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--- while Rog explains to us in long, eloquent posts why Moslems are evil and will eat our children if we let them open a shop in our street.


Phildo, let me try to be very clear about my opinion.


Firstly it is an opinion formed by experience, learning, knowledge, and fact.


Moslem people are not automatically evil. Most, especially in the US, UK and Europe, far from it.


What IS evil is islam, a nasty cult based philosophy that encourages people to do evil things.


Christian people are not automatically good. Most, especially in the US, UK and Europe, far from it.


What IS good is Christianity. A philosophy that encourages people to do good things.


Jews – well, I’m biased.


What I THINK we are is a people who collectively and frequently as individuals carry a great deal of emotional scar tissue, who follow beliefs and traditions that are rigid and enforce strict and almost tribal, but that are kept close to up to date with the world today by rabbinical interpretation of The Law, and the Halakhah in conjunction with the Talmud.


And in all cases when dealing with PEOPLE on a PERSONAL level it is absolutely essential to deal with the PERSON and NOT what they profess as a belief because you never know how much they as individuals adhere to their professed creed.

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I think we are fortunate in that with a few exceptions the lightweight "I will if you will..." brigade have in general kept away from this thread. It's very refreshing to be able to have an adult debate on this forum without their nonsense getting in the way.

Oh well, I suppose a few were always going to have a go....

Remember that this is the bell-end who was joking that Hitler was in fact right, he just picked the wrong race.
God, but you're a pompous idiot.


Anyhoo - please explain to this stupid person the irrelevance of my post as quoted above in relation to the post it was replying to. I think you'll find that it's very relevant in context. Unless of course, you're too stupid to realise that yourself. I'd also be interested to see evidence of Rog's "compassion", as I've not seen him show any in several years of his posting. I may be wrong, and I'm willing to admit that, but you'll always be a patronising windbag.Ta-ra, chuck.

I note your lack of evidence around Rog showing "compassion". This is a public forum where within reason folks can post what they like. What, you think Rog should make "compassionate" posts on here just to massage your conscience or something? FFS get real.....


I personally note that Hezbollah have not posted anything on here showing how devastated they are that their randomly fired rockets into border towns and cities have caused civilian casualties. Tell you what Phildo, why don't you get onto them right away, and order them to make "compassionate" posts on this forum? With wailing and wringing of hands and knashing of teeth and all that stuff that you are looking for from Rog. You know, to add balance and what not. Jeeeze.....

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yeah, some olive branch, launching the most rockets since the campaign today. Not aimed either at any area the IDF are based but just at random civilians. Whatever you think about Israel and notwithstanding their transgressions, they are facing a truly ruthless and evil enemy. If this response is disproportionate (staying on topic as best I can) then I can see a way to forgiving this in the circumstances.

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I just don't know what to make of this little piece of news.


The BBC were reporting tonight IDF figures on the number of rocket attacks undertaken by Hezbollah prior to the recent violence. Between 2000 and the end of June 2006 Hezbollah fired rockets into Israel on 10 occassions. In none of these attacks was anyone killed.


Obviously they had built up very large scale stock piles of these rockets and now the gloves are off ... something like 210 were fired again today, with 100s fired almost daily since the violence began a few weeks ago.


This is random violence against civillian targets and definitely a crime against humanity, and shows what a huge escallation has happened in the last few weeks.


What I think is that this is still basically a political conflict with military posturing. I hope people don't think I'm demeaning the terrible death toll that has resulted from this conflict, but I really believe that this war is about the respective sides sending messages to their consituent groups.


Hizbollah may have the aspiration of destroying Israel, but that is about as realistic as me having an aspiration to fly to the moon. All Hizbollah can do is attempt to kill Israeli citizens. This gives them political cudos and influence in Lebanese politics, and across the Middle East. It also provides their paymasters with a way of gaining political influence. It shows how sickening and radicalized Middle Eastern politics has become that a so called political organization can use random violence to gain political support ... I am very sympathetic for Israel's position, I just don't know if what they are doing is going to help ... 10 rockets in 6 years vrs 1000 or so in 4 weeks? But maybe just maybe a robust UN force will happen and if its successful then I'll have to agree with PK: it will be a quantum leap in Middle East politics!


For Israel this isn't a war of survival ... though it may be a war of political survival for Olmert who has to show he is tough enough to make the Palestinians etc take him seriously as the Palestinian Issue enters what looks like to be the end game in the creation of a Palestinian state.


So Mr Olmert is also using violence to gain political influence ... but don't pretend there is any comparison here between Olmert and Hizbollah ... Olmert is attempting to trying to create the conditions where he can hand over occupied territory and withdraw to what apart from some wiggling will be a permanent border between the two states. If this is seen as a victory for the extremists and encourages them to keep up their attacks Israel would be in an impossible position.


Hence the radical bashing ... the only trouble I don't see this as weakening the radicals ... my major worry throughout this conflict has been that it may do quite the opposite, giving them cudos and support.


Hizbollah may end this conflict without missiles and infrastructure, but it may also have many thousands of volunteers who will work to rebuild its resources ... to make a Katyusha rocket you need a lathe and a machine shop, nothing fancy, nothing special. Stopping Hizbollah replenishing its supplies is almost impossible.


