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Horse Trams

Roger Smelly

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5) Link all pedestrian crossing lights to operate at the same time with a fixed period between changes


How would that work?, So if one person wants to cross all the lights turn red?


Infact i'm confused about all your points!


If it's a fixed period, then the pedestrians have no control as to when the lights change. What I think he's saying is that every, say, 90 seconds, all the lights change to red and people can cross at all places. No buttons to push.

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Plenty of room for a single track tramway along the underused walkway, funded by central Government, which would then allow increased density herringbone parking on the landward side of the prom.


Sorry folks, but cars are here to stay, and Douglas needs to accomodate them better.

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Yesterday I passed 4 horse trams when it was lashing down with rain and there wasn't one person on any of them. Perhaps they should come up with some way to "suspend" service when it is poor weather I can't imagine the the workers enjoy it much.


On the way back I stuck in a row of about 10 cars because there was a coach at the front of the queue which couldn't get through. So, so much for them being taught to drop back in order to let cars pass.

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Monorail, monorail, I say monorail :D


I've said it before and I'll say it again :D



Well, sir, there's nothing on earth

Like a genuine,

Bona fide,






Also it didn't seem to harm Ogdenville, North Haverbrook, and Brockway. Sir I think you have the perfect plan! :D

Do you know, this would make a great episode for the Simpsons :blink:

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Save costs - give the greedy buggers less hay.


And stop sending them on fancy holidays to Fields.


They have to do that to stop them going off the rails.....


(Yeah, okay, I'll leave)

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Plenty of room for a single track tramway along the underused walkway, funded by central Government, which would then allow increased density herringbone parking on the landward side of the prom.


Sorry folks, but cars are here to stay, and Douglas needs to accomodate them better.


Which underused walkway would that be? Not seen any on the Douglas Prom I live on.

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1) Remove all subsidised car parking in Chester street car park

2) Remove all parking from seaward side of prom

3) Move tram track to seaward side of road with one passing loop instead of two tracks all the way.

4) Make landward side of Loch prom 30 minutes limit

5) Link all pedestrian crossing lights to operate at the same time with a fixed period between changes


In winter when trams are not running, allow pay & display diagonal parking back on seaward side of Loch prom


For the benefit of anyone who is confused by simple logic, step 1 was to allow step 2 to happen, and step 2 was to allow step 3 to happen.

Only light where pedestrians had pressed the button would stop the traffic, and they would change at the same time.

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1) Remove all subsidised car parking in Chester street car park

2) Remove all parking from seaward side of prom

3) Move tram track to seaward side of road with one passing loop instead of two tracks all the way.

4) Make landward side of Loch prom 30 minutes limit

5) Link all pedestrian crossing lights to operate at the same time with a fixed period between changes


In winter when trams are not running, allow pay & display diagonal parking back on seaward side of Loch prom


For the benefit of anyone who is confused by simple logic, step 1 was to allow step 2 to happen, and step 2 was to allow step 3 to happen.

Only light where pedestrians had pressed the button would stop the traffic, and they would change at the same time.


I think i need idiot level type logic!, I still don't get it!


So if 1 person pressed the 1 button, All traffic would have to stop?

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1) Remove all subsidised car parking in Chester street car park

2) Remove all parking from seaward side of prom

3) Move tram track to seaward side of road with one passing loop instead of two tracks all the way.

4) Make landward side of Loch prom 30 minutes limit

5) Link all pedestrian crossing lights to operate at the same time with a fixed period between changes


In winter when trams are not running, allow pay & display diagonal parking back on seaward side of Loch prom


For the benefit of anyone who is confused by simple logic, step 1 was to allow step 2 to happen, and step 2 was to allow step 3 to happen.

Only light where pedestrians had pressed the button would stop the traffic, and they would change at the same time.


I think i need idiot level type logic!, I still don't get it!


So if 1 person pressed the 1 button, All traffic would have to stop?

That's a cracking idea! A panic button to shut down the whole prom

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If it were'nt for the horse trams there would be no home for old horses. In case you didnt know it has or was voted No. 1 tourist attraction


Sad aint it that that is the best we can offer to tourists but I guess thats another topic.

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If it were'nt for the horse trams there would be no home for old horses. In case you didnt know it has or was voted No. 1 tourist attraction


Sad aint it that that is the best we can offer to tourists but I guess thats another topic.


The horse home was voted our number 1 tourist attraction? Who were the voters?


Wacky stuff.....

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The tram runs from 1/5 - 30/9 .

5 months, 5/12 of the year.

Runs from 9 - 4. 7 hours, or 7/24 of the day.

Runs every 20 minutes, 1/3 of an hour.


So, for 10 /24ths of the year you have a 7/24ths chance of being on the prom at the same time as a tram. Then only for a third of an hour if you can't manage to squeeze your motor past and you have to travel the whole route behind a tram, (which is bloody unlikely no matter how pathetic a driver you are).

So the odds are roughly 59 million to one of you getting 'inconvenienced'.


How arrogant are you? What's the hurry FFS?


I travel the prom regularly in a 20 tonne, 11 metre long vehicle and can count on one hand the number of times I have coincided with a tram, let alone getting stuck behind one.


Get real, get out and get a life.


It's a bloody tourict attraction, like the London Eye, Blackpool trams, Falkirk wheel and Brighton Pier. It's not meant to make a profit in itself. It brings in punters for the fast diminishing holiday business.

Leave them alone or get a boat out. :angry:

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It's a bloody tourict attraction, like the London Eye, Blackpool trams, Falkirk wheel and Brighton Pier. It's not meant to make a profit in itself. It brings in punters for the fast diminishing holiday business.


..but the deficit shouldn't just be funded by Douglas ratepayers...


..I'm sure I've seen referenec to the Promenade roadway being re-surfaced etc in 2009?? has anyon eyet seen the plans?? Also, what's going to happen to the historic bits of road-way that visulayy document the various war time camps?

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