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who, where, what.


the scum finally got out of their pits i see.


another insightfull comment 'scittney' , thank you because while i have not slandered, made threats,name called. i am on the other end of this now. and pray tell for what? have i let loose with a flurry of racism? am i praising the white aryan race?? no, im simply am looking to DEBATE. oh and the red watch comment was intened as an open ended question not a threat.

and for 'scooby' or whoever, i do live here and have done for 14 years.

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If you can demonstrate any reason for these assumptions not to be made, then I'd be delighted if you could share them with us.

One reason is that the majority don't post on this forum, therefore your assumption is invalid and you can't prove otherwise. Another is that the BNP have only just visited the Island, and as people take more interest in the party your assumptions, as well as your presumed representations of peoples views may have to change.


May i refer you to this post Click Where we discovered that the current membership of the BNP that you said was 200 (although have provided no evidence to back up this statement so i'm taking it with a pinch of salt) means you have 0.3% of the Island's voting population in your party. I'd suggest that the assumption that the majority of people on the IoM don't support the BNP is indeed a valid assumption to make.


To respond with "well not everyone posts here and you're obviously wrong because there's a silent majority that support us" is frankly absurd, and an argument that the BNP have been using for years....strange that the silent majority still haven't managed to put the BNP in power....or is that because they cant lift their knuckles far enough from the ground to put a cross in the box at the polling station?


Funny how you are all looking for debate but when the opportunity is offered to you you all avoid it and pick something else to argue about. You've all had questions asked of you and you've failed to answer nigh on all of them.

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and for 'scooby' or whoever, i do live here and have done for 14 years.


Well assuming that you're not 14 years old and born here (which is possible based on the immature crap you have posted over the last couple of days) you are purely trying to stop people from other cultures coming here whilst obviously being happy that you have a "right" to be here yourself as a white Englishman.


What an embarrassing state of affairs - a paranoid white settler angry about an invasion of immigrants to his adopted country.

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You've all had questions asked of you and you've failed to answer nigh on all of them.
Because your questions are banal, based on false perceptions that create confusion and falsely label thoughtful and decent people with counter-intuitive nonsense and worn out ideaological jargon.

If that's not a sufficiently succinct response, you have only to spend a little unbiased time at the website - http://www.bnp.org.uk/ - or, if you can't bring yourself to do that, then address the concerns of the vast majority of the British population and offer your own solutions.

Failing that, ask yourself why you are so hostile to alternatives to the problems of mass immigration, social/cultural degeneration and Islamisation which will eventually engulf you by your own device.

Finally, please lay off the tiresome 'nazi', 'racist' and knuckle-dragging labelling. It says more about you than those on the receiving end of your eroneous and worn out allegations.

Thankyou :)

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You've all had questions asked of you and you've failed to answer nigh on all of them.

Because your questions are banal, based on false perceptions and deliberate obfuscations, designed to create confusion, falsely label thoughtful and decent people, promote counter-intuitive nonsense and disguise the real issues with nonsensical ideaological jargon.

If that's not a sufficiently succinct response to your high-minded attitude, you have only to spend a little unbiased time at the website - http://www.bnp.org.uk/ - or, if you can't bring yourself to do that, then admit to and flag up the concerns of the vast majority of the British population, address them and offer your own solutions.

Failing that, ask yourself why you are so hostile to alternatives to the problems of mass immigration, social/cultural degeneration and Islamisation which will eventually engulf you by your own device.

Finally, please lay off the tiresome 'nazi', 'racist' and knuckle-dragging labelling. It says more about you than those on the receiving end of your eroneous and worn out allegations.

Thankyou :)


right....now why don't you try listening rather than simply than being blind to what we have to say.


Get this into your thick skull.....we have all read the website....it is bullshit....and answers none of our questions.


We expect any potential polititian and representative to answer our questions. If you or any of you band of nazis got into power.....you are accountable to us!


How dare you treat our questions with such an appauling attitude. Answer the questions we ask and we might have a little more respect for you.....until such time your just spamming the board.

