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No Speed Limit


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Can i just say thanks to the couple of OAP's who over took a transit van on tower bends this afternoon and nearly hit me head on.And thanks for the cleaning bill that i was given for the skiddy pants when i sh.t myself.

Put some speed limits up, some speed limits down, a small driving test for OAP's every 5 years and signs saying thik twice before overtaking. Im not the safest driver in the world but atleast i think before i do things.

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Are you perhaps conceding it is a tad dangerous on Manx Roads at certain times ?

Yes it can be but speed is not always the issue.


Would that be because of people travelling at very high speeds ?


No, Driving to slow which happens far to offen on derestricted roads can cause just as many incidents, Do you in your infinite wisdom think it is right to travel at 40mph in a derestricted area but on entering a 30 mph zone continue at 40 mph because they think they are a great driver for travelling so slow.


All I am asking is how do we deal with a culture which accepts patently reckless and dangerous driving as reasonable ?

your not asking anything, you're pointing a finger at many different groups of people,


there are those who when they feel it is safe to do so they will drive that bit faster than others,


Then there are others that have scant disreguard for what the law says and are the reason plebs like you harp on about How we need a speed limit.

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Then there are others that have scant disreguard for what the law says and are the reason plebs like you harp on about How we need a speed limit.[/color]


First lets get over the insult then we can deal with your totally inaccurate statment.

There is little or nothing to be gained by throwing insults at people and there is something to lose.

For example, having read the insult you have directed at me, I have jumped to the conclusion you have

little to add to any reasoned discussion. So you have lost a little bit of credibility.

To deal with your inaccurate statement ... had you read the body of the thread, and understood it, you would have had little difficulty in concluding I am not a supporter of blanket speed limits.

I do, however, wonder how the Island is to deal with a culture which lacks perception to the extent that high speed driving, which is patently dangerous and reckless, is accepted as reasonable.

There is ample evidence of that culture in this thread and it is more than a little unsettling to count the frequency of arguments which perceive it reasonable to claim car drivers etc should know better than to be on the road during Mad Sunday !

For the avoidance of doubt we need to understand what is being argued here. The argument goes along the line of .. it is perfectly reasonable to travel on narrow roads at exceptionally high speeds. The problem is other road users not travelling fast enough. Those other road users should know better than to be on the roads....

Sorry guys, but there isnt another location in the world where such an argument would be accepted as reasonable. You would be laughed at. Its a totally unsustainable line of argument.

The problem for the Island is how do we deal with it?

Education Education Education ???

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Lonewolf, almost everywhere else in the world has limits and deaths, you cannot legislate against the (delete as applicable) Suicidals/Lunatics/Incompetents/Inconsiderates. The ONLY way to lower deaths and serious injuries on the Isle of Man is to FIND and CRUCIFY (not literally) those on the Manx roads who are on a one way trip to causing these types of accidents.


Camp known areas of bad driving, drag the above targets out of their cars kicking and screaming al the way to the court. Max the sentences and burn their licences. A couple of months of strong arm policing/justice will be a strong message that inappropriate use of your vehicle will NOT be tolerated.


I have a rusty dull edged knife available for the Courts if they wish to rent it.

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Lonewolf - I usually enjoy your posts, even if I don't agree with them.


So I'm guessing that "high speed driving, which is patently dangerous and reckless" isn't a criticism of high speed driving per se - just the examples of it which ARE dangerous and reckless??


I enjoy high speed driving when the conditions and circumstances allow - and I certainly don't consider myself to be reckless or dangerous.

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Ok - here is a interesting theory I heard in the pub the other night.


Braidwood has said a couple of times that he does not support a speed limit. If you opposed the speed limit and wanted to kill it off what would be a good way of doing it ?


How about spending some tax payers money to put out a slanted consultancy document that winds enough people up to make sure that the vote comes back opposing the speed limit but actually looks like you were trying to bring in a speed limit.


Then you put a speed camera in the wrong place so it clearly isn't going to get any public support.


In one move he has managed to get the results that supported his viewpoint, has managed to keep safety cameras away and has started up a highly motivated group of people in the form of SID.


Perhaps there is more to this than we thought....

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You want to cut the deaths on Manx roads ? Hears how!

Since the introduction of the 2 part test and "R" plates the death rate in youngsters has gone up so go back to the old system! Ban ABS,traction control,disc brakes and airbags make drivers THINK again !

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You want to cut the deaths on Manx roads ? Hears how!

Since the introduction of the 2 part test and "R" plates the death rate in youngsters has gone up so go back to the old system! Ban ABS,traction control,disc brakes and airbags make drivers THINK again !


Oh thats just genius..what a brilliant idea why didnt we all think of that.


Maybe we could introduce cholera and TB back in the public domain too which should help the overcrowding problem!!



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You want to cut the deaths on Manx roads ? Hears how!

Since the introduction of the 2 part test and "R" plates the death rate in youngsters has gone up so go back to the old system! Ban ABS,traction control,disc brakes and airbags make drivers THINK again !


Oh thats just genius..what a brilliant idea why didnt we all think of that.


Maybe we could introduce cholera and TB back in the public domain too which should help the overcrowding problem!!




Mind you, THINKING is beyond some people :)

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Tucker, taking techonology such as ABS/Airbags etc is one of the MOST stupid ideas I have heard in a long time. I personally hate ABS, and only own vehicles without it, this is a personal choice; but it is proven that technologies such as these prevent many deaths and serious injuries every year.


I support education for drivers, as discussed in the SID meetings, nobody is ever trained to drive over 40mph. You learn to drive in town, take your test in town, then are given the freedom of the unrestricted Island. Fill your car with your peers, add a loud stereo and away you go.


Not ideal really is it.

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nobody is ever trained to drive over 40mph

No driving lessons take place outside 30/40 zones at all?


Some go out to Glen Vine so that gives a chance to get up to 50 between Union Mills and there. Not really much experience though.

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nobody is ever trained to drive over 40mph

No driving lessons take place outside 30/40 zones at all?


And I hope it stays that way.


:rolleyes: Right so when it comes to a year on R plates and you don't actually know how to drive at more than 50mph thats a good thing?

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