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A List of United Nations Resolutions





You really should learn about binding UN resolutions and NON binding resolutions.

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define innocent civilian.




You really should learn about binding UN resolutions and NON binding resolutions


As your such a great international lawyer Rog, why don't you look up the definition of civilian. You really should learn what the geneva conventions say about this. Innocent civilian? Uninnocent civilian ... or just plain civilian. The Geneva conventions make it quite clear what a civilian is and whether their brother, husband or dad is a combatant (or would you prefer murdering terrorist) or not DOES not remove the requirement for them to be protected.


And don't pretend for a moment that the only civilian casualties in this conflict are direct relations, or even supporters, of Hizbollah members.


What I don't understand about this is that Israel's supporters wish to portray themselves as upholders of civilized values, but then they and the likes of Irwin N. Graulich publish pieces which dehumanize vast populations of people. Yes Hizbollah does that too, but they are wrong to do it, as is Mr Graulich.


If a disaster had happened and Israel had lost one of the Middle Eastern wars there almost undoubtedly would be a very active and nasty insurgency going on to free Israel ... in the past it involved assassination, terrorism and bombing and I don't see why it should be any different now. Do you doubt it? Along with justifications of these acts from jewish intellectuals and extreme religious leaders?


If this was the case and say large numbers of Jews occupied Greek Cyprus to launch their attacks against the "illegitimate" Palestinian regime, I can see an almost identical piece to Mr Graulich's being published justifying Palistinian aircraft bombing Nicosia and a sea borne invasion.


Those who do not learn from the past are liable to repeat it ... can you not see the analogies and self posturing justifications for murder in your postings.

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Lonewolf, the above links you provided are all from an Israeli net domain, so it isn't possible to concede they may be from a "balanced", rather than "extremist" point of view.


Absolute rubbish.

There is no reason at all to question the credibility of anyone on earth just because they are using a particular domain.

This is the case if the author uses an Arab registered domain or an Israeli registered domain or a Manx registered domain.

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In reply to ChinaHand's last post ...............

Im not at all sure what, if anything, to make of Rog's posts.

He makes some very good and well argued points. He also puts forward outrageous and offensive opinons which, on the whole, detract from the good arguments he has made.... to the extent that no one notices them.

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In the interest of placing some credible analysis in the thread this document , from the Jaffee Centre for Strategic Studies, provides a clear analysis of Iran's role and motivation in arming Hezbollah.

Interesting reading from a highly credible source [The Jaffee Centre is respected world wide]


Iran arms Hezbollah


More from the Jaffee Centre on Iranian motivation .. an excellent analysis of the links between the UN, Iran and Hezbollah, all set in the context of looming sanctions and the current situation in Lebanon.


Iran and Sanctions


Factual analysis is the key to understanding what is happening in Lebanon and the wider Middle East area and, more inportantly, who the bad guys are.

You wont learn much from the british media.

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Iran is strongly rumoured to be arming Hizbollah ... this could have huge implications and could lead to a wider war as diplomacy fails.


Check out Jane's Defence Weekly and Google News


We have to hope diplomacy will not fail.

There are some encouraging signs. Read this from the Jerusalem Times


Beginning of the end?


Significance is the remarkable change in editorial stance compared to only one week previously.

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Lonewolf, the trouble with the entire Middle Eastern conflict is that legitimate issues of state soveriegnty, the rights of peoples to self determination, the rights of peoples to resist occupation and fight for the establishment of their own state have got twisted up into an argument that tries to claim the angels for one side and portray the other as the devil.


People go back literally hundreds of years, if not thousands, to try and show they had a legitimate cause and because the other side did this they are justified in doing that ... and on and on the stories of murder; and oppression; and tit for tat go.


I believe Rog has valid points to make, and occassionally he does so, but all too often he is just using what ever arguement he can find to justify the behaviour of his tribe. The very same argument applies to supporters on the other side.


