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*you Are All Invited*

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Alright mucka’s! this Friday – its my next big 25th birthday bash at the Bushys Basement Bar (ha BBB at the BBB! – downstairs at the rovers for those of you who don’t know!).


Its going to be a very special night, lots of stuff lined up even a dance off at the end of the night!


Bands playing are



The Shakes (who are back on the rock and ready to roll!)


On A Friday (they are just fantastic!)


Uber Room (just got back from a showcase in HMV which they got moved up the bill to headline it! wicked!)




And im sure The Boo will have some fantastic cocktails and lethal concoctions ready for everyone to drink!




Be there for 8pm!

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I was going to come, and to see OAF too. But a bouncer/guy on the door just presumed my friend was underage and wouldn't let her in, and wouldn't even look at her ID! Bit of a story behind it but people shouldn't believe everything they're told!


Ah well glad it went great! :)

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