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Good Letter - Bad News


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a good letter in this week's IOM Examiner from a visitor from Tunbridge - he readily identified that there are bye-laws against letting dog's loose on Douglas beach between May and September - yet no surprise really, lots of people down there with lots of dogs defecating and nothing being done about it - why would that be then having a bye-law that isn't enforced??

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a good letter in this week's IOM Examiner from a visitor from Tunbridge - he readily identified that there are bye-laws against letting dog's loose on Douglas beach between May and September - yet no surprise really, lots of people down there with lots of dogs defecating and nothing being done about it - why would that be then having a bye-law that isn't enforced??

Oh you're back MCB !!! I thought you'd have been heavily involved in National Poop a Scoop week.

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Taking your post seriously, MCB, I have long argued that if there is a rule it should be enforced or the rule done away with. As for dogs on the beaches, not very many other people use the beaches these days.


That is not because there are dogs at large (there used to be defacating donkeys on Douglas beach, mixed in with the dogs that used to roam Douglas at will many years' ago) , but just that that use is now outmoded. Deny dog owners use of the beaches and they will become deserted. Time to realise that the bucket and spade brigade no longer visit or even live here!

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Taking your post seriously, MCB, I have long argued that if there is a rule it should be enforced or the rule done away with. As for dogs on the beaches, not very many other people use the beaches these days.


That is not because there are dogs at large (there used to be defacating donkeys on Douglas beach, mixed in with the dogs that used to roam Douglas at will many years' ago) , but just that that use is now outmoded. Deny dog owners use of the beaches and they will become deserted. Time to realise that the bucket and spade brigade no longer visit or even live here!

When the weather is suitable I'm always using the beach with my son and often take a couple of his friends along too.


A couple of weeks ago I was with a group of adults and approx. 50 children one evening playing games and building sandcastles etc. for a couple of hours.


My gripe about dogs 'at large' is based on the attitude of the owner a couple of years ago whose dog came wandering along with its nose near the sand. It came over to where junior was digging, cocked its leg and peed all over his bucket. Funny to some, but not to me and compounded when the owner turned their nose up at the protests of Juniors mum and I and replied with abuse.


Unfortunately she drove off before I was able to pee on her car.

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Always brightens up my day to see dogs playing on the beach - I've never seen animals looking quite so happy and excited. Although a while back, I saw a lady walking her dog along the inland side of the promenade, leading it into town. The dog wanted to go on the beach, and couldn't take its eyes off it - in fact, it was facing the beach and walking sideways like a crab. Had me in stitches.

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Always brightens up my day to see dogs playing on the beach


It saddens me if that's the only time they get loose to play and run. It's washed clean twice a day and is a fairly sterile place, in the sense that there's many doggy smells or things of interest for them other than to just run


When I had a dog, a good while back now, I used to take him in glens, fields, etc, where as well as other dogs, people and fresh water they'd be rabbits, longtails, interesting smells and a bit more stimulation for him

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Got to agree with Ripsaw there. I take my little fella down there quite a lot, he likes to run around on the sand with his football, especially when the tides out. A lot the time I find myself picking him up as numerous over excited dogs tend to join in and chase him (he's only 2) - and given there's lots of larger dogs (those husky types) it aint ideal. It's more annoying when you see people walking past the bright yellow sign informing them.


I've not real objection to dogs being on beaches, as long as they're under control when there's kids etc around. Generally I've seen two types of dog, nice obedient dogs that obviously have the trust of their own who stroll around quite happily, no worries - dont even notice them. Then - there's the crazy dogs who obviously don't get out much, and are brought to the beach because they're crazy. They chase anything that runs (including 2 year olds) - chase balls and try and jump up on you. I know they're being playful, but it scares the shit out of kids. Thats why I think the by-law was introduced, but obviously not enforced one bit.

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