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I'm just thinking how much more entertaining this thread would be if Rog was still around - it'be virtual nuclear war :)

What's really frightening is that the Old Goat exactly conforms to all of Rog's warnings to us what Islam is really like.


Erm - now that's interesting - is the Old Goat Rog playing a very clever sock?

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Where do you think the money to cover the mortgages and business loans that you people take out comes from? Your banks deposits? Surly you are not that gullible? Or may be you are!

Some are deposits, but no I don't think this covers the mortgages and loans. At a guess I'd say about 90-97% of it comes from pretty much nowhere - i.e. the bank reserve ratios. In fact the ratio is probably a lot higher in some cases.


Even if mortgage debt was onsold to Middle East that does mean they could suddenly demand immediate payment and foreclose whenever they like as you suggest (well maybe that's the kind of mortgage agreement you have, or is common in Middle East, but it isn't normal over here).


BTW I think there is a fair point that could be made that the establishment of Israel was illegal. However the strident belligerent style doesn't win any sympathy - note how this thread started out as critical of Israel, now I think you find that you have swung it to be critical of Middle Eastern countries. It's fairly typical though - so much militant hoo-hah is counter-productive.


Fighting with your hearts doesn't cut it. You have to use your heads as well - and have discipline, and - oh just read Sun Tzu. Palestinians would be better being oppressed rather than retaliating against the oppression. Non-violent resistance is almost always the more effective strategy - thing is it doesn't have the same hot-headed appeal as calls for blood and beheadings etc.

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"PS Stop acting like an Israeli Jew, just because you invest in a country doesn't mean you own it."


Welcome back ROG... under a new guise? or are you playing Mr False Flag mission


That was me, The Old Git, who said that, not The Old Goat. who has recently joined this forum. I doubt it is Rog, but it would be damn funny if it was :D

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Firstly, I don't owe anyone a penny. I have money widely invested in a managed portfolio so I guess I partly own some of your precious oil wells.


Secondly, not all of the money here comes from the middle east


I can't work out if you really are an arrogant twat or just a good troll


Then think through where the money comes from that lets the companies and businesses that you hold shares in comes from. If they are based in England then that money will mostly be as a result of loans and investments because Britain is bankrupt and getting deeper in debt by the day. So is the USA. I read this morning that Citygroup may not survive the so called credit shock.


It is time that Western governments seriously considered their ongoing support of the illegal occupation of Palestine before you get made to.

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The illegal theft of Arab lands by Jews that Europe organised in order to get rid of what it did not want yet did not dare exterminate and that resulted in the establishment of the rogue and illegal settlement that you call “Israel” in Palestine will very soon be resolved and the land returned to its rightful owners and inhabitants.

My goodness Old Goat, you really are a nasty piece of work with a most twisted view of history.


The Jews can not win. They may win battles but they can not win war. And yet even though the Palestinians will win the war it is the Palestinians who will loose the blood in order to do so.


The Jews fight with their American weapons and American money, yet they do not fight with their hearts. The Palestinian people do.

It is a sad fact that both sides in this dispute very much have their hearts in fighting for what is "theirs".


The Jews want a base that is just for them. Why should they have one? How is a German Jew or a British Jew or a French Jew anything but a German, a Britain, or a Frenchman each of which follow the same common religion?


So how is a Palestinian Muslim or a Palestinian Christian or even a Palestinian Atheist anything else than a Muslim, a Christian or an Atheist each of whom has the same common homeland?

That is basically bullshit - Israel has a large Arab population they have full political rights.


Now what makes a German Jew, a British Jew or a French Jew an Australian Jew if they move to Australia - an internationally recognized Passport and citizenship that is what.


Two states were created in 1948 a Palistinian one and Israel. It was Arab (Muslim) states which destroyed the Palestinian state - Israel only occupied it in 1967 and still acknowledges it as occupied territory - ok apart from Jerusalem!


The rejectionist tactics of the Arabs have brought them much suffering - and their violence little sympathy or support. You can run many counter factuals which would have given the Palestinian cause a much better chance of success - not invading Israel in 1948 and extinguishing the Palestinian state, not abandoning Palestinian villages, and so showing the Jewish ethnic cleansing of those villages to be what it was, using peaceful Gandhi-like protests and not terrorist outrages, not preparing to invade Israel in 1967 and so giving them an excuse to expand, not invading them again in 1973 etc etc etc


But no - violence everytime. Yes that violence has been met with violence - sometimes excessive violence which I readily condemn. But by advocating policies that include the destruction of Israel the Arabs/Palestinians have made the international community pick sides and the international community recognises the right of Israel to exist - bad luck for you, but that's a simple fact.


The US, the EU, even Russia and China are active in trying to resolve the dispute, but those resolution efforts include Israel and are based around land for peace. By demanding all you and your ilk will just perpetuate violence - but you seem proud of that Old Goat.


