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This forum is clearly a microcosm of the entire planet.

Every possible opinion on every subject can be found.

One thread here where different people put forward totally opposing views on freedom of movement and "leave us alone" labour markets. Another in general chat about "leave us alone" housing markets and state intervention.

Wonderful :rolleyes:

The internet in a nutshell..I like it

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In the light of the mess the UK is in with illegal immigrants, surely the fact that this guy has been caught out and is likely to be swiftly deported makes the IOM look good.

Good point....

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3. The bible teaches that we should give back to God 10% of our income, this we should do first. Honour God with your finances by remembering that your money is actually God's money and His blessing to you. Christians the world over will say that they have not only been free from debt, but have also enjoyed prosperity as a result of following the simple act of giving 10% to God.
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3. The bible teaches that we should give back to God 10% of our income, this we should do first. .


Me thinks you might have found the real reason for his wish to save (ar)souls!


800 people at 10% of their income - thats a bucket load of cash to me. Even assuming a lowish annual income of around £15,000 each 800 times 10% is about £1.2m and I assume many would be higher earners in banking etc.


I wonder if he also set up the bank accounts and advised his flock on personal finances too? If you do a Google search the guy used to be a financial adviser in South Africa, it just sounds odd to me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

this in the FT today reminded me.....


Secondary trading in Islamic bonds promises earthly riches

By Gillian Tett

When bankers suddenly get interested in religion, it usually means one of two things. Either they are already so rich they no longer need to worry about earthly matters, like paying the bills, or they have spotted a way to factor the Almighty into a spreadsheet.



surely some mistake should mean one of three things.....

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  • 3 weeks later...



Pastor jailed over 'slave wages'


A church leader who illegally shipped South African workers to the Isle of Man and paid them "slave wages" has been jailed for three months.


Pieter Van Rooyen admitted breachimg immigration laws by providing false documents to help the building workers get through immigration controls.


The pastor claimed they were attending a business course when they were actually renovating his luxury home.


Van Rooyen was ordered to pay £1,500 costs.


The workers were paid as little as £1.36 an hour - described in court as slave wages.


Van Rooyen was the leader and founder of the Life Church in Douglas and a former offshore banking executive at Barclays.


(Edit to add more text)


He told the court Van Rooyen said he did not realise the workers were going to be paid so little and that he had budgeted with the builder to pay them a decent wage.


But Moyle said the offences were committed out of greed.


'Highly unusual'


Although he jailed Van Rooyen - the High Bailiff stopped short of deporting him.


A statement from the Island's Immigration Office said it was completely satisfied with the case's outcome.


"This case, which has been highly unusual for the Isle of Man, clearly demonstrates the need for vigilance and for the prompt and proper prosecution of anyone found to have committed such offences," it added.


"The Isle of Man Government will continue to pursue any breaches of immigration law with the utmost vigour, both to uphold the law and to prevent the exploitation of the vulnerable."


The building workers have all returned to South Africa.

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This was the interesting bit.


>>Although he jailed Van Rooyen - the High Bailiff stopped short of deporting him.


Funny how he was allowed to stay...

Deportation? That was my question in my misplaced post.


Having spotted this Manx Radio article It made me wonder if deportation is recommended in court for immigrants to the island who break our laws. I know there was a lot of talk of this procedure in the UK a few weeks ago.


Also, there does seem to be a need for better controls of immigrants be they potential employers or potential employees.


A businessman who brought five South African workers to the Isle of Man, to work on his Onchan home, has been jailed for three months.


It was claimed Pieter van Rooyen paid the men "slave wages", as little as £1.36 an hour.


Van Rooyen, formerly an offshore banking executive at Barclays, admitted providing false documents to get them through immigration


In addition to the jail sentence, he was ordered to pay costs.


(Picture: Pieter van Rooyen, as he appears on the website lifechurch-iom.com).


Here is the source website for the photo featured on the Manx radio article :o

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Some earlier posters were concerned that this case puts the IoM in a bad light internationally.


However, with a decent punishment handed out, the question should be, what are the UK government planning to do with Mr van Rooyen?


If he is guilty of immigration offences over here, then he must have brought them into the UK on false pretences as well.


I await the swift repsonse of Westminster.

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imo all forum users should contact their MHK and ask if the MHK is a member of the Life Church IOM - is the MHK happy that Pieter van Rooyen isn't being deported - do they know why not - and would they petition the Minister for Home Affairs to deport the man after his jail term.


Lets get rid of this type of rubbish before his church activities bring even more disrepute on the Island.


It beggars belief as to how Barclays let him work for them with his other activities - surely this is because even with over 800 staff they don't have an effective HR department based here with everything going thro' the Barclays HR office in Poole, Dorset. Surely the Barclays MD should make a statement as to his own position as the person responsible for emplying such a high profile staff member. Quite how the FSC let Barclays continue to employ someone with such a high profile in a questionable alternate activity also requires answers.

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