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well to the people that apparently know me and my beliefs :rolleyes: id like them to point out where in any of my post ive 'given anything away' so to speek

and pointing out spelling errors and the like in that way is just an attempt to devalue anything i might have to say on whatever subject.poor and low tactic.

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You've all had questions asked of you and you've failed to answer nigh on all of them.

Because your questions are banal, based on false perceptions that create confusion and falsely label thoughtful and decent people with counter-intuitive nonsense and worn out ideaological jargon.

If that's not a sufficiently succinct response, you have only to spend a little unbiased time at the website - http://www.bnp.org.uk/ - or, if you can't bring yourself to do that, then address the concerns of the vast majority of the British population and offer your own solutions.

Failing that, ask yourself why you are so hostile to alternatives to the problems of mass immigration, social/cultural degeneration and Islamisation which will eventually engulf you by your own device.

Finally, please lay off the tiresome 'nazi', 'racist' and knuckle-dragging labelling. It says more about you than those on the receiving end of your eroneous and worn out allegations.

Thankyou :)


I asked who your candidates were in the IoM....you did not answer. The question may be banal but surely not to you as you have such a strong interest in Manx politics.

Strangely enough that fantastic little website you keep linking to when you can't scrape the braincells together to formulate an answer to simple questions doesn't have the details of your little manx contingent on it, and certainly not the potential candidates for the BNP over here.

If i offered my own solution to this question i fear that kermit the frog would probably get in above many of our current politicians and i simply don't want the BNP in any position of power over here, even if it is via a little green fluffy mouthpiece.

Ahh yes, the islamification of the Isle of Man, what's wrong little boy? Frightened the nasty muslims are going to take over your country? Sorry but you have just succumbed to the BNP's treatment for morons that are actually unable to think for themselves and have to be told what to think. Remind me again how many muslims there are on the Island, and how many of them are extremists? I'd love to know, and with those opinions you must be very well informed.

The reason people refer to you as those things is because that is the persona you give off on these forums, unable to debate reasonably, telling everyone to go to the website rather than actually give people the time and thought to answer their questions, the making of a good politician I'm sure.

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I'm not a potential politician and I'm not in any band of nazis. When you at least accept the latter and stop churning out the same tired old rhetoric you might just engender sufficient confidence to receive answers to your questions.

Until then I have no time for your enmity.


OOOHHH i think some one found the thesaurus function in word!! Anyone else reminded of the episode of Friends where Joey finds about about the thesaurus, no???, must just be me.


God i know im gonna get half a dozen pages of hate for this but it has to be said. And before you assume, no im not a nazi or a racist.


Disclaimer over and done with.


Any way back on track, i have no really problem with the fact that the BNP are canvising on the island, we live in a democracy, supposedly, and as such it is only fair that every point of view is put in to the public arena so the voting public can make an informed and inteligent decision on who to vote for. How can it be a true democracy if we deny a certain section of society their view then we may as well give up on free speach and free elections. We have to believe that the voting public are intelligent enough to see the BNP's veiws as out dated and morrally questionable, and as such they will fail to acheve any kind of majority.


I have more to say but everyone stopped listerning a while back and im tired, as you can tell from my terrible spelling no doubt.


The ever lovely


Mr Bunny

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One of the awful side effects of the BNP / NF et al, is that they prevent mature debate about social diversity and society. Mainstream politicians are rendered impotent by their fear of being branded left or right or racist or any other terms correctly applied to their more extreme counterparts. Society as a whole suffers from an inability to deal with issues of a persons race, origin etc for exactly the reasons I have outlined.


We certainly do not need the BNP for a mature debate.

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we live in a democracy


It is perfectly legitemate for locals to advocate and promote a political opinion, as long as they don't stir up racial hatred.


I have a problem with outsiders (ie..non-residents) having an input and trying to impose their view on us.....this threatens the very independance of the Isle of Man and should be resisted. We choose our own to represent us and should not be engulfed by the UK party politics.


As has already been established these "Manx BNP" members on here are not residents and I suggest they get off the board if their one intention is to be divisive and stir up trouble on our island, an island on which they do not live and would not have to live with the consequences....go and campaign in your own neck of the woods.

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and id like to know 'hboy' what you mean by amature. sorry if my writings arnt up to your political standard. still my point remains a fact, ive said nothing harsh and yet im the bad guy. i fing it pathetic


Please, please, please learn to write properly (lucidly?) because it just makes you look like a cretin when you express a point of view and you can't even write proper English.


Thats the problem with most of you BNP lot. You think you don't have good jobs because of the immigrants, when actually the reason you don't have good jobs is because you are illiterate morons who are virtually unemployable because you can't write or speak coherently.

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Meantime I have interests elsewhere. Not as a prospective politician, nor as a nazi, racist or knuckle-dragging thug etc etc ..... but as an ordinary person with integrity and intutive understanding of what is right and what is wrong.


So let the debate continue, .... it is you who now resist that will ring the changes, not I.


Good luck and best wishes,




How sad. We're all waving goodbye to you Leggo.








........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')


..........''...\.......... _.·´





Bon voyage.

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I'm Manx (with the not entitled stamp). I would like any immigrant of whatever background who might be reading this to know that:

- I do not consider myself British The idea of Brits coming here telling us who should and shouldn't be here makes my blood boil.

- I appreciate the huge contribution non British immigrants, of whatever faith and colour, have made to the Manx economy and life here in general - thank you for being here.

- I recognize and admire the huge positive contribution to Manx culture by the longer established families (eg Chinese and Italian) which no one can deny.

- I know there is a small proportion of the English immigrant community here who refuse to assimilate, in some cases for generations. We have lived side by side with them for a long time. The vast majority of them are good people, don't let a tiny minority cause unecessary divisions.

- The Union Jack is mostly used here as a flag of rememberance for the fight against facism during WW2, and as the flag of the LG. The BNP use of that flag is a disgrace.


I don't have anything to say directly to facist boneheads who go around spreading hate except to 'get back to your own country'.

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And so it begins ....

.... the Island takes up the debate, and as always, except for a few honest souls, it begins with denials and rabid hatred for the British National Party and anything suggestive of the right of indigenous peoples to self-determination in their ancestral homeland. Not in other lands, of course, but only in these islands, in these wicked, 'hideously white', racist islands.

As always, and with time, experience and reflection, the tone and tenure of the debate will change.

Meantime I have interests elsewhere. Not as a prospective politician, nor as a nazi, racist or knuckle-dragging thug etc etc ..... but as an ordinary person with integrity and intutive understanding of what is right and what is wrong.

So let the debate continue, .... it is you who now resist that will ring the changes, not I.


Good luck and best wishes,



But why are they on the Isle of Man, doesn't the word British mean anything!

We are manx!

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