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Possibly the worst series of events to happen at a time when everyone is trying to pursuade Iran that it does not need a nuclear weapons programme.

Or is it? It seems the perfect opportunity to blame Syria and Iran for supporting hizbullah and escalate this to at least punitive actions against Iran. Remember when


IMHO there is more going on here than we all realise. Though if it keeps the yanks out of Iran, and Iran's nuclear ambitions are stopped, then in historical terms, would that be seen as a bad thing? It's obvious to me that until the Palestinians elect another government, peace negotiations in the region will not be possible anyway.

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And the whole thing is sending the oil price soaring again - great stuff...


Yep it has, Its so funny to here in the news of peoples shock of paying 97 pence a litre, When the island has been paying £1.00 for ages!


So whats the price now?

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All it would take is for the palests to unambiguously and explicitly accept the right of Israel to exist,

Just out of interest, Rog - and I'm fully aware you're keeping tabs on this thread whether you're "out of here" or not, would you be so kind as to explain to a lug-headed dunce like me precisely why Israel has such a right to exist.


Without using the word "God" in any of its' forms if at all possible.


When I look at Israel, all I see is a small nation of very angry people who seem hell-bent on causing World War III at any cost.


I may be wrong, and I'm willing to stand corrected, but that's how the situation looks to me and I like to think of myself as reasonably well-informed.

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And the whole thing is sending the oil price soaring again - great stuff...


Yep it has, Its so funny to here in the news of peoples shock of paying 97 pence a litre, When the island has been paying £1.00 for ages!


So whats the price now?


I filled the car up last night and it was 103.9p per litre for super unleaded.

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All it would take is for the palests to unambiguously and explicitly accept the right of Israel to exist,

Just out of interest, Rog - and I'm fully aware you're keeping tabs on this thread whether you're "out of here" or not, would you be so kind as to explain to a lug-headed dunce like me precisely why Israel has such a right to exist.


Without using the word "God" in any of its' forms if at all possible.


When I look at Israel, all I see is a small nation of very angry people who seem hell-bent on causing World War III at any cost.


I may be wrong, and I'm willing to stand corrected, but that's how the situation looks to me and I like to think of myself as reasonably well-informed.


In few words, because it was recognised last century, not least BY the Jews, that whilst there were Jews in Europe someone or another would use them as scapegoats and create trouble with and / or for them.


That was subsequently accepted by the League of Nations who, with the break up of the Ottoman Empire, decided that the least worst option was to create a Jewish Homeland in what was their historic homeland.


This was in part triggered by the Balfour Declaration and resulted in GB being given the mandate over the region that the new Jewish state was to be founded


Many Jewish people emigrated to the region and, this is not well known, BOUGHT farms and land from the locals and set about creating the infrastructure.


After the end of WW2 and a very acrimonious period when the British seriously abused the powers of mandate that they had and gave away huge parts of what had been declared originally to be for Eretz Israel to other interests in return for continued access to the Suez canal and various oil options the Brits were eventually kicked out and the UN recognised the legitimacy of Israel with UN resolution 181. In spite of the land remaining that was to be Eretz Israel being far far less than had been intended the Jewish people accepted and the arabs, although getting far far more than ad been envisaged, did not.


(Actually a Palestinian State had already been created with the Brits partitioning the Mandate area into what was Trans Jordan, later Jordan but people tend to --- overlook --- that little matter.)


The next day after UN was announced the arabs declared war on Israel.


See No mention of ANY deity! There’s no need.


As regards starting WW3? It's been under way for some considerable time. It wasn't started by israel, nor yet because of Israel. Israle is an incidental. Here's a place to look to get a hint about what's the root of much of what is taking place. CLICK



In fact all that Israel wants is peace. If only our enemies wanted the same. If only we even had an anemy that was willing to talk peace based on mutual co-existance instead of our total destruction.

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Iran's foreign ministry denies Israeli allegations that it supplied missiles to Hezbollah and warns Israel it will incur "unimaginable losses" if it attacks fellow Hezbollah supporters Syria


It sounds to me like things are going to kick off in the Far East....

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In few words, because it was recognised last century, not least BY the Jews, that whilst there were Jews in Europe someone or another would use them as scapegoats and create trouble with and / or for them.


That was subsequently accepted by the League of Nations who, with the break up of the Ottoman Empire, decided that the least worst option was to create a Jewish Homeland in what was their historic homeland.


This was in part triggered by the Balfour Declaration and resulted in GB being given the mandate over the region that the new Jewish state was to be founded


Many Jewish people emigrated to the region and, this is not well known, BOUGHT farms and land from the locals and set about creating the infrastructure.


After the end of WW2 and a very acrimonious period when the British seriously abused the powers of mandate that they had and gave away huge parts of what had been declared originally to be for Eretz Israel to other interests in return for continued access to the Suez canal and various oil options the Brits were eventually kicked out and the UN recognised the legitimacy of Israel with UN resolution 181. In spite of the land remaining that was to be Eretz Israel being far far less than had been intended the Jewish people accepted and the arabs, although getting far far more than ad been envisaged, did not.


