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Horse Trams

Roger Smelly

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If my Jack were still with us he would be so upset to see some of the sentiments expressed in this subject coming up again.


As well as being an avid bus and train spotter, Jack loved the electric and horse trams on the Island.


When it was rate paying day he used to stride into the rates office and demand - in a friendly sort of way if you know what I mean - to see the Rates Manager. The person who appeared was then told by my Jack in a mock officious voice, a decibel or two louder than his usual quiet manner:


"I am paying this rates bill under protest" and Jack would then look the startled manager straight in the eye" except that is, for the amount allocated for the Horse Trams. Long may we keep the Horse Trams!"


He would then count out the due rates in crisp twenty pound notes, wallet the receipt and clicking his heels sharp exit into Ridgeway Street. He did that, year in, year out without fail.


I often wonder if the rates office will miss Jack as much as our small circle of friends do in the Manx Bus, Train and Tram Spotting Association.


Of course he felt some of you lot on the forum were his friend too, but that is another story.

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th ehorse trams cost too much on the Douglas rates and the Council should simply have the guts to say that after another say 3 years they aren't going to fund them and if Dept Tourism or MNH belive they should continue then Govt shopuld pick up the tab on any operating deficit....and the Douglas rates should then be cut by the amount its been costing.

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I think I would have to agree with you on this one. The Govt. took the Villa Marina from the Corporation and they should consider the Horse Trams.


Perhaps things will run better and possibly more profitably under MNH. It would certainly seem to make sense although I am not sure what the politics are in this matter. Jack would have known though and he made many notes of the meetings he atended whenever the subject of trams etc were ever discussed at Govt or Corporation. I shall dig through his filing cabinet, but:


Whatever is best to secure the future of the Horse Trams

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If they moved the tracks onto the walkway, the walkway could be widened as the road would no longer need to be as wide. Maybe they should consider this when they get round to the reinforcing and resurfacing of the promenade carriageway they were talking about some years back.

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I love the horse tram, and would fight any attempt to withdraw or reduce the service tooth and nail. And I do use the trams as a regular means of transport - I mostly walk along the prom, but for longer journeys will always take the horse in preference to the bus.


On paper, the horse tram does generate a loss every year, as does the rest of the Victorian transport system. However, it's one of the attractions that brings many visitors to the island, whose spending on hotels, meals and souvenirs significantly boosts the local economy. So seen from a broader perspective, the horse trams may actually be a revenue generator.


However, since the whole island - and not just Douglas - potentially benefits from this additional income, I believe the trams should be subsidised by the Department of Tourism & Leisure, instead of all the running costs being borne by Douglas Corporation.

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1) Remove all subsidised car parking in Chester street car park

2) Remove all parking from seaward side of prom

3) Move tram track to seaward side of road with one passing loop instead of two tracks all the way.

4) Make landward side of Loch prom 30 minutes limit

5) Link all pedestrian crossing lights to operate at the same time with a fixed period between changes


In winter when trams are not running, allow pay & display diagonal parking back on seaward side of Loch prom

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Monorail, monorail, I say monorail :D


I've said it before and I'll say it again :D



Well, sir, there's nothing on earth

Like a genuine,

Bona fide,






Also it didn't seem to harm Ogdenville, North Haverbrook, and Brockway. Sir I think you have the perfect plan! :D

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5) Link all pedestrian crossing lights to operate at the same time with a fixed period between changes


How would that work?, So if one person wants to cross all the lights turn red?


Infact i'm confused about all your points!

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Why dont they get rid of the Horse Trams and have the electrict trams start the sea terminal LOL. The only thing stopping the prom from being resurfaced is the Tram line, resurfacing the prom would be a great excuse for the trams to be moved onto the seaside walkway. Why pay $20/$50 for a ride in florida getting splashed and attacked by plastic sharks when you can get spashed and hit by turds, Jonnys and pads for a few pound on a horse tram next to the seaside....sounds like bloody great fun.

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Why not have crossings going under the roads or even over the roads.

a) The water table is about 3 foot under the road surface


b) There isn't the space for the necessary 1 in 12 incline to give disabled access to a bridge.


c) promenade ( P ) Pronunciation Key (prm-nd, -näd)


A leisurely walk, especially one taken in a public place as a social activity.

A public place for such walking.

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If they moved the tracks onto the walkway, the walkway could be widened as the road would no longer need to be as wide. Maybe they should consider this when they get round to the reinforcing and resurfacing of the promenade carriageway they were talking about some years back.


Narrowing a major artery of road infrastructure, that's something I'd expect the DoT to come up with, not a rationale human being. :lol:


Nah certainly not a good idea, especially with parking at the side of the road.

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