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Ned's Petition


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Has a Petition ever been successful?


Well it depends on what you mean by successful. I will try to summarise but if anyone is that interested I can link to the various Papers and Hansards, however:


One recent one was the Petition of Moorhouse Farms Limited. (In connection with the fire on Bradda)


The petition was presented in its correct format and complied with Standing Orders

The petition was 'picked up' from the table (always best to check you actually have an MHK who is willing to do this before going through the whole rigmorale)

A motion was forwarded to Tynwald to form a Select Committee

The motion was seconded and a Select Committee was formed. Ditto an MHK to second the motion

The Select Committee investigated at some length the grievance including calling witnesses

After much in depth investigation the Select Committee, broadly speaking, confirmed the grievance of the Petitioner

So, you would think that the petition was successful but . . . .


The Select Committee put its findings to Tynwald and asked Tynwald to vote accordingly.


. . . . . . . lo and behold a majority of the good men and ladies of Tynwald who had had el zilcho to do with the proceedings, unbelievably voted against the findings of the Select Committee. For example, I actually saw a man apparently wake from his slumber at the appropriate moment and stick his hand up against the motion.


So in this case - what an utter waste of time an expense.

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