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Eiger Cracks Up


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Crowds gather to see chunk fall off Eiger


A vast chunk of Europe's most ill-famed mountain threatens to break loose and crash down in the next few days, a geologist monitoring the situation told the Guardian on Friday.


Hans-Rudolf Keusen said 2m cubic metres of the Eiger in the Bernese Alps, Switzerland - twice the volume of the Empire State Building - was rapidly working its way loose. He said the mountain appeared to have cracked open as an indirect result of global warming.........


.......Since the alarm was sounded for the Eiger tourists have been gathering around the town of Grindelwald in the hope of seeing what promises to be the biggest rockfall in living memory.


Mr Keusen said the Eiger had become more fragile over the last century. "As a result of global warming the glaciers around it have gradually retreated," he said.



Forking hell - that's one big piece of rock about to break off:





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The first bit's gone - "only" 700.000 tons of rock, though :blink:




The Swiss seem to be a bit unlucky with their mountains at the moment - just recently, a rock slide came down on the Gotthard motorway, killing two motorists



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