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Personally I remain delighted that the defensive action has gone as well as it has especially when it is now so very obvious that the undisclosed intel that hez-b’allah were close to launching an unprovoked attack against Israel has been proven to be correct by the existence and form of the stockpiles of weapons as well as the huge military constructions that are admittedly being found to be so hard to penetrate.


So same excuse as the USA in Iraq then?

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You'll probably (definatly) need a broadband connection and its' a big file.


I can predict right now the responses and who will make them but this is one piece of work showing how the news is 'created' to meet the wants of the palests that CAN'T be shrugged off as simply propaganda.


Liars, damm liars, --- and palestinians eh?



It's a BIG video download.

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Well it looks to me as if it's mostly a propaganda exposure rather than a propaganda item. :D



This is my first ever posting must be honest Rog you come across as a keyboard warrior. If Israel is so important to you why not leave the safety of Nofolk and head off to Israel and put your thoughts into action? Oops no probably not, you may get to sample what you wish on inoccent Lebonese and Palestinians. That would never do for a keyboard warrior would it?


Incidentally you'll never be Manx so long as there's a hole in your arse.

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Well it looks to me as if it's mostly a propaganda exposure rather than a propaganda item. :D



This is my first ever posting must be honest Rog you come across as a keyboard warrior. If Israel is so important to you why not leave the safety of Nofolk and head off to Israel and put your thoughts into action? Oops no probably not, you may get to sample what you wish on inoccent Lebonese and Palestinians. That would never do for a keyboard warrior would it?


Incidentally you'll never be Manx so long as there's a hole in your arse.


'smooks', I am what I am, I have done what I have done, I do now what it is that I am able to do.

As for being Manx, define Manx and I'll let you know.

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Rog is not Manx, that is enough of a definition for anyone! (i.e. look at Rog and anyone that doesn't measure up must be Manx!) -_-


LOL! You mean because I had the cojones to leave on 'the morning boat'! :D

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Well I have to say I'm amazed and relieved that the cease fire is basically holding.


Though I'm not that hopefull for the future ... I suppose we'll just have to wait and see!


If it breaks down and fighting starts again ... well I imagine the Israelis will blame Hizbollah and say the UN forces are being too weak not disarming Hizbollah ... ignoring the fact that the IDF failed to disarm Hizbollah. Great victory Rog, sure you're proud of what your boys did.


Hizbollah will blame the Israelis ... ignoring the fact the only reason the IDF is in Lebanon is because Hizbollah launces attacks on the IDF.


The UN will be caught in the middle ... probably wishing a plague on both their houses and wishing they'd never been sent in or had been able to bring some bigger tanks and air support with them.


Well it aint over yet ... but the fact that there is reasonable discipline from both sides is hopeful, the only trouble Hizbollah isn't going to disarm ... they are just moving out to be replaced by the Lebanese army. What they do with their arms in the longer term is totally unresolved and I'm sure Rog will fret they'll just slink back in: meaning next time the IDF will have to fight the Lebanese Army and Hizbollah and try and not piss off several thousand french para troopers at the same time ... what a mess!


This is about the clearest example of how aysmetric insurgents can run rings around airpower and conventional forces ... since ... Iraq ... and the last time the IDF invaded Israel ... and Vietnam ... shit don't the blow them up brigade ever learn.

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This doesn't bode well!


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said Tuesday that resistance to Israel was "legitimate"


He accused Israel of using the capture of two soldiers in a Hezbollah raid on July 12 as a pretext for launching its massive assault against Lebanon, which has been halted since a UN-brokered ceasefire took hold on Monday.


Assad paid tribute to the "men of the resistance"


"We do not expect peace in the near future," Assad said, adding that in the absence of negotiations, resistance against Israel was a legitimate option.


And Assad accused the anti-Syrian bloc in Lebanon - known as the "March 14 forces" after a day of massive public demonstrations following Hariri's slaying - of wanting to sow discord in the war-torn country by demanding that the Shiite Muslim Hezbollah is disarmed.

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Yeah I noticed Rog was particularly quiet. No doubt off celebrating the victory.


No, just busy.


I must confess to having very mixed feelings about the outcome of the war so far.


On the one hand I regret that we lost so many IDF and civilians for so few of the enemy and their supporters, but on the other hand with a limited force to have driven the scum back to the Litani is no mean feat.


I am sure that once hostilities break out again then it will be a far less civilised war that gets waged, no forewarning of the enemy, no care about avoiding so called civilians, just out and out free fire as it should have been all along.


War is a terrible thing, far more so than the ‘bleeding hearts’ on here realise, and the best way to fight a war is to treat it like major surgery. Understand the task in the first place, establish there is no alternative, go in deep and fast, and be sure that you know what you’re trying to achieve, and once having achieved it, get out.


It now all depends on the UN force. IF they do keep the filth from attacking Israel, then there will be peace. If they do not, then there will not be peace. That simple.


I know from talking to people IN Israel that there is deep unease about stopping when we were starting to get the upper hand especially as the involvement of Syria was so great as to result in hez-b’allah actually being an arm of the Syrian armed forces. That is a thing that I believe was not well understood or realised. It is now.


Olmert has lost a great deal of credibility from both the civilian population as well as from the Military for being what is seen as ‘too soft’. I agree. I hope that Netanyahu becomes his replacement. There is a man I like and respect.

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If I were to put it in footballing terms (hell why not), it was a 0-0 draw between a Premiership Club and a Third Division Team. The Third Division Team took a battering on their home ground but held firm against the bully boy tactics of the Premiership Club.


The Premiership Club won few friends in the crowd as a result of their unsportsmanlike behaviour - which included kicking the balls into the opponents supporters causing unnecessary injuries. The officials turned a blind eye to this and other nasty tackles and let the game continue on far too long without taking action.


There was a sigh of relief when the ref blew the final whistle at the end of a bruising and often unwatchable encounter. Serveral punches were throw after the whistle and there may be a post match enquiry into these events.


At the final whistle of this game, the Premiership Club manager's future looks shaky which contrasts with the Third Division Team who appear to have gained new friends and sponsors. While both sides take time out to assess their injuries, the footballing world waits for the return fixture - date TBC.

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Rog is not Manx, that is enough of a definition for anyone! (i.e. look at Rog and anyone that doesn't measure up must be Manx!) -_-


LOL! You mean because I had the cojones to leave on 'the morning boat'! :D



Sounds like Norfolk's loss was our gain.

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