like how language should develop i suppose. On moyles, I can see a sort of point- personally think his best stuff's the comedy items, the funny stuff early in the morning while I'm a bit more hacked off by the increasing whinging he's doing, just don't want to hear too much negativity in the a.m you know! don't give an eff about the effin and jeffin tho- forgot all about those bullet holes! magic- mr methane on mark and lard anyone?

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Obviously I have no control over what my children hear or say at school. At home, however, it's a different matter and there are certain words and expressions that I simply will not tolerate the use of in my home. Therefore, as the Radio 1 early show has little respect for it's younger audience, it is not listened to in our house.

PS: By the same token, if someone had cause to complain about the language used by my kids, the kids would be severely sanctioned.

PPS: I did not approve of the swear filter being removed and think a lot of the energy has disappeared from the forums with it - it was enjoyable to watch the initiative being shown in trying to by-pass it!

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