(Actually a Palestinian State had already been created with the Brits partitioning the Mandate area into what was Trans Jordan, later Jordan but people tend to --- overlook --- that little matter.)


The next day after UN was announced the arabs declared war on Israel.


See No mention of ANY deity! There’s no need.


As regards starting WW3? It's been under way for some considerable time. It wasn't started by israel, nor yet because of Israel. Israle is an incidental. Here's a place to look to get a hint about what's the root of much of what is taking place. CLICK



In fact all that Israel wants is peace. If only our enemies wanted the same. If only we even had an anemy that was willing to talk peace based on mutual co-existance instead of our total destruction.


I think the name for it is 'selective history.'

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Cheers for that, Rog.


On the basis of your post then, and a little off-topic (but still helping me to glean an understanding of the situation), would you agree that the same logic could be applied to the idea of creating a homeland for, say, the Romany people - as they too have been somewhat victimised throughout their history?

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Cheers for that, Rog.


On the basis of your post then, and a little off-topic (but still helping me to glean an understanding of the situation), would you agree that the same logic could be applied to the idea of creating a homeland for, say, the Romany people - as they too have been somewhat victimised throughout their history?


In princiople, yes.



Providing of course that they WANTED one and were justified in seeing themselves as a nation and were likewise perceived as so being by the majority of the rest of the world's nation states.

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Cheers for that, Rog.


On the basis of your post then, and a little off-topic (but still helping me to glean an understanding of the situation), would you agree that the same logic could be applied to the idea of creating a homeland for, say, the Romany people - as they too have been somewhat victimised throughout their history?


In princiople, yes.



Providing of course that they WANTED one and were justified in seeing themselves as a nation and were likewise perceived as so being by the majority of the rest of the world's nation states.

'Israel using poison gas and depleted uranium shells in southern Lebanon'




'Our intelligence sources in Lebanon have reported to us exclusively that Israel is now using poison gas and depleted uranium shells on towns in the south of Lebanon. Residents of the small village of Kasarshoba became violently ill, experiencing severe vomiting, after the Israelis hit the village with poison gas. In other cases, underground shelters in southern Lebanon were hit by Israeli depleted uranium shells. Our sources also report that the entire southern suburbs of southern Beirut, with a population of 800,000, have been totally depopulated. Israel has targeted thousands of civilian homes for destruction.


Meanwhile, Israeli government spokespersons and Bush administration officials took to the Sunday morning talking head programs in Washington to defend Israel's barbarous actions. The networks failed to present the views of Lebanese government spokespersons. Israel's and the Bush administration's line is that Israeli attacks are "precision targeted." Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice pointedly refused to criticize Israel on ABC's This Week.




Israeli Kadima (ex-Likud) Prime Minister Ehud Olmert joins Ariel Sharon in annals of Israeli leaders who committed war crimes in Lebanon.


American media is failing to report that the Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Gaza, like the U.S. attacks in Iraq, are violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention and Additional Protocols governing military attacks on civilians by governments that are parties to the conventions:


Civilians are not to be subject to attack. This includes direct attacks on civilians and indiscriminate attacks against areas in which civilians are present. There is to be no destruction of property unless justified by military necessity. Warring parties must not use or develop biological or chemical weapons.'


Source: http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/




The human and environmental cost of depleted uranium ...


Click here to watch ...




Israel's Blitzkrieg destroys most of Lebanon's critical infrastructure




'Our U.S. intelligence sources in Lebanon have exclusively reported to us the extent of Israel's Blitzkrieg attack on Lebanon, which has destroyed most of the country's critical infrastructures. Beirut International Airport's newly-restored terminal, where many passengers, including Americans, were stranded after the Israelis carpet bombed the runway during flight operations, was bombed in the latest Israeli attack. Israel has turned Lebanon into another Iraq -- there is no electricity and airports, roads, and bridges have been knocked out across the country.


Israel has even bombed small ports preventing civilians from escaping to Cyprus. CNN and other Israeli lobby-influenced broadcasters are understating the number of civilian casualties in the repeated Israeli attacks.




CNN's Washington bureau is editorially controlled by Wolf Blitzer, a one time employee of the Jerusalem Post and American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). According to our U.S. intelligence sources, the numbers of dead are in the hundreds. In south Lebanon, Israeli planes bombed three vans carrying families after they were turned away from a UN outpost while seeking protection. A total of 23 people were killed, including nine small children. The Israeli attacks have been described by various sources in Lebanon as "sub-human," "monstrous," and "animalistic." Our intelligence sources phoned us before what they believe will be the targets of attacks in the next wave of Israeli attacks -- the nation's telecommunications networks, including cell phone towers and exchanges.