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right....now why don't you try listening rather than simply than being blind to what we have to say.


Get this into your thick skull.....we have all read the website....it is bullshit....and answers none of our questions.


We expect any potential polititian and representative to answer our questions. If you or any of you band of nazis got into power.....you are accountable to us!


How dare you treat our questions with such an appauling attitude. Answer the questions we ask and we might have a little more respect for you.....until such time your just spamming the board.

What a cop-out.

And getting angry doesn't help either.

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What a cop-out.

And getting angry doesn't help either.


With every post you just display such shocking ignorance, that its become clear exactly why your in the BNP.


Please stop posting as it is just embarrassing to see the tactics you use.

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We expect any potential polititian and representative to answer our questions. If you or any of you band of nazis got into power.....you are accountable to us!
I'm not a potential politician and I'm not in any band of nazis. When you at least accept the latter and stop churning out the same tired old rhetoric you might just engender sufficient confidence to receive answers to your questions.

Until then I have no time for your enmity.


Bye :)

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If that's not a sufficiently succinct response, you have only to spend a little unbiased time at the website - http://www.bnp.org.uk/ - or, if you can't bring yourself to do that, then address the concerns of the vast majority of the British population and offer your own solutions.


How many references to Zionist conspiracies can be found on the web site ?

How many references to Zionist conspiracies can be found on the Labour Party web site or the Conservative Party web site or on any of the numerous web sites belonging to Socialist organisations ?

When you have the answer to that question could you please explain the reasons ?

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id like to say, while people are so quick to persicute david for being BNP and a 'thug' quite simply look at this bloke 'scittney' bringing up ANL links, threating people and calling them nazi. thats quite simply laughable. the policies of the BNP are a far cries from those of national socialism, trus me i know this. dought me look it up your self you might learn a few things.

looks like all this thread has done is not expose bnp members as thugs but has shown people that its folk like the ANL/ANTTI-FA leftwingers etc that are the thugs with posts like that of 'scittneys'. but im sure thats just internet talk form him. but whereever you go there will be reds i supose, maybe there will be an isle of man section on redwatch soon.......


Do the BNP not do adult literacy classes?


I mean it must be really embarrasing to have all these great ideas and not be able to communicate in written form without looking like a total incompetent.

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Because your questions are banal


Hah! You're now choosing which questions to answer based on which you find most interesting. You've chosen to answer exactly none.




Get out of this thread.

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How many references to Zionist conspiracies can be found on the web site ?

How many references to Zionist conspiracies can be found on the Labour Party web site or the Conservative Party web site or on any of the numerous web sites belonging to Socialist organisations ?

When you have the answer to that question could you please explain the reasons ?



Zionist conspiracy = 9 pages

Zionist = 35

Conspiracy = 46




Zionist conspiracy = 0

Zionist = 0

Conspiracy = 0




Zionist conspiracy = 0

Zionist = 0

Conspiracy = 26


I love the google site: function!

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Griffin's nasty little gang are an interesting collection of social misfits.


From Griffin's pseudo intellectual ranting. [terrible analysis skills needs a good researcher]






Through rabble rousing and harassment of British citizens




To ridiculous attempts to set up in opposition to established Trade Unions


Up the workers


The Chaplinesque pinnacle of their ambitions involves the Isle of Man as the location of a parliament of lunatics and social inadequates.


Parliament of lunatics


Make your own mind up folks.

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Zionist conspiracy = 9 pages

Zionist = 35

Conspiracy = 46




Zionist conspiracy = 0

Zionist = 0

Conspiracy = 0




Zionist conspiracy = 0

Zionist = 0

Conspiracy = 26


I love the google site: function!


Thanks ChinaHand. It all makes me wonder if the mainstream parties lack perception or if [never it cant be] the BNP are a little obsessed with matters Jewish.


Edited to add : if you undertake the same exercise for Jew, Jewish or Jews you may be shocked at the result.

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