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Why Have A Cigarette When You Can Drink Your Nicotine?


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I heard about this on the news at lunchtime.


Nic Lite, a lemon-flavored drink containing nicotine, is being pitched as a way for smokers to get their fix of the drug in places where they can't go for a smoke.


An 8-ounce bottle of Nic Lite contains about the same amount of nicotine as two cigarettes. The drink was initially pitched to air travelers at Los Angeles International Airport barred from smoking on airplanes; now, the drink is also being sold in some convenience stores.


Nic Lite is not regulated like nicotine patches or gums because it is considered a dietary supplement -- a fact that angers some critics. "You're basically putting a drug in a soda can," said Yale Medical School professor David Katz. "Calling it a dietary supplement is ridiculous."


I suppose it stops passive smoking, but is this really the way forward - will it get more people (particularly children) nicotine addicted?

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The way forward is snuff - or "snus", the version taken in Sweden.


Taking snuff has no effect on other people, unless a taker takes aim with a sneeze. So it overcomes passive smoking problems, but still gives sad nicotine addicts their fix.


This story appeared last year:



Sweden is a few days from joining a select group of European countries that have banned smoking in restaurants and bars.


But unlike Ireland, where the ban upset pub owners, or Italy, where cappuccino drinkers complained about having to smoke outdoors, no one here expects the June 1 event to be met with much protest.


The main reason for this indifference is a four-letter word: snus. A moist, finely minced snuff tobacco inserted under the upper lip, snus (pronounced snoos) is the Swedish alternative to cigarettes.


The substance, which is banned in the rest of the European Union, has been used widely here for almost two centuries, and has grown in popularity in recent years.


More than 1 million Swedes use it, and when smoking is banned in eating and drinking establishments, snus is expected to become even more popular.


"Historically, we've seen a lot of smokers switching to snus," said Sven Hindrikes, chief executive of Swedish Match, which made 95 per cent of the almost 200 million cans of snus sold last year. "If you're not allowed to smoke in restaurants, it will have a positive effect on our sales."


Swedish Match is promoting its relative health benefits compared with other tobacco products.


"If you ask people who have stopped smoking in Sweden, the biggest group says they have used snus as the main aid in quitting," Mr Hindrikes said.


World Health Organisation data shows Sweden has one of the lowest levels of smoking among adults in Europe. The data also show that Swedes — especially men, among whom snus use is particularly widespread — run a comparatively low risk of dying of smoking-related diseases, although per capita consumption of all forms of tobacco matches that of most of the rest of Europe.


But Swedish health care groups are hardly prepared to embrace snus.


"In a sense, all things you compare with smoking unavoidably look quite healthy because it's such an extremely dangerous habit," said Margaretha Haglund, of the National Institute of Public Health.


"Recommending snus to a smoker is a little like telling an alcoholic that it's OK to shift from vodka to wine."


The New York Times

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