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No Speed Limit


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Yes, it would be interesting to see the results of the consultation.


Due to personal circumstances I had to move around during the consultation period (I all I stayed at 4 different addresses).


I didn't recieve a consultation document at any one of those addresses.


I would have voted no speed limit.

S'ok i voted 6 times :P gotcha covered B)

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Those of us who are celebrating 'people power' must now act responsibly to push the raft of alternatives that the SID group has suggested and prove to the next Transport Minister that better education, enforcement of curent laws and improved vehicle standards can make a significant difference to accident figures.


I think that is the point - I don't think that anyone arguing against the limit held the view that we should not do anything. It was just that the all Island limit was such a pathetic ineffectual solution.


Proper debates should continue and a whole range of options should be disgused properly and openly.

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5-demerits: There is a 60 speedlimit in force at this location at the moment


Nitro: That was for TT though or is it still in force?

Temporary speed limits for TT and MGP have defined time limits.


If the time period ends on the 13th June (for example) but the signs are still there on the 20th, the 'normal' year round limits apply from the 14th. (As long as a permanant Order hasn't been put in place to run from the 14th).



A18 Mountain Road (TT Course Creg-ny-Baa to Brandish) (Temporary Imposition of Speed Limit) (No 1) Order 2006 – the effect of which will be from Saturday 27 May 2006 to Tuesday 13 June 2006, to impose a speed limit of 60mph on the A18 Mountain Road from a point 350 metres northwest of Creg-ny-Baa Corner to a point 250 metres northwest of Brandish corner.


Transport Public Notices 9th May 2006


Edit: Link to DOT Page.

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Wonderful news.


I believe it was 70% against, but will have to wait for Minister Braidwood to speak in Tynwald on this. He declined to be interviewed on tomorrow morning's Mandate programme (again).


I don't believe the percentage is that high at all - it is believed to be more along the lines of 55 - 60%.


You may think it is wonderful news but full results when they are released will show that there is growing support for an all island speed limit.


The consultation was to guage peoples opinions on bringing in road safety improvements and if you supported 60 or 70mph speed limits on the mountain road.


The DOT have stated that the consultation was the first step in a number of road sefety improvements, and don't forget also that it was John Shimmin who started the all island speed limit debate and stated that another would be carried out a year later if accidents did not decrease, therefore Braidwood is carrying out those promises.


Also it is obvious that Braidwood would decline to be interviewed until the results are fully released and discussed in Tynwald.


Wait until the results are fully released to see what the exact percentages are.

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does anybody know the reason for re-limiting the speeds throughout the old castletown road?


the cops have been out in force with the speed guns hammering people for going over 30 in a re-limited section....


the only thing is if you drive at 30 it is a totally inappropriate speed for the road


how have they changed all the limits down there without an argument????


the limits were all changed whilst the consultation was being released.......



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Wonderful news.


I believe it was 70% against, but will have to wait for Minister Braidwood to speak in Tynwald on this. He declined to be interviewed on tomorrow morning's Mandate programme (again).


I don't believe the percentage is that high at all - it is believed to be more along the lines of 55 - 60%.


You may think it is wonderful news but full results when they are released will show that there is growing support for an all island speed limit.


The consultation was to guage peoples opinions on bringing in road safety improvements and if you supported 60 or 70mph speed limits on the mountain road.


The DOT have stated that the consultation was the first step in a number of road sefety improvements, and don't forget also that it was John Shimmin who started the all island speed limit debate and stated that another would be carried out a year later if accidents did not decrease, therefore Braidwood is carrying out those promises.


Also it is obvious that Braidwood would decline to be interviewed until the results are fully released and discussed in Tynwald.


Wait until the results are fully released to see what the exact percentages are.


How can we rely on the actual results anyway?


As far as I'm concerned the whole consultation was a joke. (and I bet I wouldn't be too far wrong by saying it was probably thrown out due to the fact that the results couldnt be relied on)


As stated in previous posts, a lot of people voted more than once where as others, myself included, didnt even get a form to complete.


As proved today, a speed limit will do very little if anything at all. I very much doubt the car that crashed this morning was going that fast (it would be interesting to see if they were trying to go around the corner at 50 in the rain as thats what the sign stated)


When I went home tonight and the road was unrestricted again then I didnt have the urge to try and take the corner faster than what I thought was safe.


I very much doubt any of the recent accidents were caused by not having a speed limit, but more likely down to careless, inexperienced, negligent drivers. ok I agree that high speed can make an accident worse, but then again so can not having a car with a 5 star safety rating.


