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Keep The Union Flag Away From Tynwald Ceremony...


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we are in reality dependant on the United Kingdom....the crown doesn't sent the food and other goods that we enjoy


You make it sound like they're supporting us though some sort of famine relief. We trade with the UK, we could just as easily trade with Ireland. By the same argument then the UK is dependent on Europe, Japan, etc., as they "send" goods to the UK


it is the United Kingdom government that controls defence


We pay them for that though. Not too sure what would happen if we chose not to and the Russians invaded us.


I think we need a radical overhaul of Westminster now that devolution is in full swing which should take into account the Isle of Man. For example I think that Scottish MPs should no longer be able to vote on issues that only affect England and Wales (ie. Top-Up fees).


Agree with that. It does seem to be a bit of a mess with devolution and some parts having their own parliament or assembly and yet still being part of the UK

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