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Wanna Ride On The Death Bus?


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The country that executed more than four times as many convicts as the rest of the world combined last year is slowly phasing out public executions by firing squad in favor of lethal injections. Unlike the United States and Singapore, the only two other countries where death is administered by injection, China metes out capital punishment from specially equipped "death vans" that shuttle from town to town.




Those crazy Chinamen :)

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Rather worryingly efficient, that...


I think this statment is wrong, btw:

Unlike the United States and Singapore, the only two other countries where death is administered by injection

Thailand has adopted that method as well now - before that, it was 'death by shooting', with as little as two hours notice before you were introduced to the weapon of choice, which used to be a Heckler & Koch 9mm submachine gun


On the day of execution, the prisoner was taken from their cell and photographed and fingerprinted. They were then taken to the execution chamber and handcuffed to a cross like wooden frame with their back to the machine gun, 4 meters behind them. A white cloth blindfold is applied and the hands tied with a sacred Buddhist cord. Flowers are hung from the prisoner’s hands as an offering to Buddha and a canvas screen is pulled between the condemned and the gun. A target is fixed onto the screen level with the prisoner’s heart and the gun aimed at the centre of the target. The executioner takes up his position, watching another member of the execution team who raises a red flag, and on the signal from the prison governor, the flag is dropped and the executioner fires a fully automatic burst of 15 rounds into the victim’s heart.


Nice to know they have switched to a more 'humane' method now :blink:

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