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Moyles Faces Radio Ban After Calling Women


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As has been said, There is nothing worse said on Radio 1 than in the school playground, Kids will listen to what they want to anyway, very little you can do to stop that.


I accept the point but your post gives me the opportunity to again point out (and no one seems to want to reply to this point) that in the school playground my fifteen year old daught (AFAIK) doesn't have a 15 stone bloke who is twice her age leering about another 15 year old girl and broadcasting how he would like to deflower her. Thinkk about that one and reconcile it if you would.



I raised the point about the swear filter on the forum and agree that we have found it seems to have made little effect, but why was there ever considered a need for a swear filter in the first place?

Why did Moyles, in the full clip provided by EthnicTom spend so much of his time profusely apologising and backsliding. Perhaps he should have stood by his guns and just carried on? Even he must have known that for whatever reason, he had overstepped a mark. Nice to hear him squirm a bit though.


On a slightly different point, I think most people still use 'sh1t', 'fcuk' etc to emphasise that they are swearing but don't really want to just casually use such language. Its a kind of swear filter in reverse and seems to be put to good use on this forum!




It looks like I have become a bit of a whipping boy on this thread. I appreciate the replies and stand by all I have said but I don't expect the world to suddenly stop using needless foul language 'cos Doric made a few posts on a forum



ans, I hope it wasn't me that did the 'Forum Flounce' when the swear filter was last discussed! :unsure:

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If it helps ... I can see exectly where you are coming from. Haven't got time to make a post right now - might do later but in short - Chris Moyles and others are icons to some of our kids (and not so kids). I've listened to his show vey occasionally and am always disappointed with what I hear. As more and more bad language and derogitory terms become every day useage it seems to become more and more acceptable.


I love to swear - I have a filthy tongue in my head and can rip the best of people to shreds with my comments. But I'd like to think I had a little more respect for my fellow human beings than to broadcast them to millions of people or even on the street where they might be heard by people who would be upset to hear them.


It's surely all to do with respect. And 'respect' in the true sense of the word seems to have got lost somewhere.

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I accept the point but your post gives me the opportunity to again point out (and no one seems to want to reply to this point) that in the school playground my fifteen year old daught (AFAIK) doesn't have a 15 stone bloke who is twice her age leering about another 15 year old girl and broadcasting how he would like to deflower her. Thinkk about that one and reconcile it if you would.


It's a shitty point, that's why. You're kidding yourself if you think that kind of stuff isn't already going on in the playground right now. She has boys of all ages doing just that, and worse.


but why was there ever considered a need for a swear filter in the first place?


It's turned on by default with the forum software. We never made a conscious decision to have one, it was just there.

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. . oh, so it was me then :blink:



so about the swear filter. Why was there ever a need for a swear filter in the first place? And switched on by default?

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equally, shouldn't the real worry be what kids could have listened to on their own?


As has been said, There is nothing worse said on Radio 1 than in the school playground, Kids will listen to what they want to anyway, very little you can do to stop that.



Do you really think the output of a publicly subsidised broadcaster should be brought down to the levels of what kids can hear in the school yard?


Broadcasters have responsibilities.


I'm sure people would be up in arms (or picking up weapons / going to the police) if teachers, sports coaches (or the adult world at large) started going round referring to *children* in the same or similar terms as Moyles did about Charlotte Church.


I don't see there's a difference. Unless of course, you find him really funny.

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I said before that what he said about Charlotte Church was totally wrong but that was just one silly moment of his.

Yes he could be 15 stone or maybe more but what does his weight have anything do with things, Its doesn't make him any less of a person.


Doric, ans has already said the swear filter is switched on by default, It comes with the forum software, I don't think you can actually get rid of the swear filter, Its eithier on, restricted or off.

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Sorry to sound obtuse, I suppose it comes with the avatar.


But my point about the swear filter was that why should the software designers put it there in the first place, not just for manxforums but for anyone using it in the world. and why is it 'on' by default.


I would suggest that it is because there are certain reasonable standards in any society. We may not all agree with them, but they are there.




The 15 stone thing is obviously not directly relevant but was put there by way of illustrating a point. I can edit those 15 stone references out if you want, but the point still stands. If Moyles had not been 'told off' for that remark then he would have continued to 'push the envelope' to extremes. Where would it all stop. Perhaps those '7' people or .00001% or whatever it was who did complain were right to do so.


I do sound like I am harping on a bit much here, but can you imagine a teacher talking to his mates down the pub about his girl pupils in such a manner. Although I have to say I have heard such a conversation and it sent a shiver down my spine. I know the bloke and he knows I know. At this stage of the post I think I should lighten up a bit :(

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The swear filter discussion was done in November last year. Sorry you feel the need to drag it back up again now but we're very happy with the decision that was taken and the outcome. Please drop the subject.

