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Bnp Leaflets


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I'll answer them myself then:


1. Do you believe the holocaust actually happened or like your leader do you think it was a myth.

BNP: I'll say whatever I want you to believe

2. Crime - who commits the most crime on the Island, white or non-white?

BNP: they lefty nulabour fools are lying about the real figures, even on the IOM

3. What percentage of white/non white people actually live off the state in their newly built council houses?

BNP: errr,in the UK or IOM. If you're talking about the IOM sign me up and I'll live off the state happily

4. Are there any 'non-white' people in the Island branch (I think I know the answer to this...)



BNP: don't be so f&cking stoopid, we don't lets n!ggers or P@ki's in for long, once they vote for us we kill 'em

5. Do you or any of your members actually know or are friendly with any non-whites on the Island?


BNP: of course we know lots of them, mostly through some could say violent encounters

6. Many of the doctors on the Island are/were 'non-white', those mostly Asian and have made a tremendous contribution to this Island, if you had your way would you get rid of them too?


BNP: The Nazi's were also very good doctors too!


7. Like other members of your party, do you too 'want to kill Pakis'?


BNP: them and all other lefty goon whites, non-whites and non-believers, errr, I think...


8. All the main organisers of your party seem to be convicted criminals, why the hell should I want them running this Island and many of the councillours that have been elected in the UK never show up!


BNP: OK, fair point, they're all criminals and we'll f&ck you up ASAP

Are you a schizophrenic perchance?
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Excuse me, you have the cheek to call me a phoney when you appear to no nothing about the Isle of Man or the wonderous thing that is economics!

Ah, an economist.

What's your opinion on the Venezuelan approach to Saudi regarding the proposed, Iranian inspired currency swith from petrodollar? And do you think the Chinese interest will sway the argument with their deposits in Africa and the mid east? I'm interested because the result will impact on the European economy and affect the amount of aid given to Africa.


Well I think that the Iran's proposed switch to the Eurodollar is a case of misguided nationalist retoric, not unlike much of the BNPs manifesto really!



Should be interesting to see if we get a couple in the house of keys this year :D

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In 1997, Nick Griffin published a booklet entitled "Who are the Mind Benders?". It claimed to prove that Jewish people controlled the British media and thereby were able to brainwash white British people into accepting multiculturalism.


On the Holocaust

Between 1995 and 1997, Nick Griffin edited 'The Rune'. Griffin referred to the Holocaust as a "Holohoax".


In 1998 Nick Griffin said, "I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that 6 million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also also once held that the Earth was flat... I have reached the conclusion that the "extermination" tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria."




On homosexuality

Griffin wrote an article for Spearhead in June 1999 after the Admiral Duncan pub bombing. He said, "The TV footage of dozens of gay demonstrators flaunting their perversions in front of the world's journalists showed just why so many ordinary people find these creatures so repulsive."




In 1995 he wrote ... "the electors of Millwall did not back a post modernist rightist party but what they perceived to be a strong, disciplined organisation with the ability to back up its slogan 'Defend Rights for Whites' with well-directed boots and fists.



In April 2001 Griffin spoke to the American Friends of the BNP ... we tried to simplify its message in some ways and to make it a saleable message



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Excuse me, you have the cheek to call me a phoney when you appear to no nothing about the Isle of Man or the wonderous thing that is economics!

Ah, an economist.

What's your opinion on the Venezuelan approach to Saudi regarding the proposed, Iranian inspired currency swith from petrodollar? And do you think the Chinese interest will sway the argument with their deposits in Africa and the mid east? I'm interested because the result will impact on the European economy and affect the amount of aid given to Africa.


Well I think that the Iran's proposed switch to the Eurodollar is a case of misguided nationalist retoric, not unlike much of the BNPs manifesto really!



Should be interesting to see if we get a couple in the house of keys this year :D


not a chance, posting a log of this forum to everyone on the island will see to that.


cya :rolleyes:

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Excuse me, you have the cheek to call me a phoney when you appear to no nothing about the Isle of Man or the wonderous thing that is economics!

Ah, an economist.

What's your opinion on the Venezuelan approach to Saudi regarding the proposed, Iranian inspired currency swith from petrodollar? And do you think the Chinese interest will sway the argument with their deposits in Africa and the mid east? I'm interested because the result will impact on the European economy and affect the amount of aid given to Africa.


Well I think that the Iran's proposed switch to the Eurodollar is a case of misguided nationalist retoric, not unlike much of the BNPs manifesto really!



Should be interesting to see if we get a couple in the house of keys this year :D


no chance....we don't tend to do party politics here.....we vote someone from our community who is respected by the majority and will fight for the issues we care about.....which lets be honest is more often debates about roundabouts and speed cameras than the evil discrimination against minorities.

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In 1997, Nick Griffin published a booklet entitled "Who are the Mind Benders?". It claimed to prove that Jewish people controlled the British media and thereby were able to brainwash white British people into accepting multiculturalism.


On the Holocaust

Between 1995 and 1997, Nick Griffin edited 'The Rune'. Griffin referred to the Holocaust as a "Holohoax".


In 1998 Nick Griffin said, "I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that 6 million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also also once held that the Earth was flat... I have reached the conclusion that the "extermination" tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria."




On homosexuality

Griffin wrote an article for Spearhead in June 1999 after the Admiral Duncan pub bombing. He said, "The TV footage of dozens of gay demonstrators flaunting their perversions in front of the world's journalists showed just why so many ordinary people find these creatures so repulsive."




In 1995 he wrote ... "the electors of Millwall did not back a post modernist rightist party but what they perceived to be a strong, disciplined organisation with the ability to back up its slogan 'Defend Rights for Whites' with well-directed boots and fists.



In April 2001 Griffin spoke to the American Friends of the BNP ... we tried to simplify its message in some ways and to make it a saleable message



Is that a real article or did you make it up?
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I think all people should be equal and free....do you think that's bullshit?

I think everything you've responded to me with so far is bullshit. You won't get far with me by embarassing yourself either.


won't get far with you???? i am not embarrassed by what i've said...i'm embarrassed that within humanity are dickheads like you.


How can you possibly have issues with the phrase "equal and free"?

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