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Gays Have 'mental Disorder'


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Well, according to the Pentagon, they do:


Pentagon Lists Homosexuality As Disorder


(AP) A Pentagon document classifies homosexuality as a mental disorder, decades after mental health experts abandoned that position.


The document outlines retirement or other discharge policies for service members with physical disabilities, and in a section on defects lists homosexuality alongside mental retardation and personality disorders.


Critics said the reference underscores the Pentagon's failing policies on gays, and adds to a culture that has created uncertainty and insecurity around the treatment of homosexual service members, leading to anti-gay harassment.......


Personally, I always thought the whole idea of joining the Army, only to get shot at in some foreign country where you shouldn't actually be, was pretty gay... Way to go, Mr Rumsfeld.

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Personally, I always thought the whole idea of joining the Army, only to get shot at in some foreign country where you shouldn't actually be, was pretty gay...


I guess nostalgia has a way of doing that to you! ;)



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Haha i think if you want to go and join the army you have to be a bit gay.


an all men organisation where you jump around in the mud with other men and fire blanks is something i would call gay fetish. :lol:


There has always been "Gays" as people like to put it, people are born gay it aint a a disorder.


Maybe these people have issues with it, i personally am live and let live. :o

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There has always been "Gays" as people like to put it, people are born gay it aint a a disorder.

Maybe these people have issues with it, i personally am live and let live. :o


Totally agree. I often wonder how I would react if my son, when he is grown, told me he is gay. I hope I would be supportive.


Haha i think if you want to go and join the army you have to be a bit gay.

an all men organisation where you jump around in the mud with other men and fire blanks is something i would call gay fetish. :lol:

Trouble with that one Roger is ..you wouldnt be here posting your thoughts if the Brit armed forces hadnt made sacrifices to make sure you can.

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Such enlightened debate.


From my undoubtedly biased opinion and also maybe showing my own pretenses I thought it was generally working-class, heterosexual guys from deprived backgrounds who mainly volunteer for the army. Especially those with a overly strong liking for guns and having an unquestionably strong love of their country.


Its such a backward ruling though talking about mental retardation and personality disorder. Harkens back almost to the attitude of 'mental experts' on 'mental illness' just over a century ago. I would assume that any discharge would show the serviceman's discharge reason and would effectively 'out' him to anyone seeing it whether he liked it or not. Just shows how homophobic the American (and also all Military establishments) are. Maybe it is a way of preventing homosexuals from enlisting, though given American's need for troops I don't see how this could be the case, could be possible though. Nevertheless, if it not effectively challenged I hope it stops gay servicemen from enlisting, out of principle.

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Sad thing is that these service people are dying everyday for what ?


At least i can sleep at night, gay people are no less a person because of there sexuality.


I think we all need a bit of tolerance before we start flogging them at the local town squares.


Live and let live people.

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Gays have a mental disorder?,


They dont like romping around doing horizontal aerobics with young ladies, why they have gotta be mad :blink:


[ not a problem really cos for every gay guy there are more ladies for us other uns :D ]

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