The Israel regime is acting with the full approval of the Bush administration, both regimes that are totally beholden to neo-con interests intent on throwing the entire Middle East into a firestorm of destruction and death. Israel systematically turning Beirut and the rest of Lebanon into another Iraq. Team coverage of the attacks on Lebanon brought to you by these two partners':

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Cheers for that, Rog.


On the basis of your post then, and a little off-topic (but still helping me to glean an understanding of the situation), would you agree that the same logic could be applied to the idea of creating a homeland for, say, the Romany people - as they too have been somewhat victimised throughout their history?


In princiople, yes.



Providing of course that they WANTED one and were justified in seeing themselves as a nation and were likewise perceived as so being by the majority of the rest of the world's nation states.

'Israel using poison gas and depleted uranium shells in southern Lebanon'




'Our intelligence sources in Lebanon have reported to us exclusively that Israel is now using poison gas and depleted uranium shells on towns in the south of Lebanon. Residents of the small village of Kasarshoba became violently ill, experiencing severe vomiting, after the Israelis hit the village with poison gas. In other cases, underground shelters in southern Lebanon were hit by Israeli depleted uranium shells. Our sources also report that the entire southern suburbs of southern Beirut, with a population of 800,000, have been totally depopulated. Israel has targeted thousands of civilian homes for destruction.


Meanwhile, Israeli government spokespersons and Bush administration officials took to the Sunday morning talking head programs in Washington to defend Israel's barbarous actions. The networks failed to present the views of Lebanese government spokespersons. Israel's and the Bush administration's line is that Israeli attacks are "precision targeted." Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice pointedly refused to criticize Israel on ABC's This Week.




Israeli Kadima (ex-Likud) Prime Minister Ehud Olmert joins Ariel Sharon in annals of Israeli leaders who committed war crimes in Lebanon.


American media is failing to report that the Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Gaza, like the U.S. attacks in Iraq, are violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention and Additional Protocols governing military attacks on civilians by governments that are parties to the conventions:


Civilians are not to be subject to attack. This includes direct attacks on civilians and indiscriminate attacks against areas in which civilians are present. There is to be no destruction of property unless justified by military necessity. Warring parties must not use or develop biological or chemical weapons.'


Source: http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/




The human and environmental cost of depleted uranium ...


Click here to watch ...




Israel's Blitzkrieg destroys most of Lebanon's critical infrastructure




'Our U.S. intelligence sources in Lebanon have exclusively reported to us the extent of Israel's Blitzkrieg attack on Lebanon, which has destroyed most of the country's critical infrastructures. Beirut International Airport's newly-restored terminal, where many passengers, including Americans, were stranded after the Israelis carpet bombed the runway during flight operations, was bombed in the latest Israeli attack. Israel has turned Lebanon into another Iraq -- there is no electricity and airports, roads, and bridges have been knocked out across the country.


Israel has even bombed small ports preventing civilians from escaping to Cyprus. CNN and other Israeli lobby-influenced broadcasters are understating the number of civilian casualties in the repeated Israeli attacks.




CNN's Washington bureau is editorially controlled by Wolf Blitzer, a one time employee of the Jerusalem Post and American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). According to our U.S. intelligence sources, the numbers of dead are in the hundreds. In south Lebanon, Israeli planes bombed three vans carrying families after they were turned away from a UN outpost while seeking protection. A total of 23 people were killed, including nine small children. The Israeli attacks have been described by various sources in Lebanon as "sub-human," "monstrous," and "animalistic." Our intelligence sources phoned us before what they believe will be the targets of attacks in the next wave of Israeli attacks -- the nation's telecommunications networks, including cell phone towers and exchanges.


The Israel regime is acting with the full approval of the Bush administration, both regimes that are totally beholden to neo-con interests intent on throwing the entire Middle East into a firestorm of destruction and death. Israel systematically turning Beirut and the rest of Lebanon into another Iraq. Team coverage of the attacks on Lebanon brought to you by these two partners':




I REALLY should read more of the shit sites like this one!


We are doing SO much better at destroying filth without real and intensive regard for the safety of REAL civilians according to them than in reality!


As for you, Lovenotfear, you really should continue with posts like this one! They do my old heart good!


On the other hand you could always try dealing with the truth, but maybe if you did you would feel as sick at heart as me at what Israel has had to put up with for so long.



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Can't we just move Israel to Florida? It was only set up only a few years ago and these days removal firms are pretty good and even pack everything for you. Would solve a lot of problems all at once when you think about it. ;)


There’s an old joke about that.


Moses is said in the Bible to have been “slow of speech” which translates into him having a stammer.


The joke goes that Big G told Moses that the Tribes of Israel would be given a land. A land that was to be overflowing with milk and honey, and that Big G would like Moses to say where he would like it to be.


“Tttthanks vvvvery mmmmuch” said Moses “Pppplease ccccould wwwe hhhave Cccccc ---“


A this point getting a tad impatient with the stutter Big G spoke up “Of course you can have Canaan!” he said.


Now if ONLY Moses had been able to say ‘California’ which is what he was TRYING to say how much different things would be today!

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