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Close The Pubs On Sundays


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Or maybe I pay them the right money and can afford to take a day off, You may think Im dim Ass sorry I mean Ans, but the lights are off in your world.


Hey, it's not me that has my employees taking the xxxx out of me ;)

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We only seem to have the problem of the Monday club during the football season. I to like a beer or two, but I also have to turn in every day. The old Sunday opening hours were good, it gave you the chance to get a couple of pints and a chat with the lads, read the papers without the kids screaming down your neck, and then off home for the big Sunday Dinner, the one the wife had been preparing all morning. I wonder how many Sunday dinners end up in the bin or are reheated in the microwave. Would the Big Beer Companies be as involved with sponsorship of Football if games could only be played on a Saturday, I dont think so cos the pubs are busy on that day.

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When I was working this summer people would either come in late or be off on Mondays, but a lot of them weren't at places that showed football or anything, they were just out with their mates getting pissed. I don't think sky is to be blamed (they do some quality broadcasting, sometimes) but the boozing culture in general.


I personally don't go out on Sundays unless it's a bank holiday because I don't have anyone to socialise with out here in the sticks and my mates have work the next day so I couldn't stay anywhere. Perhaps you should just tell your employees to stop getting pissed or to look for another job. I can't believe you tolerate it so much.

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Incidentally, I’ve yet to find anyone who wanted the derestricted licensing hours, although I bet the Brewery wanted it. ££££££££££££.


“Close The Pubs On Sunday”. I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of people would go for that.


Of course, with 'derestricted' hours, any pub can close all day Sunday.

You don't hear of many willing to close their cash registers for so long though.

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Incidentally, I’ve yet to find anyone who wanted the derestricted licensing hours, although I bet the Brewery wanted it. ££££££££££££.


“Close The Pubs On Sunday”. I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of people would go for that.


Of course, with 'derestricted' hours, any pub can close all day Sunday.

You don't hear of many willing to close their cash registers for so long though.


That's a good point. As long as people are willing to get pished and hungover there's a market. The ££££s are controlling our alcohol society.


As alcohol is an extremely powerful and potentially harmful substance I find it bizarre that our government isn't regulating the industry better.


Take a walk down Strand Street or the Promenade on a weekend evening. I often wonder if all those people actually want to be that drunk. Only very few seem to be having a good time. The rest seem to be hooked into spending their money on "a good night out" and a hangover.

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After reading all of the above, thought this would be better placed here.



A guy works at a new job on Thursday and Friday. On Monday he calls in and says, "I can't come in today. I'm sick."


He worked the rest of the week, but the following Monday he calls in and says, "I can't come in today. I'm sick." The boss asks the foreman about him, and the foreman says, "He's great. He does the work of two men. We need him."


So the boss calls the guy into his office, and says, "You seem to have a problem getting to work on Mondays. You're a good worker and I'd hate to fire you. What's the problem? Anything we can help you with? Drugs? Alcohol?"


The guy says, "No, I don't drink or do drugs. But my brother-in-law drinks every weekend, and then beats on my sister. So every Monday morning, I go over to make sure she's all right. She puts her head on my shoulder and cries, one thing leads to another, and the next thing you know, I'm her one."


The boss says, "You scr*w your sister?"


The guy says, "Hey, I told you I was sick."

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The old Sunday opening hours were good, it gave you the chance to get a couple of pints and a chat with the lads, read the papers without the kids screaming down your neck, and then off home for the big Sunday Dinner, the one the wife had been preparing all morning. I wonder how many Sunday dinners end up in the bin or are reheated in the microwave.

You really are unbelievable.
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..........and then off home for the big Sunday Dinner, the one the wife had been preparing all morning. I wonder how many Sunday dinners end up in the bin or are reheated in the microwave.

Ah yes the good old days. Unfortunately nowadays women seem incapable of synchronising meal times with the leisure times of their menfolk.

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....and then off home for the big Sunday Dinner, the one the wife had been preparing all morning. I wonder how many Sunday dinners end up in the bin or are reheated in the microwave.

You're a bloody corker you! Is this the Sunday Dinner that the wife had been preparing all morning whilst she was chained to the kitchen sink, looking after the screaming kids, with a mop up her arse mopping the kitchen floor at the same time as doing the ironing........whilst the neanderthal husband was having a bit of peace and quiet at the pub with the lads???? If I was married to a man with that attitude I'd be binning him nevermind the Sunday Roast.

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You're a bloody corker you!  Is this the Sunday Dinner that the wife had been preparing all morning whilst she was chained to the kitchen sink, looking after the screaming kids, with a mop up her arse mopping the kitchen floor at the same time as doing the ironing.....

Maybe FCMR has raised a valid point though Minnie.

Nature has dictated that the male is the provider, the hunter/gatherer, the dominant half of the male/female relationship. While the man is out grafting all week to provide for his brood, it is the womans role to look after the young, to keep the nest clean and to ensure the man is provided with adequate reward when he returns from his labours (surely it's not that difficult?). A chap needs to relax and wind down a little at the weekend.

It shouldn't be too taxing for a woman to make sure her man is fed and watered, as and when required.

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FMCR wrote


Hanging over the side because they are to pissed to cling on.

Does the IOM have an alcohol abuse problem or not.

Has family life improved with Sunday Drinking.

Do we not have an absenteeism problem in the work place because of alcohol abuse.

How many that have replied to this post are employers.


If you think everyone on the Island is a p.iss head whatever possessed you to start a business here in the first place?

The Isle Of Man doesn't have any more or any less an alcohol problem than anywhere else in the world for that matter.

Everywhere in the world has a problem with absenteeism.

If you are so sure your staff are having time off due to consuming excessive alcohol, might I suggest, as others have suggested in this thread, that you just sack them or pay them less so they can't afford to drink exuberant amounts over the weekend.

That would be to easy though wouldn't it, instead you would rather come onto this forum and whinge and whine about it.

I can assure you that nobody on here gives a toss about your business, infact if you don't like the way people are on this Island, why don't you do yourself and us a favor and get the boat in the morning and start your business in a perfect place were people don't drink, are never sick and are never off work, Oh and somewhere you can get parked all the time.

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