I feel a speed limit would make the roads less safe, as since I was done for speeding in the above temporary speed limit, I have found myself looking more at my speedometer and not at the road..that cant be right can it?


People should be responsible for their own driving and shouldnt need a nanny state to tell them how they should do it.


Sorry for going on a bit, but it really annoys me when narrow minded people think that a speed limit is the answer to all our problems.

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Wonderful news.


I believe it was 70% against, but will have to wait for Minister Braidwood to speak in Tynwald on this. He declined to be interviewed on tomorrow morning's Mandate programme (again).


I don't believe the percentage is that high at all - it is believed to be more along the lines of 55 - 60%.


You may think it is wonderful news but full results when they are released will show that there is growing support for an all island speed limit.


The consultation was to guage peoples opinions on bringing in road safety improvements and if you supported 60 or 70mph speed limits on the mountain road.


The DOT have stated that the consultation was the first step in a number of road sefety improvements, and don't forget also that it was John Shimmin who started the all island speed limit debate and stated that another would be carried out a year later if accidents did not decrease, therefore Braidwood is carrying out those promises.


Also it is obvious that Braidwood would decline to be interviewed until the results are fully released and discussed in Tynwald.


Wait until the results are fully released to see what the exact percentages are.


Would be good to now see the energy that the DOT have ploughed into this ineffectual piece of opinion gauging, being directed towards finding proper solutions to the number of serious accidents.


As for whether there could be any serious conclusions drawn from the exercise; it was such an inexpertly drawn up questionnaire that placing any reliance on it (other than it confirming that people would like to see accidents reduced, even an idiot would agree, but not by a speed limit) would be chucking more good resource after bad!


Why would Braidwood feel that he was bound by the statements of intent of his predecessor, other than misguidedly thinking it would be a vote winner in an election year?


Yet another debacle by our elected, demonstrating their fundamental inability to read the will of the people they represent.

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does anybody know the reason for re-limiting the speeds throughout the old castletown road?


the cops have been out in force with the speed guns hammering people for going over 30 in a re-limited section....


the only thing is if you drive at 30 it is a totally inappropriate speed for the road


how have they changed all the limits down there without an argument????


the limits were all changed whilst the consultation was being released.......



Which part of the Old Castletown Road are you refering to?


1. Douglas Boundary (Nunnery) to Braddan Boundary (EFW Junction), or

2. Between Braddan Boundary (EFW Junction) to Ballasalla:


Speed Limit Orders


The Department gives notice that it has made the following Orders under Section 23(1)(a) and (B) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1985:-


1. BOROUGH OF DOUGLAS (SPEED LIMITS) (VARIATION) (NO 1) ORDER 2006 - the effect of which will be on and from Wednesday 19 April 2006, to impose a 40 mph speed limit on the Old Castletown Road between its junction with the Douglas Town/Braddan Parish Boundary.



2. RURAL ROADS (SPEED LIMITS) (AMENDMENT) (NO 1) ORDER 2006 – the effect of which will be on and from Wednesday 19 April 2006, to impose or amend (as the case may be) 30, 40 or 50 mph speed limits on the Old Castletown Road, in the Parishes of Braddan and Santon.


Copies of the Orders are available for inspection at the Department’s main reception desk on the ground floor at the Sea Terminal, Douglas, or the offices of Braddan or Santon Commissioners, by any person, free of charge, during normal office hours.


Source: DOT Public Notices



Edit: Remove the default b) smilie

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Glays: Would be good to now see the energy that the DOT have ploughed into this ineffectual piece of opinion gauging, being directed towards finding proper solutions to the number of serious accidents.

IOM Newspapers are all in favour of the speed limit with or without other measures being announced.


This week's Examiner bemoans the decision to drop the push for an All Island Limit in both the Comment and in John Quirk's section, they also carried out the infamous "2 cars drive the length of the Island" road test.


Note to IOM Newspapers: Why not make your next campaign one where a photographer is passenger in a car and takes photos of bad/dangerous driving which are then splashed on your front page without blurring out the registration numbers?


Alternatively wait until the pictures arrive in a press release <_<

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As you can imagine, the decision not to introduce a blanket limit (for now...) has been received well at SID HQ, and we're obviously quite happy about it, as it was our main aim.


But as pointed out quite rightly earlier, the focus now has to be set on pushing the suggested alternatives for improvements to road safety, and I still firmly believe that an alternative approach can work and that the Island has the unique chance to choose this path.


I also fear that the subject will raise its head again earlier than many of us would like....

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Of course it will.


And hopefully, if we elect some MHK's with principles and the cahoonas (!) to go with it, they won't bother with a half ass consultation excercise like this again.








They will just get on with it and introduce the limit.

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