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The 15 stone thing is obviously not directly relevant but was put there by way of illustrating a point. I can edit those 15 stone references out if you want, but the point still stands. If Moyles had not been 'told off' for that remark then he would have continued to 'push the envelope' to extremes. Where would it all stop. Perhaps those '7' people or .00001% or whatever it was who did complain were right to do so.


If the 15 stone thing isn't relevant then why did you feel the need to mention it so many times, You clearly made it seem that because he was 30 odd and over weight it made what he said twice as worse.


I do sound like I am harping on a bit much here, but can you imagine a teacher talking to his mates down the pub about his girl pupils in such a manner. Although I have to say I have heard such a conversation and it sent a shiver down my spine. I know the bloke and he knows I know. At this stage of the post I think I should lighten up a bit :(


Maybe the teacher should be told off aswell, I'm not saying what Moyles did was right and I think people had a right to complain about that, But that was a one off.

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but the organisation is a representative of the British. And as far as the British Broadcasting Corporation is concerned that is you and me too, our kid.

You are mistaken my friend. There is nothing in the BBC charter to position it as "a representative of the British". You might do better to rely on your senses and observe the organisation, in fact, strives to be representative of the British. A subtle difference.

As for
follows the mores of society rather than drives them ?
Only in your dreams.

Not so. The mindless drivel you are referring to is specific to one channel. The format of the channel was adopted in an attempt to claw back some of the listeners the BBC light programme had lost to other broadcasters. I would argue this is a model case of an organisation following the mores of society rather than driving them.

It is one of those art-life-art-life things isn't it. Next time you are on a bus say, with loads of school kids ask yourself if the language they use such as all the "I was like soooo, you know...what!!" coupled with the splattering of various '4 letter words' words, more akin to the language you used as a child or more akin to what they have picked up from their heroes on the TV and Radio. Broadcasting is a very powerful medium but I think you knew that anyway.

Doric, every generation has had its very own "youth speak". Long may it continue. Buy yourself an old copy of the Who's "Talking bout my generation" to remind yourself this was the case long before you and I appeared on the scene.

And for the avoidance of doubt, unlike the BBC, the person known as Doric has never and never will charge people for lauding his opinions that he broadcasts on manxforums and indeed anywhere else on the WWW. Although I will strive to keep within the standards set by the moderators of this forum.

Oh, does anyone remember the days of the forum swear filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?

I think you have missed the point here. It strikes me as strange you should be on the one hand bemoaning the coarse comments you have heard on radio 1 then on the other hand resort to expressions such as "shag". It strikes me that you are being inconsistent or just ever so slightly hypocritical. On the other hand it may be something you picked up from the radio !

Its obvious you have been offended by what you perceive as low broadcasting standards. You are fully entitled to hold an opinion on the BBC and its standards. Your best course of action is to write a complaint to the appropriate body. However, you are quite wrong to argue the BBC should be driving the mores of contemporary society. Its a role it isnt suited to and which anyhow has no remit to attempt.

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It was far easier when people just simply ignored me but . . . . . .




I did not resort to the word "shag". I was explaining a Chris Evans hilarious moment back in the mid 90s thus:


It was a only a few years before that, that I had to explain what his ginger predecessor meant when he did a sketch where he asked Carol Vorderman for a "shag" (The sketch went "can I have a consonant Carol . . . . can I have a vowel please Carol...can I have a shag please Carol).


Now, believe it or not, I actually did write to the BBC about that one. I told them about my primary school aged daughter asking me what Chris Evans meant by a shag. (Incidentally little Harriet* used to watch Countdown and was a deal better than me or anyone else I knew). I think she realised what he meant but just didn't find the ginger get funny.


The BBC wrote back alright. On the lines of


Dear Mr Doric,


We are sorry you are not happy with Chris Evans' show. Many people enjoy his show.


Yours sincerely




And that was it.


I still have that letter. I promise you.



*name changed blah blah blah

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It was far easier when people just simply ignored me but . . . . . .

I did not resort to the word "shag". I was explaining a Chris Evans hilarious moment back in the mid 90s thus:


Yes you did and you have repeated it again! You have also posted in a similar vein in the thread about political correctness.

I think you are totally missing the point that you, yes you yourself !!, are using exactly the sort of language and expressions that you are complaining about when used by Mr Moyles.

Where is the logic in that ?

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I don't like Moyles and refuse to put Radio 1 on while he is on. I don't think he is pushing any boundries with his swearing or sexist comments as it's all been done before but I believe that he thinks he is. I much prefer local stations to be honest. 3fm or Energy and I like texting in for the comps.

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