The Palestinians only want returned to them what was theirs and was stolen by America and Britain. Now America and Britain stand by and watch the Palestinian slaughtered like animals by weapons of modern war by those with no right to what they hold on to.


The Palestinian make some little defence to try to stop more land theft by Jews, but it is a poor defence that can not strike the enemy directly but can only make it difficult for the Jews to get close to the Palestinian protective borders, and all the time Jews use modern very expensive high technology things that they can fire while cowering safe from what little defence the Palestinians have.


Why do the British sit back and let the Jews murder the Palestinians who have done nothing except try to get back what has been stolen from them? How can you let this happen?


There should be no “Israel” in Palestine. It should be and soon, insh’Allah, it will be removed and the land once more become the homeland of those whose homeland it truly is.

I think you are totally wrong on this - calls for Israel to show restraint, for an end to settlements etc are common from the US, UK, EU, etc.


To call firing missiles at Jewish towns, or blowing up a bus or a resturant in a town centre "some little defence" is trully sickening.


If the Palestians compromised - and really just defended an internationally recognised state - rather than perpetuating terrorism or state-military action against Israel - then there would be a chance to see if Israel is an agressor or not.


My belief is that you are totally wrong - Israel isn't the agressor and most Israelis just want to be allowed to live in their own state and not be continually terrorized and attacked for doing it. If there was a peaceful Palistinine state next door that would be fine by them - they get on fine with the Jordanians and Egyptians since they stopped terrorizing them, why not the Palestinians.


What makes the majority of Israelis support military action is the violence perpetrated on it. And with rhetoric like that coming from the Old Goat it looks like he just wants to perpetrate violence. Nasty peice of work.

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I can't work out if you really are an arrogant twat or just a good troll


Nope, still can't work it out.


You're still arrogant enough to think all of the money in the world is there because of Arab oil and make threats to us in the west


On the other had surely nobody could be that arrogant and stupid so you're probably a troll

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On the other had surely nobody could be that arrogant and stupid so you're probably a troll

That's the problem with the interlink - it could be anyone, including someone with a vested interest in stirring the sh1t.

Interesting idea. Don't think it is the case here, but among others it would make sense for Israel (or hardline pro-Israelis) to go around posing as old goats and discrediting views in this way. Israel is smart enough for psyops / political warfare of that kind. Trouble is that like you find anywhere there are a lot of Muslims who are dumb enough to go along with a lot of tripe and be highly counter-productive to themselves and be their own worst enemy - and that is the more likely explanation - but as a strategy it is an interesting notion.


As to Palestine and Israel - I favour the idea of a joint ownership - NZ was based on a treaty between Britain and Maori - one can have a nation made up by treaty in this way - i.e. both exist and co-exist. (La la la, you may call me a dreameeeeer....) :) Seriously though, a condominium has all sorts of interesting possibilities which a territorial settlement cannot achieve.

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"PS Stop acting like an Israeli Jew, just because you invest in a country doesn't mean you own it."


Welcome back ROG... under a new guise? or are you playing Mr False Flag mission


That was me, The Old Git, who said that, not The Old Goat. who has recently joined this forum. I doubt it is Rog, but it would be damn funny if it was :D


Sorry TOG I didn't make my post very clear... I wasn't quoting the quote as such I was kinda quoting what was implied (yes that's it)



edited for effect of brain damage

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I think that many of you people would do well to take the time to watch this Youtube item. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cy-fD78zyvI


It may seem to be a childish way of dealing with a thing that you may THINK that you know all about but it is not, it is spelling thingsout in a clear and simple manner so that the message does not get lost in the complexity that surrounds the subject.


It may surprise you as the things that you have been taking for granted for a very long time are not as you may have thought.


It is one of the reasons why we reject usury, and why you in the west are in such deep trouble and so much in debt.


You should also remember that debt means obligation on the part of the debtor.

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Now I know who you are Mr Billy Goat - your Mr Tatlock!!! CLICKY


If your world view esquews debt I am all for it - your economy will be 10 to 20 times smaller as a result - money isn't owned merely borrowed - the people who discovered this transformed the world.


Oh and if our part of the world is in so much trouble how come Muslim countries fair so poorly in comparison in the UN's World Development Index?


Your black gold - its running out you know - and at the current prices, and with the ecological damage it causes, people are rushing to find alternatives - you have no use for your wealth and so it is recycled back to the places where it can be put to use - your rejection of modernity holds back development. Poverty, corruption and authoritarianism is the result.


Looking out at the world do you really see a Muslim Renaisance - I too often see people wanting to return to the dark ages - shame as Europe's Renaisance was built on Arab knowledge flowing out from Baghdad after a similar rejection of enlightenment ended the Arab world's advance.

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