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Hidden Agenda


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has anyone noticed that the monthly Douglas Corporation Council Agenda is published on the web-site after the monthly meeting, yet its published to Councillors 5 or so days before each meeting - surely it would be in the best interests of open local government for ratepayers to be able to know what is going to be discussed before meetings ?? why the lateness in the agenda being published on the web-site each month???

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I think it is a jolly good idea that Councillors receive the agenda ahead of the meeting!


Sarcasm aside, MCB, you would expect that participants of a meeting will receive the agenda in advance, but not that the agenda will be published. Is there a requirement for the agenda to be published? (By the by, the agenda isn't 'published' (i.e. made public) to members, it is given.)


I worked for a long time as a company secretary (proper one, not the wife of the entreprenuer) and there were calls now and again from staff to see the board agenda in the interests of 'openness', to which you just have to say "None of your business". I am all for openness, but you do have to draw the line somewhere and allow the elected representatives to get on with their job.


The reason we elect representatives is to look after our interests, we should not then be second-guessing their every move.

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I asked this very question of the Corporation and was told that the agenda is available from the Corporation offices a couple of days ahead of the meeting. So, no hidden agenda, you just have to get off your backside and request a copy from the offices.


I suspect word of mouth will spread the fact that any particularly sensitive issue is to be considered by the Council.

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I asked this very question of the Corporation and was told that the agenda is available from the Corporation offices a couple of days ahead of the meeting. So, no hidden agenda, you just have to get off your backside and request a copy from the offices.


I suspect word of mouth will spread the fact that any particularly sensitive issue is to be considered by the Council.


..thank you.. but still wondering why in this age of alleged infomation technology why can't the agenda be put on the web-site at the same time as its made available in hard copy from the Town Hall.....

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What if the agenda needs to be changed? You can't expect it to be recalled and reprinted every time.

It is available beforehand just for the asking. Get off your chair and get one, simple as that.

Before that it is gone over by the chair and officers to decide what needs debate and what can be decided by panel. Not all things need a full debate and are simple and easy to decide. This is where you need politicians to make that choice, not managers. Left to managers there would be no debate at all, just decisions according to budget and not democracy.

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..thank you.. but still wondering why in this age of alleged infomation technology why can't the agenda be put on the web-site at the same time as its made available in hard copy from the Town Hall.....


Why not ring them instead of spouting on here.


Or would that mean you could get an answer without getting attention?

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