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Bnp Leaflets


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Sadly, the bulk of their membership barely have opposing thumbs and are only trained to repeat what they've been told, parrot fashion.
That's right, the usual "knuckle-dragging thickos" blurb of the superior intellect and awareness brigade. Trouble is it's old hat now, and has sinced proved to be the reverse, not least because it's all you've got. It's long since been established that people like you are afraid of argument and open discussion because you know you're wrong and can't take it.
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A selection of the "anti-fascists" view of knuckle-dragging, goose-stepping nazi racists and thugs:



Otherwise known as respectable, hardworking citizens in normal speak.


I really think you should join http://www.omrlp.com/index.php?option=com_...id=17&Itemid=86

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I have strong feelings about this matter but i am not literate enough to compete in this war of words.


Instead i will just make my feelings clear and hopefully get the chance to challenge some of the views held by the BNP when they knock at my door.


And personally i dont think that the party will make a solid grounding on the island. And lthough i do agree that the current government needs a good kick in the ass, i dont believe that allowing the BNP and their agendas will be right for the majority of the Manx people.

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It's long since been established that people like you are afraid of argument and open discussion because you know you're wrong and can't take it.


Seeing as 'people like me' are in the vast majority, I'm more inclined to believe that it's you and your tiny band of supporters who are wrong.


This forum is a fair representation of a lot of the different social and political elements of the Island yet there's not been one single supporting voice from a local user. I welcome your interpretation of this glaring observation.


Sorry, but unless you start putting some meat behind your rhetoric trolling, your forum posting career may end sooner than you expect.

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I welcome your interpretation of this glaring observation.

Glaring observation eh?

Your "observation" may be "glaring" to you right now, but perhaps you should wait and see. A lot can happen between now and the next elections.

Sorry, but unless you start putting some meat behind your rhetoric trolling, your forum posting career may end sooner than you expect.

How very arrogant and self-important you are.

Your puffed up threats don't worry me one bit :D

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Your "observation" may be "glaring" to you right now, but perhaps you should wait and see. A lot can happen between now and the next elections.


Do you honestly believe that constitutues any sort of practical response? You've spent the best part of 10 pages trying to persuade everyone that you are some grand master of argument and debate and that you will grind everyone to dust with your superior abilities, yet the only discernable skill you seem to demonstrate is complete avoidance of having to offer comment on any questions posed to you.


I'll ask you again, for the sake of clarity


This forum is a fair representation of a lot of the different social and political elements of the Island yet there's not been one single supporting voice from a local user. I welcome your interpretation of this glaring observation.

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I'll ask you again, for the sake of clarity


This forum is a fair representation of a lot of the different social and political elements of the Island yet there's not been one single supporting voice from a local user. I welcome your interpretation of this glaring observation.

Now, now, there's no need to get yourself into a tizzy.

My interpretation of your wonderful "glaring observation" is that it's irrational fear and bigotry.

If you're looking for clarity try emptying your mind of the dross that's clogging it up :rolleyes:

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That's right, the usual "knuckle-dragging thickos" blurb of the superior intellect and awareness brigade. Trouble is it's old hat now, and has sinced proved to be the reverse,


Isn't "christian" one of yours?


id like to say, while people are so quick to persicute david for being BNP and a 'thug' quite simply look at this bloke 'scittney' bringing up ANL links, threating people and calling them nazi. thats quite simply laughable. the policies of the BNP are a far cries from those of national socialism, trus me i know this. dought me look it up your self you might learn a few things.
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My interpretation of your wonderful "glaring observation" is that it's irrational fear and bigotry.


And your rationale for that interpretation? The vast vast majority of the Island's population is suffering from irrational fear? At what point do you wake up in the morning and think that perhaps it's not the rest of the world that's wrong, it's you.


Come now, you're supposed to be some sort of debating heavyweight yet all you can spout is hyperbole and irrelevance. Please, dazzle me with your immense debating skills and persuasive techniques.


Or, as we all know, will you just dodge the issue with a wave of your hand and some sort of vague statement with no grounding in either reality or fact.

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Isn't "christian" one of yours?

One of my what?


Your fellow BNP supporters.


You know, the ones that all joined yesterday to add their support for the BNP.

I've no idea whether or not Christian is a supporter of the BNP. He seems straightfoward and rational if that's what you mean. I didn't notice if any of those apparently supporting the BNP joined yesterday or not. I only joined yesterday myself.
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My interpretation of your wonderful "glaring observation" is that it's irrational fear and bigotry.


And your rationale for that interpretation? The vast vast majority of the Island's population is suffering from irrational fear? At what point do you wake up in the morning and think that perhaps it's not the rest of the world that's wrong, it's you.


Come now, you're supposed to be some sort of debating heavyweight yet all you can spout is hyperbole and irrelevance. Please, dazzle me with your immense debating skills and persuasive techniques.


Or, as we all know, will you just dodge the issue with a wave of your hand and some sort of vague statement with no grounding in either reality or fact.

How do you know the vast majority of the Island's population agree with you?

Can you prove it?

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