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Close The Pubs On Sundays


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Speaking from personal experience, I've found that any drinking session on a Sunday usually starts a lot earlier and hence concludes a lot earlier too so you're usually passed out in your pit a long time before you would be on a Friday night when you spent the day working.


This meant more sleep and I felt a lot better on Monday morning than I did on Saturday.


Maybe you need to stop hiring tax dodging potato farmers?

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I think you must have a problem with the quality of the staff you have, I can’t remember the last time I had a problem with the Monday club lot. In fact if someone is going on a heavy night they usually book the next day off as a holiday.

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I think you must have a problem with the quality of the staff you have, I can’t remember the last time I had a problem with the Monday club lot. In fact if someone is going on a heavy night they usually book the next day off as a holiday.


What is the Monday Club (your words), why do we never here of that term being used for any other day of the week.

Why are the unions fighting to stop employers from testing employees who are thought to be under the influence of drink in the work place. Yet if the employee is injured at work and is under the influence of alcohol its the employer that ends up in court for allowing the person to work.

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I don't bother drinking much before a work day and most of the people in my office don't really seem to either.


I don't mind going to work but I don't want to have to sit there with a hangover and I never, ever skive so getting pissed isn't an option really.


Nothing personal dude but I'd say if the staff are turning up with rotten hangovers or skiving/taking 'sick holidays' then it's only because they're being allowed to get away with it. It sounds to me as if you just need to put your foot down a bit.


How? Dunno, not my problem I'm afraid but as I say we don't seem to have a problem with it so it's certainly do-able.

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Start giving out verbal and written warnings to the persistent offenders. If that's what they're doing then they're taking the xxxx aren't they? I know I wouldn't get away with it (I wouldn't want to anyway- but that's another issue...) Dock wages for unauthorised absences etc etc - they'll soon take the hint I'm sure.


Edited to add - PS. Closing the pubs on Sundays is a little extreme no? I don't particularly drink but do like the having the freedom of choice that should I want to, I can.

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I used to play a lot of snooker and Sunday afternoon was always a good time to practice as there was always someone looking for a game. The place I frequented was a popular haunt for a lot of people in the building trade and they used to be in there playing pool and darts or watching the football. They all liked a drink and they used to get pretty wasted but, without fail, I'd always see them all the following day on their way to work.


My suggestion to you is to find yourself some staff that can handle their drink better as you're unlikey to find many people in your trade that don't like a Sunday afternoon/night drink. Ditch the lightweights and get some heavyweights in. :D

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Surely they only have a certain number of sick days they can take? If they're doing this every week give them the boot.


Closing the pubs on Sundays is pretty moronic. I don't like football so that's not a problem for me, but perhaps I'd like to go out and have several beers on a Sunday with my friends? Tescos it is then....

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I remember when the pubs were only open on a Sunday during the holiday season. The hours were something like 12:00 to 1:30pm and in the evening 8:00 to 10:00pm.


During the winter the pubs were closed all day Sunday.


Without wanting to be thought of as looking through those rose tinted spectacle things, I believe the pubs closing on a Sunday was a good thing for our Island. It gave the publicans a day off for a start. There was still a good social life but it didn’t revolve round alcohol. For example, from the deep south we would pile in cars and on motorbikes and go to the big city of Douglas for the evening to watch the pictures.


Give FRMC some credit here, the problem of Monday absenteeism is rife. There are very many people on our Island who are less fortunate than some on this forum, in that they are unable to control their drinking. They get pished on a Sunday and have a hangover day on the Monday.


Incidentally, I’ve yet to find anyone who wanted the derestricted licensing hours, although I bet the Brewery wanted it. ££££££££££££.


“Close The Pubs On Sunday”. I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of people would go for that.

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