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Car Tax Going Up


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Dudley Butt wants car tax on 4x4 and people carriers to be £1000 !!!


Well that about sums up Dudley Butt's mentality, imo.


I've a 4x4 which, I admit gets used to carry kids around in to school a couple of times a week, but it's mainly used for, A) on the farm, B, Towing trailers and such, C) Carrying my tools about for work and C) transport for my family.


So if Do Dudley Doo Doo's bright idea comes into play then what do I do ?


I sell the 4x4, buy a van and a car, as it's illegal for me to carry my kids around in a van and unsafe, pay less for road tax but double the fumes going into the atmosphere. Ermmmmmm, thats clever.


You would also see an increase in Taxi fares to cover the increase as alot of them specialise in people carriers now days, so is that a good idea. Or is it an idea from someone who hasn't got a clue?


Another prime example of why the MLC should be elected from the peoples vote and not have nincompoops like him in there.


Rant over


Edoted because when I put B) it came up as a smilie B)

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Dudley Butt wants car tax on 4x4 and people carriers to be £1000 !!!


I've a 4x4 which, I admit gets used to carry kids around in to school a couple of times a week, but it's mainly used for, A) on the farm, B Towing trailers and such, C) Carrying my tools about and C) transport for my family.

I don't think people would be so bothered if people used these vehicles for commercial reasons such as those you stated, and then happened to use it as a family transport (perhaps with an employment or use certificate or something to get a vehicle tax reduction).


It's the school run brigade that bothers people - those whose only experience of 'off-road' is when they park it on their drive. IMHO, if they are not required, the selfish use of the resources that these vehicles use, and the additional pollutants per mile they emit, does need to be penalised.

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Which is pretty w@nk when I can only actually be driving one or the other at any one time (no-one else drives them) so I do no more driving or pollution than the next person in reality but pay twice as much tax.


So would a toll system work better for you? Pay As You Go driving as such.


Obviously I haven't thought what the alternative should be as I've been too busy being disgruntled about (and more skint as a result of) the current system. Luckily I'm not in a position where I don't have to come up with cunning ideas for these sort of things.


I just think it's a bit off that considering I don't really do many miles in either vehicle over a year (being as I walk to work & back every day etc), the argument that frequently gets made about having two cars/bigger cars doing more damage to the roads/atmosphere etc is hardly correct but I still pay for that.


Toll methods would no doubt be expensive to do and a pain to live with but would be fair for someone like me. If someone said I was going to be taxed based on, for instance, a signal from the odometers (getting all futuristic for a moment and ignoring the possibility of tampering etc) on my cars and linked to the engine size would seem fair to me. Ie base it on both the engine and the mileage.


I'm sure that pollution type figures are available for most vaguely modern vehicles and that these could be lashed onto a database at some kind of comparative rate per mile, then worked out from there.


Not an easy one but I do feel I have a legitimate reason to whinge about how it is at present, and that's before you even begin to consider the atrocious state of so many of our roads...

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It's the school run brigade that bothers people - those whose only experience of 'off-road' is when they park it on their drive. IMHO, if they are not required, the selfish use of the resources that these vehicles use, and the additional pollutants per mile they emit, does need to be penalised.


Have a proper rant for God's sake and quote some figures ! RANT

Scroll down the web page for comparative pollution figures

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Why not scrap road tax - but increase the tax on fuel to make up the difference ? That way - the more you use the more you pay.


And govt saves money by no longer needing to employ people on the admin side either.

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Wolf, I must admit I was amazed at the London Bus one, really amazed. As a bike rider I would have thought it would be much higher.


I still stand by the thought that 2 vehicles, ie: a Transit type and a medium family car would be higher than the one we have now.


I think Albert has a point with the Schoolies. I drop my young fella off the playschoool twice a week and get totally wound up by the 4x4 Mummies Club who double park as they don't have the skill to park it and that's all they use it for. Sod everyone else, just drive around me attitiude. However He did say some sort of system could be brought in for people who use them to the right perpose, which makes sense.


The thing is now you can get compact people carriers, which are small, do the job and are not much bigger that a Saloon car, if that. Why these people should be tared with the same brush is wrong , imo.

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The thing is now you can get compact people carriers, which are small, do the job and are not much bigger that a Saloon car, if that. Why these people should be tared with the same brush is wrong , imo.