From the start I've always been very sceptical that this war would provide Israel with long term security, but for a while I hoped that the Great Powers might actually successfully enforce a solution here. Drive Hizbollah to disarm, and enforce a settlement on the Syrian-Lebanese-Israeli border dispute which is used to justify this carnage. I hoped it would be an example to how Great Power involvement could positively influence the events in the middle east and hence be a template for a wider settlement. That is definitely Tony Blair's aim.


But at the moment I'm very disallusioned and think little will come of this war, but more war, either a long standing guerilla one, or a very nasty wide ranging conventional one, or maybe even both. I hope not, but neither side seems to want to stop ... in fact quite the opposite, both sides seem to be raring for a fight ... 1914 all over again.

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Ive been reading back through Rog's posts in this thread.

I wonder if this document might help to put some of his comments about Islam into context.

For information it is published by the Israel / Palestine Centre for research and information. I believe this group is the only joint Israeli - Palestinian think tank in existence.[willing to be corrected]


Islam and the Arab Israeli conflict

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But at the moment I'm very disallusioned and think little will come of this war, but more war, either a long standing guerilla one, or a very nasty wide ranging conventional one, or maybe even both. I hope not, but neither side seems to want to stop ... in fact quite the opposite, both sides seem to be raring for a fight ... 1914 all over again.


The problem is much wider than the current fighting we are all focussed on.

I am increasingly drawn to the belief Iran and Syria are manipulating events to their own advantage and will have to be dealt with by the West if a solution is to be found.

It may be possible to deal with Syria by diplomatic means but Iran is a totally different kettle of fish.

I would agree with your earlier analysis ,which we both provided supporting links to, that there is every reason to be fearful of a much wider conflict breaking out.

Having said that it does seem as if Israel, at least, is thinking of how the current operation might be brought to an end.

The Jerusalem times is a good indicator of opinion there, in normal circumstances, and I am frankly amazed at the change of editorial line in less than a week.

I think what happens with Iran will determine how events pan out in Lebanon and the rest of the region.

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Ive been reading back through Rog's posts in this thread.

I wonder if this document might help to put some of his comments about Islam into context.

For information it is published by the Israel / Palestine Centre for research and information. I believe this group is the only joint Israeli - Palestinian think tank in existence.[willing to be corrected]


Islam and the Arab Israeli conflict

It was looking pretty fair till page four when the Islam bad, judaism good schtik cut in :(

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Ive been reading back through Rog's posts in this thread.

I wonder if this document might help to put some of his comments about Islam into context.

For information it is published by the Israel / Palestine Centre for research and information. I believe this group is the only joint Israeli - Palestinian think tank in existence.[willing to be corrected]


Islam and the Arab Israeli conflict

It was looking pretty fair till page four when the Islam bad, judaism good schtik cut in :(


Thats why I posted it. Trying to make some sense of what Rog has been posting.

The Israel / Palestinian Centre put these things in the public domain for debate and criticism rather than rigid policy statements.


Edit: the criticism of Islam is in the context of extremist groups. The conclusions of the paper make this clear. But its all up for debate!

Here is some detail on the author ..which you may find surprising Bassem Eid

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It would appear that the Isreali War Cabinet (like that country would have another one) have agreed with the IDF that they need to create a buffer zone back to the Litani river before peacekeepers would dare fill the vacuum left by their withdrawal. No prizes if you guess which superpower agreed with this tactic. So I would guess that the IDF is going to try and encircle the S Lebanon area and reduce the Hezbollah terrorists caught in the trap. It will cost them dearly but they obviously think it is worth it.


So do I.


(Bleeding heart factions by all means point out at this juncture how the civilians are going to suffer (Hezbollah are dug in amongst them expressly for this purpose), how the IDF response is excessive (ever heard of an army deliberately downgrading it's capabilities to match that of it's enemies?) and how there were NO WMD FOUND IN IRAQ (like it's somehow relevant)). Please direct all wish-lists to: Father Christmas, North Pole, etc etc....

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