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Bnp Leaflets


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I was saddened at the start of the thread but, having seen the strength of feeling about the BNP, now i feel much happier, we have our own anti anything islamic / manx / english sections on the forum and i think the fact that the result of such intolerance is manifested in the likes of the BNP will give us much to consider. We can be unhappy with many aspects of Island / UK life but the extemists answers are the worst possible solution.



I am genuinly heartened by the opinions shown by the vast majority of the posters. :)

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id like to say, while people are so quick to persicute david for being BNP and a 'thug' quite simply look at this bloke 'scittney' bringing up ANL links, threating people and calling them nazi. thats quite simply laughable. the policies of the BNP are a far cries from those of national socialism, trus me i know this. dought me look it up your self you might learn a few things.

looks like all this thread has done is not expose bnp members as thugs but has shown people that its folk like the ANL/ANTTI-FA leftwingers etc that are the thugs with posts like that of 'scittneys'. but im sure thats just internet talk form him. but whereever you go there will be reds i supose, maybe there will be an isle of man section on redwatch soon.......

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The suggestion that the BNP (or any other political party for that matter) could make an impact in Manx politics is utterly laughable and, if that is the case - and assuming that some members of it have an IQ that is higher than room temperature - we ought to be looking at what it is they're really after.

Is it simply a publicity stunt? Is it an attempt to show that their support can be found in every part of the British Isles? Do they, perhaps, covet a flag that is frowned on in many places because it appears similar to a swastika? Are they hoping, as has been suggested, to use our lack of legislation on certain social issues to enable them to inject their poison through a different vein?

I have, on occasion, met a few people locally who have expressed opinions that reach into the deepest recesses of far-right ugliness. They are not a minority - they are a tiny minority (who were often completely p*ssed at the time and would be horrified to have a tape of their ramblings replayed to them when they were sober).

I'm not sure of the rules about elections, but I assume that any candidate for the Keys has to have a proposer and seconder(s) and assume that they must be on the electoral register. I would suggest that finding enough local people who were either sufficiently gullible, or mentally deficient enough to act in that capacity would present a few problems.

Personally, I am absolutely convinced that the Monster Raving Loony Party would have a much better chance of success if it were to form a local branch!

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Well ... I'm pretty glad I was out all last night and so didn't need to involve myself with the evening's slanging match.


In all seriousness getting into name calling with these types of people is pointless and the way people were drawn into making extreme statements by stonewalling, not answering questions and digs is sad to behold.


Two or three people successfully trolled an important thread filling it with swear words and insults.


Simon kept pretty much on message, posting questions, not getting distracted when the only answers were links to a web site and posting information about how contemptible alot of this party's supporters are. Unfortunately most others weren't as successful.


Repatriation, xenophobia and apartheid (pronounced apart hate) style social segregation is what these people want. They deny the fact that this country needs plumbers, cleaners, doctors, dentists etc and claim it is impossible for people with a different colour skin, or from a differnt country or continent to successfully fill those needs.


They want to draw up the draw bridge and retreat from reality.


And most seriously they use wedge issues to gain sympathy and to cloak their policies. Bogus asylum seekers are used as an excuse to demand an end to our asylum system. Depravation and social problems used to justify repatriation and a total end to immigration. I am worried about bogus asylum seekers, and the depravation and social problems in Bradford or Brick Lane. I'd expect most people to be, but the BNP use these worries to justify their exclusion and xenophobia.


If that was all the BNP were it would be bad enough, but this exclusion and xenophobia is then used to justify hate and violence. The number of racial attacks and violence assosciated with the BNP put it totally beyond the pale.


I'm not sure that anger and confrontation with these people is helpful ... I'm more in favour of showing them that the vast majority are in favour of diversity. I'd advocate a Manx Tolerance Society or something similar. This would welcome the contribution of all the people of Mann, whether white, black, brown or yellow, whether from Germany or Poland.


I am sad that both Mec Vannin and John Shimmin have been reported in their response to the BNP visit as being concerned about immigration and calling for a balanced approach to it. In doing this they've accepted the BNP's ground and formulation for the debate; the BNP's ideas are totally unbalanced and why haven't our leaders strongly come out and said this. Disgraceful and shame on you.


The Chamber of Commerce has a totally different perspective towards immigration to the Island. They are reported as the saying the Island needs more specialist workers from outside the Island and that companies could pull out if the work permit system becomes too restrictive. If the Island is to remain socially and economically vibrant it needs to engage with the outside world and welcome those who's skills we lack; whether at the bottom with brickies and cleaners or at the top with doctors and specialist managers.


Don't let them drag us down to their level. Praise and welcome diversity.

