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I've thought again. I still think it's worth it.


These are British lives that are being risked by the indiscriminate actions of the Israeli government, and I wholeheartedly disagree with people (Jewish or otherwise) who think that economic inconvenience for a few foreigners is worth more than British lives.


The Israeli soldiers weren't even captured on Israeli soil

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I've thought again. I still think it's worth it.


These are British lives that are being risked by the indiscriminate actions of the Israeli government, and I wholeheartedly disagree with people (Jewish or otherwise) who think that economic inconvenience for a few foreigners is worth more than British lives.


The Israeli soldiers weren't even captured on Israeli soil


So let’s see. The UK imposes sanctions on Israel.


Now, how many Jewish people would just sit back and think “Oh dear, whatever shall we do?”


And how many would think “Oh dear, better do some funds transferring and disinvestment in British businesses”.


Me? I’d move such funds and investments that I have out of any British industry within the hour as would the vast majority of us.


You still don’t grasp that it’s ISRAEL who is the victim in this. The kidnapping of the soldiers was simply the final straw. Plainly judging from what you write the propaganda over the years has worked its insidious job well.

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I'm pretty ignorant about the detail of this and previous conflicts but it grieves me and deeply angers me to watch innocent people whatever their nationality or religion being maimed and murdered.


It seems to me that the leaders of these countries are totally incapable of putting their people's well-being, safety and future before their war-mongering and rigid position taking. They are surely not fit to hold power.


America etc and Russia etc should not be messing with other countries heads either.


Couldn't an international management authority be sent in to manage both countries in order to save as many innocents as possible?


Maybe, sometimes, regime change may be the only way to go.

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I'm perfectly prepared to take the chance that people who approve of the indiscriminate murder of British citizens will withdraw investment from Britain. Really, we can do without their tainted money anyway.


It would be good riddance

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I'm perfectly prepared to take the chance that people who approve of the indiscriminate murder of British citizens will withdraw investment from Britain. Really, we can do without their tainted money anyway.


It would be good riddance


Many people in Israel have duel nationality. I myself do.


So on that basis how about the numerous people with duel nationality who have been killed and injured by the scum, why should sanctions not have been applied against the nations that sheltered them?


Tugger, you plainly have a kind heart but little learning about Israel and her history.

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I know plenty about Israel and her history. And I'm quite happy for sanctions to be imposed against other countries who are responsible for the death of or injury to British citizens.


I disapprove of dual nationality though. You end up with citizens who are loyal to other countries. You're a case in point

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I know plenty about Israel and her history. And I'm quite happy for sanctions to be imposed against other countries who are responsible for the death of or injury to British citizens.


I disapprove of dual nationality though. You end up with citizens who are loyal to other countries. You're a case in point


I have no divided loyalties whatsoever.


If push came to shove then I know exactly whewre I would stand.

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I know plenty about Israel and her history. And I'm quite happy for sanctions to be imposed against other countries who are responsible for the death of or injury to British citizens.


I disapprove of dual nationality though. You end up with citizens who are loyal to other countries. You're a case in point


I have no divided loyalties whatsoever.


If push came to shove then I know exactly whewre I would stand.


You'd be obliged to betray one of them. As long as we're clear on that

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I know plenty about Israel and her history. And I'm quite happy for sanctions to be imposed against other countries who are responsible for the death of or injury to British citizens.


I disapprove of dual nationality though. You end up with citizens who are loyal to other countries. You're a case in point


I have no divided loyalties whatsoever.


If push came to shove then I know exactly whewre I would stand.


You'd be obliged to betray one of them. As long as we're clear on that


Only if there is a conflict of interest and as long as the UK retains a reasoably ssane government that situation will not occour in my lifetime.

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Oh Rog ... and you go on and on about the divided loyalties of Muslims in Britain and how wrong they are to put their culture and their relgion before their country of residence/birth!


I'm still thinking about how to respond on this topic, its a sad state of affairs.


But I'm just amazed at how hypocritical your remarks are compared with your regular condemnation of Muslims.


Pot calling the kettle black methinks.


But this is totally off topic so we shouldn't get dragged into it again ... but really Rog ... just read your posts ... makes it sound like the UK is being colonized by a culture with totally divided loyalties.


I really think its better to keep arguing about the modern semi-secular state of Israel and keep away from UK Jews disinvesting and putting their religion before their country.

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I'm still thinking about how to respond on this topic


Thanks for the update.


Here's a sneak preview of roughly how I think you might respond:


.... and after much consideration we can all agree there there is probably wrong on both sides and a long history of claims and counter claims. It's a terrible situation. Awful that people can't get on.
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