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North Korean Missiles


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Its not exactly clear at the moment what has happened, but it looks like North Korea has launched a series of missiles. CLICKY


These may not be the long range Taepodong ballistic missile, but it does look like they aren't just short range missiles they'd occassionally lobbed into the Sea of Japan over the last few years.


If they were medium or long range missiles its pretty serious and watch out for a robust American reaction ... UN Security Council here we come!

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I was watching Fox News a few days ago and some Senator was being interviewed saying that the US should go in with a pre-emptive strike to destroy the missiles before they were used in anger, looks like that possibility may have just increased somewhat....

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I know Korea has the whole North / South thing but I'd never trust a country responsible for knocking up Daewo's to successfully get an ICBM or any form or longish range missile to somewhere else without needing AA assistance.

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I know Korea has the whole North / South thing but I'd never trust a country responsible for knocking up Daewo's to successfully get an ICBM or any form or longish range missile to somewhere else without needing AA assistance.

Er..aren't they called Chevrolet's now (though try finding a Matiz with a proper V8 :D )




Maybe he's just ronery.

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The issue isn't so much what NK do with their armements from thir own homeland (though that's bad enough to contemplate) it's what those to whom they will sell them, the technical know how, and piece parts will do with them that's the 'big-ie'.


Funny thing, whenever a great empire falls in history it's ALWAYS been in association with a great war. the US is no doubt a great empire, but it's wel down the decay portion of the curve.

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The issue isn't so much what NK do with their armements from thir own homeland (though that's bad enough to contemplate) it's what those to whom they will sell them, the technical know how, and piece parts will do with them that's the 'big-ie'.


Funny thing, whenever a great empire falls in history it's ALWAYS been in association with a great war. the US is no doubt a great empire, but it's wel down the decay portion of the curve.

Agreed - within my expected lifetime China should take over as #1 economically, I just can't wait.


This is assuming that the planet survives long enough :angry: .

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Agreed - within my expected lifetime China should take over as #1 economically, I just can't wait.


I wouldn't count on them being benevolent towards us. Chinese memories are long & both the UK & US have a long history of subjugating Chinese aspirations.


Opium Wars



When China awakens, the world will tremble" -- French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte

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It's not the benevolence, rather it will be good to see how the Mercins react to no longer being top dog.



That bit worries me!!!


Can't think any of the US "born agains" in power would hesitate launching a nuclear strike!!!!


As far as I can see, China practically "owns" ths US financially anyway, but the US empire isn't quite dead and buried yet, it scares me what it will do in the final death throes.

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As far as I can see, China practically "owns" ths US financially anyway, but the US empire isn't quite dead and buried yet, it scares me what it will do in the final death throes.


China holds one mighty amount of dollars thats true. But thats a double edged sword. The good old US is effectively able to levy a tax against the Chinese, and anyone else who has been forced to carry dollar reserves. The taxation mechanism is inflation.

If the Iranian oil bourse takes off [ not a cat in hell's chance] the US is in big trouble and China is the best placed country to make sure the US gets in really deep. If China dumps its dollars its goodbye US economy.

Im not sure the US is anywhere near its death throws but you are right to worry about what they may do to protect their position.

Some people have been arguing the reason for US led war against Iraq was more to do with Saddam demanding Euros for energy rather about than weapons of mass destruction. This argument has a ring of truth about it. Lets hope the US takes a less aggressive stance towards Iran.


Iranian Oil Bourse

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As far as I can see, China practically "owns" ths US financially anyway, but the US empire isn't quite dead and buried yet, it scares me what it will do in the final death throes.


China holds one mighty amount of dollars thats true. But thats a double edged sword. The good old US is effectively able to levy a tax against the Chinese, and anyone else who has been forced to carry dollar reserves. The taxation mechanism is inflation.

If the Iranian oil bourse takes off [ not a cat in hell's chance] the US is in big trouble and China is the best placed country to make sure the US gets in really deep. If China dumps its dollars its goodbye US economy.

Im not sure the US is anywhere near its death throws but you are right to worry about what they may do to protect their position.

Some people have been arguing the reason for US led war against Iraq was more to do with Saddam demanding Euros for energy rather about than weapons of mass destruction. This argument has a ring of truth about it. Lets hope the US takes a less aggressive stance towards Iran.


Iranian Oil Bourse


Very intersting article!

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