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id like to say, while people are so quick to persicute david for being BNP and a 'thug' quite simply look at this bloke 'scittney' bringing up ANL links, threating people and calling them nazi. thats quite simply laughable. the policies of the BNP are a far cries from those of national socialism, trus me i know this. dought me look it up your self you might learn a few things.

looks like all this thread has done is not expose bnp members as thugs but has shown people that its folk like the ANL/ANTTI-FA leftwingers etc that are the thugs with posts like that of 'scittneys'. but im sure thats just internet talk form him. but whereever you go there will be reds i supose, maybe there will be an isle of man section on redwatch soon.......


What a sad day when extremist politics embodied in organisations such as the BNP are imported to the Isle of Man.

I wonder how many Manx people lost relatives during WW2 fighting against the result of extreme right wing politics.

We need to be quite clear about this. The BNP, notwithstanding the slick website, are an extremist right wing political group. The core philosophy is analogous to that of the the 1930s Nazi Party.

Organisations such as the Anti Nazi League have a broad based membership based on a single unified purpose. to draw attention to political groups, such as the BNP, who seek to promote facist / nazi philosophy and, whereever possible, to marginalise their efforts to gain popular credence.

We have organisations, already on the Island, such as the Trade Unions,who should be able to help eradicate what threatens to be a blight on Manx Society.

I would argue we aslo need to enlist the help of organisations such as the anti Nazi league for advice on how to deal with these people.

Please dont be complacent.

This evil organisation has the potential to transform Manx Sociey into something which no sane person would wish to endure.

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we ought to be looking at what it is they're really after.


I would have thought that was obvious. If they're planning on moving their base to here for tax reasons, they stand more chance of being able to secure that status if they're seen to be an active political party over here. Doesn't matter whether they have any support, clearly they wont, just being active should be enough.


If it was anything other than a paper exercise to achieve that goal, we'd have seen more than a pamphlet full of poorly written hyperbole and we'd be seeing a much better class of worker grunt trolling our forums than the two or three illiterate gorillas we've seen here.


Don't get me wrong, the likes of Griffin and his high ranking officers are very intelligent men. Sadly, the bulk of their membership barely have opposing thumbs and are only trained to repeat what they've been told, parrot fashion.

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Well ... I'm pretty glad I was out all last night and so didn't need to involve myself with the evening's slanging match.


In all seriousness getting into name calling with these types of people is pointless and the way people were drawn into making extreme statements by stonewalling, not answering questions and digs is sad to behold.


Two or three people successfully trolled an important thread filling it with swear words and insults.


Simon kept pretty much on message, posting questions, not getting distracted when the only answers were links to a web site and posting information about how contemptible alot of this party's supporters are. Unfortunately most others weren't as successful.


Repatriation, xenophobia and apartheid (pronounced apart hate) style social segregation is what these people want. They deny the fact that this country needs plumbers, cleaners, doctors, dentists etc and claim it is impossible for people with a different colour skin, or from a differnt country or continent to successfully fill those needs.


They want to draw up the draw bridge and retreat from reality.


And most seriously they use wedge issues to gain sympathy and to cloak their policies. Bogus asylum seekers are used as an excuse to demand an end to our asylum system. Depravation and social problems used to justify repatriation and a total end to immigration. I am worried about bogus asylum seekers, and the depravation and social problems in Bradford or Brick Lane. I'd expect most people to be, but the BNP use these worries to justify their exclusion and xenophobia.


If that was all the BNP were it would be bad enough, but this exclusion and xenophobia is then used to justify hate and violence. The number of racial attacks and violence assosciated with the BNP put it totally beyond the pale.


I'm not sure that anger and confrontation with these people is helpful ... I'm more in favour of showing them that the vast majority are in favour of diversity. I'd advocate a Manx Tolerance Society or something similar. This would welcome the contribution of all the people of Mann, whether white, black, brown or yellow, whether from Germany or Poland.


I am sad that both Mec Vannin and John Shimmin have been reported in their response to the BNP visit as being concerned about immigration and calling for a balanced approach to it. In doing this they've accepted the BNP's ground and formulation for the debate; the BNP's ideas are totally unbalanced and why haven't our leaders strongly come out and said this. Disgraceful and shame on you.


The Chamber of Commerce has a totally different perspective towards immigration to the Island. They are reported as the saying the Island needs more specialist workers from outside the Island and that companies could pull out if the work permit system becomes too restrictive. If the Island is to remain socially and economically vibrant it needs to engage with the outside world and welcome those who's skills we lack; whether at the bottom with brickies and cleaners or at the top with doctors and specialist managers.


Don't let them drag us down to their level. Praise and welcome diversity.

The usual diatribe from one of Bliar's useful idiots.


When you're able to tear yourself away from praising and welcoming "diversity", you might want to look at (and deny) another point of view:



I/we await your usual repetetive "alternative" explanation.

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