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Bnp Leaflets


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Does anyone know who the people delivering these leaflets are? Is it a group on from the UK here for their holidays? Or is it local residents?

When i handed the leaflet back, as did my neighbors, the lad delivering asked why, i said cos the BNP is a racist right wing party, he insisted this was not so, so i suggested basically he should get out more, he was at all times polite and affable. the acceptable face of fascism.

I seem to remember someone on the forum linking a local wanabee politician with the BNP, and as i remember he got a kicking for it, HMMMM! i wonder

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Manx Radio has a short piece on their web site: Link


It says some worrying things:


Griffin says he's looking for candidates to stand in November's General election.

Griffin says his members have met with a sympathetic response on the Island.

He says BNP membership has only recently built up on the Island


I want to know why Manx radio is covering this scum bag ... It sounds like he was given a full interview.


I admit the interviewer on the clip did say the BNP's policies were "abhorant to quite a few people" ... but come on talk about an easy ball which he just disarmed and used to make further racist remarks ... Paxman it was not. Sickening and disturbing.


Stu Peters are you willing to give your opinion on the news rooms debate about covering this? If the head of the British Communist Party came over, or someone from the Socialist Workers Party would they be covered?

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I think almost the opposite ... surely they have a mandate to ensure their coverage is proportional ... it happened in the UK elections where Kilroy Silk blew his top that he and his party were totally ignored by the BBC ... their reply ... you don't have a mandate for anything other than minimal coverage and that is what you got.

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there is a IOM PO Box on the leaflets - and as far as I know if you call at the sorting office in person they will tell you who the box belongs to , i.e who is the BNP's IOM agent (provacateur)...


That sounds distinctly dodgy. People use PO boxes to protect their identity on occasion. Doesn't sound right that Joe Public can walk in off the street and find out who owns one.

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You have to wonder what they are hoping to ultimately achieve.


As I see it there are a number of possible reasons the BNP would wish to extend their influence to the Isle of Man:


1. To increase their membership, and thus their revenue.


2. Self Promotion - Even if not all of the BNP's members can vote for them (such as when they're residents on the Isle of Man), increased membership allows them to state on their filthy little pamphlets that they're representative of X number of people, allowing them to claim that they're representative of growing opinion.


3. The ideology and rhetoric of the BNP often incorporates the entirity of the British Isles, regardless of political boundaries. As such their presence on the Island could be ideological, rather than practical.


4. Fascist or racist groups often seem to try to coordinate and work with similar groups in other nations (i.e. the Nationalist Front in France), partly looking for mutual support and the advantages of collaboration amongst groups that are relatively unpopular within their own nation. It could be possible that they're looking to establish a like minded group on the Island, or at least forge connections with individials here.


5. The BNP has always viewed itself as a 'grass roots' movement, working at the level of individual communities (indeed, this is where they've achieved most of their recent successes). It could be that the Isle of Man represents (in their mind) a golden opportunity for them, that being a nation with its own government that happens to be a similar size and structure as the kind of local communities with which they've had so much experience.


Whatever the reason, it's a worrying development that they've started to target the Isle of Man.

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I don't recognise any of the people in the 'photo on the leaflet as being from the IOM so who are they that are members of the IOM BNP Group? where do 'members of the IOM BNP they live ? are they Manx or are they from across? should they be outed and quickly?

also, why the question on the leaflet as to whether or not your under 24??

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I wonder why the BNP are interested in getting support or membership on the IOM. How do they see the IOM in terms of their strategy? Given that we don't elect Westminster MPs or British councillors.


That's the obvious line of questioning which Manx Radio could have taken.


Manx Radio could have asked the BNP what they think they might offer to the IOM. And then syndicated the interview. It would be interesting to see the UK media picking up on this story of how the BNP is attempting to win support on the IOM.


Such obvious questions wouldn't call into question any sense of broadcasting neutrality; asking them why they are here.


Manx Radio report that "Mr Griffin says his members have met with a sympathetic response on the Island". I'd like to see that claim investigated.


Nick Griffin is brighter than the people who interviewed him. Certainly brighter than whoever put together the Manx Radio report which appears at the website. Which is a pity. He's a bright bloke who has managed to make the BNP seem less nasty and stupid than it actually is. Seems a pity that he couldn't have been interviewed by someone with enough brain to actually ask him properly why he came to the island.

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Im saddened, BNP canvassing in Douglas, i returned the leaflets to the lad posting them, i didnt read them and he was courteous in accepting them back. They will wind us locals up with just the party name "BRITISH [national party" with its prominant Union Flag :(


I suppose the irony of a party that supports the very worst of white, dim-witted, Anglo Saxon values canvassing on an Island that has a strong Celtic heritage is totally lost on them.


These people actively target places where there has been a surge in "non Anglo Saxon" faces as a trigger for their own particular brand of misguided bullshit - I seem to remember some local (English) knob trying to drum up support a few years ago in the papers and getting frank and honest feedback on the issues.


Personally there is nothing worse than some glamourised football hooligan trying to tell you what is wrong with "Britain" is the immigrants, when what is actually wrong with Britain is pathetic, tattooed, lager drinking, chav scum like them.

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In trying to understand why the BNP is interested in the IOM, my partner just found this at the BNP manifesto website


3. Create a pan-British parliament to deal with overall economic policy and provide the authority and accountability required for the Ministry of Finance, and matters such as foreign policy on which it is clearly essential for the British nations to speak with one voice. This body would have its formal base on the Isle of Man, though it would sit in rotation in each of the national parliaments.
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In trying to understand why the BNP is interested in the IOM, my partner just found this at the BNP manifesto website


3. Create a pan-British parliament to deal with overall economic policy and provide the authority and accountability required for the Ministry of Finance, and matters such as foreign policy on which it is clearly essential for the British nations to speak with one voice. This body would have its formal base on the Isle of Man, though it would sit in rotation in each of the national parliaments.


If that IS true then I think the Manx people need to get their views across very quickly.


By the way could there be any legal or tax reasons for the IOM link?

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