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The only racial tension this is action is gunna encourage is between English & Manx as we've seen already on this very thread.


So what's the plan then David... stir up the shit... then sit back & watch Westminster 'step in' & sort it all out?

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Hey, I can appreciate people have strong views on the subject, but try and moderate your own language a bit please. Firing off hate filled rhetoric doesn't make you shine either.


i apologise to you for any offense caused and you are of course right. However I am passionately opposed to fascism and all that it represents and I am incredibly angry.....no excuse for such language I agree.

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I'd like to think that this forum membership is a fairly wide ranging spread of class, education and political bias.


With that in mind, I think it's quite damning that not one single local poster has had anything positive to say about the BNP.


So can we assume that these apparently local BNP members are actually posting from non IOM IP addresses?

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Hi Robbieh, you dont seem to bright yourself its a shame your of such low IQ





So that would be the incorrect use of your then Mr Genius. I believe you meant to type "You're".

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I'd like to think that this forum membership is a fairly wide ranging spread of class, education and political bias.


With that in mind, I think it's quite damning that not one single local poster has had anything positive to say about the BNP.


So can we assume that these apparently local BNP members are actually posting from non IOM IP addresses?



ha ha, have you sussed them out then??!!

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not racist??




‘Ethnic’ candidate creates turmoil in the BNP



What’s in a name? Well, quite a lot if you are in the British National Party.

BNP members who are battling to “secure a future for the white race” have reacted with incredulous rage at the selection of their party’s candidate for Bradford’s Bowling and Barkerend ward, Sharif Abdel Gawad.


Literally within minutes of his candidature becoming known, the internet was buzzing with furious BNP members voicing their disapproval.


“Is this a wind up?” asked one BNP supporter, opening what became a huge thread on the nazi Stormfront website.


“Oh Gawad, I don’t know?”


“I’m still hoping that this is some sort of mistake,” read another posting, more in hope than anything.


“I can believe many bad things of the BNP leadership, but endorsing an Asian candidate for the party in Bradford, and thus committing political suicide in the most dishonourable way imaginable, is not one of them. So this simply can’t be accurate, can it?”


The postings then became a lot more aggressive as information about the candidate emerged.


“What the hell has happened. People vote for us because we’re seen as BRITISH standing up for the BRITISH. Are we now defending those trying to breed us out of our own country?”


What was more interesting was that some of the most vocal opponents of Gawad’s selection were normally loyal BNP members, including key organisers.


“The ethnics have every friggin service known to man given to em, they ain’t having the BNP too,” wrote Sharon Ebanks, the party’s Birmingham organiser.


She was backed by key BNP organisers in the North West and North East, though the latter disagreed with the angry outbursts on the internet.


As has occurred so often in the past, the party leadership attempted to spin its way out of the crisis. Word was quickly circulated that Gawad’s BNP membership application had been personally blocked by Nick Griffin, the party leader, and that the decision to select him as a candidate was taken locally.


Given that all candidates have to be authorised by or on behalf of the party’s nominating officer under legislation governing the registration of political parties, the BNP leadership could not claim total ignorance.


The BNP soon changed tack, largely because some in the party thought this was another chance to prove their new “anti-racist” credentials. The party’s website posted an official response which endorsed Gawad’s candidature. It claimed that he was “totally assimilated” into British society and so was the type of immigrant who is acceptable to the new BNP.


“Mr Gawad’s grandfather was an Armenian Christian who fled to Britain as a genuine refugee from Muslim persecution,” the statement claimed. “When he was christened, his mother named him after the then heart-throb filmstar Omar Sharif. He is a staunch Bradford BNP activist, renowned for his strong anti-Islamic stance and for his dedicated hard work for the Cause. Among other things he was present at all the Leeds Crown Court free speech demonstrations, whatever the weather, because that’s the sort of chap he is.”


This was nothing like enough for the party’s hardcore. A love of Omar might explain the first name, many posted on the web, but what about the rest, they argued.


Gawad himself undermined the BNP leadership’s position by admitting to The Independent on Sunday that his grandfather was in fact a Muslim, not a Christian as the party has argued, who converted to Christianity.


Griffin is now desperately trying to sweep the issue under the table and has appealed to his activists to put the issue aside until after the election. There is little sign of this happening.


The BNP has even tried to dismiss the issue as enemy “smears” designed to derail the party’s election operation. This spin simply will not wash with the members. It is a crisis of the party’s own making and while party branches will soon refocus on their own campaigns, the issue has preoccupied, distracted and demoralised key activists.


The leadership’s problem is that few people in the party believe its protestations of innocence. After all, this is the party that consciously promoted Charlie Bickerstaffe, who had mixed-race grandchildren, in Barrow and the Jewish Pat Richardson in Epping Forest. In 2004, these same “modernisers” – Martin Wingfield, Colin Smith and Tony Lecomber – who were so keen to support these “new” BNP candidates, proposed a change to the party constitution that would allow “blacks” to join.


Griffin initially went along with this plan, seeing it as a potential device to deflect charges that the party was racist, but soon backtracked after widespread opposition within the party as a whole.


For many BNP members, even those who accept a public softening of their line, race is the bottom line. The BNP is, they insist, a party for white people only.


“The BNP is the last bastion of hope for our people,” wrote one BNP organiser on the internet, “they too have been let down if just anyone is allowed to join. Ethnics have every single opportunity afforded them, and now they even get to join the BNP. Just like immigration into this country, we were not consulted. When an ethnic wants to join, it should go to a membership vote. We’re the ones who do all the work, we should have a say.”


What’s in a name? Well a lot if you are a BNP member and the name is not white British!

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