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Drive Kill Walk Away

manx driver

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Gladys having been through one of these cases with a bereaved family I dont believe you or anybody else unless they are personally involved have the knowledge to make any judgement whatsoever on the sentence etc.

What you as an outsider is able to glean from the media or gossip dosent cover 10% of the actual facts and actions after the event.

Yes you may have read in the paper how these lads were remorceful etc but remember lawyers will say anything they can to get some sympathy from the courts and reduce their clients sentence.

In the tragic case I was involved in I have absolutely zero sympathy for the driver or his family and that is because of the FACTS.

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Thank you BOM, but I don't think I have made any judgement on any of the specific sentences (apart from the Duffy case). What I have done is post my own, hopefully objective, thoughts on the matter. Lack of specific knowledge of any of the cases does not prevent anyone from having a view on the matter in general.


You have had the benefit (if that isn't the wrong word to use in these circumstances) of having full knowledge of one case, and for that I am very sorry. But that does not place you in any better position to make comment on this topic in general terms than anyone else, or to demand that others do not comment.


You are also making a huge assumption that I am an outsider.

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Billy, with respect to Gladys, she has portrayed an open mind in her posts.


Until such a time (if ever) more details are made public (as I advocated earlier) we only have the gossip and media summaries to form opinions from.


Opinions have to be voiced and formed in order that we can 'learn', it's the source and detail of the data that should be questioned.

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"A driving licence is a privilege, not a right. It comes with responsibilities"


I for one agree and am planning on taking my advanced test some time in the near future .... @ £85 for a 10 week course I belive it an excelent idea to teach people how to drive.... and imho it should be compulsery any where in the UK.


I'm not that old yet in the few years of driving I have seen a definate diffrence in traffic & styles.


Whether this would have helped in this case I don't know - it would certainly helped suvival rates in terms of safer driving in dangerous conditions....



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