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One from last night. They have an annual thingy here called the Pyromusical Competition. Loads of fireworks teams from around the world competing against each other in choreographed displays that are a sight to behold. Below video is the opening display by the local guys, who take part outside competition but still know how to light up the sky! Finale starts at 17min in if you're short on time.


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  • 2 weeks later...

"You make babies like aunt Jemima makes biscuits!!!"

"Michelle Obama looks like King Kong's baby sister!!!"

"If Whoopi Goldberg and Michelle Obama were in a beauty contest, Whoopi would win!!!"

"If my wife ever greeted me with a fist bump, I'd give her a left hook!!!"

"Barack Hussein Obama is white trash!!! You pimp, you!!!"

"Obama is a McDaddy!!! Obama pimps white women and black women. Obama is a long legged McDaddy!!!"

"And I don't have to compromise with not one of you nappy head people!!!"


Funniest thing I've seen in a long time. The best of Pastor Manning...


Edited by Thomas Jefferson
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