I cant understand why people feel the need to drive their kids to school, anyhow, no matter what the vehicle may be.

Why cant they walk to school or catch the school bus ?

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My situation is that I've kids from a previous and 2 times a week we have to run them to school as we're in a different district of the school buses and schools. However, 1 is in high school and is told to get the bus.


But I do agree with what your saying. It's not even the one who drop them off going to work but the one's who drop them off and go home to watch Big Brother.

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My situation is that I've kids from a previous and 2 times a week we have to run them to school as we're in a different district of the school buses and schools. However, 1 is in high school and is told to get the bus.

But I do agree with what your saying. It's not even the one who drop them off going to work but the one's who drop them off and go home to watch Big Brother.


No prob Celt. Im not having a pop at anyone. I do find it amazing though that so many kids are driven to school by parents when there is a good school bus service or they could reasonably walk.

Have you noticed how quiet the roads are in the mornings during school holidays?

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I think there should be a distiction between passenger vehicles and goods vehicles when setting road tax rates, workhorses should be taxed less as they are effectively 'tools of the trade' for farms and businesses.


If you consider potential wear and tear to roads etc, 4x4's will damage roads less as the driving load is spread over 4 wheels instead of just 2 scrabbling for grip. You may not appreciate that 4x4's wear all the tyres out at the same rate, not just the driven wheels as on a 2wd.


On a previous comment, I don't think there are many big taxis which are 4x4's, just people carriers.


I consider the manufacturers and regulations are to blame for ever increasing engine sizes, the early Rangie was 3528cc, but emissions regs and other things made it necessary to go to 3.9L then 4.2L to do the same thing, but all the other clutter on the vehicles these days adds to the load, do the little tinks in the back really need dvd players in the headrests on the way to school ??????. Do cars really have to cost what you would think twice about paying for a house :(


The amount of fuel used is relative to engine size so we are paying by use anyway, just think of the staff saving if you only had to register the vehicle once and display an insurance disc ! (less civil servants, less offices, less pensions etc.)

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the debate is underway in Tynwald right now on MR MW1368...just heard Phil Braidwood saying there will be a new category for private vehicles with engines over 3500cc whereas the duty at the moment is £184 it will be in a new band and at a rate of £260 an increase of £76 or 41.3% - hope none of the forum members have the luxury of such big engined vehicles...then again if you can afford a Chelsea Tractor to run the kids to school in you will be able to afford the tax....

£260 - should be £1,260 :P

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£260 - should be £1,260 :P


FFS, why not be totally arbitrary and say £2,260 or £3,260 after all the government in the isle of man really needs more money doesnt it, with 700 DOT workers to pay (at least 5 to dig and stand around each hole in the road) and its not as if we dont pay 78p per litre in petrol tax anyway.


Next you'll be saying lets put tax on airfares when we travel, and tax on aviation fuel so that the price of tickets will go up, and tax on taxi fares, and tax on bus tickets, and tax on bicycle pumps, and tax on every other bloody thing we need.


Thinking this through why dont we just give our entire salary and all of our possessions to the government in tax and live in an anarcho-syndicalist commune, shovelling shit for a living?


Somebody want to be a tax collector in another life?

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FFS, why not be totally arbitrary and say £2,260 or £3,260 after all the government in the isle of man really needs more money doesnt it, with 700 DOT workers to pay (at least 5 to dig and stand around each hole in the road) and its not as if we dont pay 78p per litre in petrol tax anyway.


Next you'll be saying lets put tax on airfares when we travel, and tax on aviation fuel so that the price of tickets will go up, and tax on taxi fares, and tax on bus tickets, and tax on bicycle pumps, and tax on every other bloody thing we need.


Thinking this through why dont we just give our entire salary and all of our possessions to the government in tax and live in an anarcho-syndicalist commune, shovelling shit for a living?


Somebody want to be a tax collector in another life?

I am in favour of high car tax, high tax on air fuel, high tax on all pollutants.


You do not need cars with big engines, you do not need to fly around all the time. My proposed higher car and fuel tax would be invested in more public transport.


Going one step further I would not allow cars with large engines, I would ration air flights. I would make more lazy lumps learn how to walk again.

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