Maybe, just maybe they can be persuaded to disarm and enter mainstream politics ... Bolton, the massively hawkish US embassador to the UN talked about this today which is a pretty incredible statement considering who made it ... things are happening, French and German paras may be destined for Lebanon within a month or so ... but the next month is going to be quite a white nuckle ride and probably bloody ... Olmert isn't stopping yet ... and neither is Hizbollah.

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The BBC were reporting tonight IDF figures on the number of rocket attacks undertaken by Hezbollah prior to the recent violence. Between 2000 and the end of June 2006 Hezbollah fired rockets into Israel on 10 occassions. In none of these attacks was anyone killed.


Slightly understated but the BBC has a slightly biased approach to matters Middle East.

Here is a timeline of Hezbollah activity.




You will note the events of 12th July. Hezbollah launched an unprovoked rocket attack which, in tandem with the kidnapping started the current conflict.

Current Arab propoganda is attempting to claim the Israelis started the current conflict. .. Not true.

Hezbollah will find themselves in a very interesting situation when it comes to accepting a UN peace keeping force. After all, they have never recognised Israel's right to exist so far. If, as is likely, they are asked to agree to a ceasefire, it will be interesting to see which direction is taken. If they refuse a ceasefire [because it would involve a tacit recognition of Israel] what will happen to their support? If they accept a ceasefire, they will have to accept at least a minimal recognition of Israel's existence.

This could be a watershed moment for the region but we will have to wait and see ..as usual.

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Between 2000 and the end of June 2006 Hezbollah fired rockets into Israel on 10 occassions.




I just don't know if what they are doing is going to help ... 10 rockets in 6 years vrs


Just curious, do you know if it's 10 occasions rockets (plural) were fired or 10 rockets in all?


I'm still puzzled why Hezbollah thought they could continue to fire rockets into Israel with out some response eventually coming back their way.


Or perhaps they wanted some thing like this "to show had nasty Israel is"

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Remember that this is the bell-end who was joking that Hitler was in fact right, he just picked the wrong race.


Joking? :blink:


:lol: So your not evil for wishing evil things on another race?


Look back to page 20, the post by 'jacko' and my reply - with emoticon.


I chose to treat a hurtful dig as a joke and relied in that vein.

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Cool - genocide gags. How terribly amusing.


And how very unsurprising that someone else should choose to support you over them (doubtless while sobbing at the drubbing he's been given)



I've been the but of more genocide 'gags' than you've probably ever heard or ever will.


They started in infants school with other kids parting my hair to see if they could see where my ‘horns’ had been cut off because they really believed that Jews are born with horns. Hardly a ‘gag’ but typical of the stupid indoctrination of anti-Semitism that certainly was rife on the Island in the late 40’s and hadn’t reduced by the early 60’s when I finally left, but typical of the times and most of the people.


Then the string of ‘oh-so-funny jokes’ about Jewish life through to the ‘Camp Commandant’ little jibes and way way beyond.


Let me tell you my little ‘tugger’ (I can guess what it is you ‘tug’ at most) Jewish humour is a strange thing. Much of it is based on pain that WE have suffered and suffer today. And one way to ease pain is to laugh at it.


Maybe that also accounts for the famous ‘Scouse’ sense of humour. Again the hard life so many people in Liverpool had to live a hard and demanding life during hard times, often grinding poverty, depravation and abuse by their employers and so created a ‘let’s laugh at it’ mentality. Laugh at pain – it helps it go away.


So slag me off little man as much as it amuses or pleases you.


Slag me off for my Zionism, slag me off for being a Jew, slag me off because you don’t understand what you’re on about, slag me of for --- well, just being me.


All that’s acceptable.


But don’t you EVER dare make pronouncements about how I or others deal with things that people like you would end up a jabbering quivering mass of neurosis if you had to deal with one fraction of.


You are simply not qualified and you should hope and pray that you never will be.

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The masturbation gag was why I chose the username, obviously, but well done for being so original. And I'll make pronouncements about what I like.


You made the genocide gag, and now you're desperately trying to justify it. You won't be able to, I'm afraid

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The masturbation gag was why I chose the username, obviously, but well done for being so original. And I'll make pronouncements about what I like.


You made the genocide gag, and now you're desperately trying to justify it. You won't be able to, I'm afraid


Funny enough I thought that the 'name' was probably the one that was given to you at school as these things so often are.


But no, I am not seeking to justify my 'genocide' gag, there is absolutly no need to.


Maybe Jacko would do better to regret his / her use of the comment "Whatever you say Adolf.Every post you make makes me wonder if Hitler had the right idea afterall" which is what I treated lightheartedly.


As for your pronouncements, it would serve you better to stick to what you know and understand. On the othe hand were you to do so it is unlikly that we would see you on this or any forum ever again.


But this matter is too important to let it be fiverted. the fact remains that israel continues to do well. What a shame that hez-b'allah filth continue to use their own famies for publicity. We simply got ours out of the firing line. Just as well really. If not our casualties might by now be even more than that lot.


Still, there's no secure place in paradise for him and his family not to mention no seventy dark eyed virgins for a dead Jew.

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