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Bnp Leaflets


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"we've changed" yeah right. still the British Nazi Party. Leopards don't change their spots, fuck off back the the rock you crawled out from under you piece of hateful trash.


long enough you've made us feel ashamed of our flag.


Silly post :rolleyes:


I think you've just shown exactly what sort of 'politcal' party you belong to, i.e. one that does not debate and has the mentality of either put up or shut-up while trying but failing to take the intellectual high ground, which is clearly impossible as the basis of your policies are hate.


As someone who is not 100% white and who has lived here for 20+ yrs you can fuck off this island before you ruin it.

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I have already said if you want to know more about the BNP go on the website www.bnp.org.uk


we have no thugs in the BNP we have got rid of them.


Do you really think people will Listen to this tripe. Why don't you stop reading the gutter press and open your own eyes. Very few sane people will listen to you.


Our party is not just about immigration we have a party manifesto covering health, education,crime,


should read "Our party is not just about immigration we also promote crime,brainless thinking,racism,homophobia,(but we don't put that in our manifesto, because we reckon people are stupid and will forget or think we've changed)"


Thankfully the vast majority of people are more intelligent than you

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David Shappy you should be ashamed of yourself, as should the other 200 members of this fascist party.


I'm English but I have spent most of my childhood here and I pride myself of the hospiltality the island extends to all people (usually).


You are a member of a racist organisation, if you want to improve hospitals and schools then set up your own party with these goals or support Mec Vannin (which i do not personally support...but at least sympathise with).


I see no justification for this party being on the island (or in the UK for that matter) and I just want to tell you that if you think people will stand by and let you spread your hate then you are mistaken....expect to be opposed every step of the way you bigot.


Its a shame you think like this but its a free country!





a free country for ALL people....not just white people ....and don't direct me to the website as it is simply propagandic nonsence.


PEOPLE CANNOT HELP WHAT COLOUR THEY ARE OR WHERE THEY COME FROM.....so why do you think that we as a race are somehow superior? Judge people on their values and personalities....not race or colour.


We need economic migration......and I think ANYONE should be free to live where they want to live as long as they contribute to society...which the vast majority of people do......I ask you to go to an estate of commissioners housing and tell me what colour faces you see?

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"we've changed" yeah right. still the British Nazi Party. Leopards don't change their spots, fuck off back the the rock you crawled out from under you piece of hateful trash.


long enough you've made us feel ashamed of our flag.


Silly post :rolleyes:


I think you've just shown exactly what sort of 'politcal' party you belong to, i.e. one that does not debate and has the mentality of either put up or shut-up while trying but failing to take the intellectual high ground, which is clearly impossible as the basis of you policies are hate.


As someone who is not 100% white and who has lived here for 20+ yrs you can fuck off this island before you ruin it.


Your language is a disgrace and you will never win a argument that way. If you need info check the BNP website at www.bnp.org.uk also you can join online :blink:

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Before we all get too enthusiastic: I'm not (not at all) convinced by David Shappy and his claim that there are 200+ members of the BNP on the Isle of Man.


Let them publish the address of their local office or point of contact.

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"we've changed" yeah right. still the British Nazi Party. Leopards don't change their spots, fuck off back the the rock you crawled out from under you piece of hateful trash.


long enough you've made us feel ashamed of our flag.


Silly post :rolleyes:


I think you've just shown exactly what sort of 'politcal' party you belong to, i.e. one that does not debate and has the mentality of either put up or shut-up while trying but failing to take the intellectual high ground, which is clearly impossible as the basis of you policies are hate.


As someone who is not 100% white and who has lived here for 20+ yrs you can fuck off this island before you ruin it.


Your language is a disgrace and you will never win a argument that way. If you need info check the BNP website at www.bnp.org.uk also you can join online :blink:



you're correct but I'm not trying to argue... what was it your leader said.. "Defend Rights for Whites with well directed boots and fists"

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"we've changed" yeah right. still the British Nazi Party. Leopards don't change their spots, fuck off back the the rock you crawled out from under you piece of hateful trash.


long enough you've made us feel ashamed of our flag.


Silly post :rolleyes:



no it's not, it's the truth and you fucking well know it. take your thugs elsewhere.

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there is no rational argument to be had.....this is simply not a moral grey area.


The BNP are an organisation founded on racism and I honest don't think the word "evil" is too strong to use here.

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I think that in the last census that was released the adult population of the IoM was around 58,000. That means that out of the 58,000 available to vote (about 62,000 if 16+ becomes the voting age?) you have 200 signed up to your party....that's about 0.3%....on an island that doesn't practice party politic that can't even make you the largest political party on the island, can it?

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Just to let you know we started leafleting last Friday with two leaflets in every door and have posted 40,000 leaflets so far. This is just the start of things to come we will be aiming to represent the house of keys.


Lookout for a low flying Aircraft next weekend flying a trailor flag with vote BNP on it


best regards


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"we've changed" yeah right. still the British Nazi Party. Leopards don't change their spots, fuck off back the the rock you crawled out from under you piece of hateful trash.


long enough you've made us feel ashamed of our flag.


Silly post :rolleyes:



no it's not, it's the truth and you fucking well know it. take your thugs elsewhere.


well done of having the courage to have the st. georges cross as your avatar......it is important that it does not become the preserve of these fascist scumbags. I am english and feel quite ashamed of the way that our flag has been abused by the BNP. I like the way that on the island any manx person feels confident to fly the manx flag without any kind of statement over than social solidarity being derived from it. I wish that in England the flag could be flown without racist symbolism.

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Just to let you know we started leafleting last Friday with two leaflets in every door and have posted 40,000 leaflets so far. This is just the start of things to come we will be aiming to represent the house of keys.


Lookout for a low flying Aircraft next weekend flying a trailor flag with vote BNP on it


best regards




and moves are afoot to expose you already. watch this space nazi :D you can't hide.



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i don't want any of your bullshit through my letter box and i shall tell you so if you come anywhere near it.....you stay the fuck off my property you nazi.


If i'm not there i shall have to clean the letter box, shred your bullshit pamphlets and post them back to you.

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