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Bnp Leaflets


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No but your right to be taken seriously when you are peddling racial hated and yet can't even write in English yourself is affected.


Because properly spelled racial hatred should be treated with respect?


You do realise all you are doing is giving them the opportunity to spout their views?


I know .. but the more they do it the more they embarrass themselves and make their arguments even more stupid. They are great ambassadors for the BNP - issuing pathetic threats by e-mail just takes the biscuit in my book


Its the irony of a "British" nationalist that can't write in English that gets me. Normally spelling does not piss me off and I'm not getting at him for that, but its the irony of the situation that I find staggering.

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hboy it's never too late to change your mind, and that's just another freedom of the democracy you propose to protect by gagging anyone who can't spell properly.


And as for "taking the matter further" - you and Albert Tatlock seem to have construed an invitation to personal debate as some kind of threat.


By reading your posts and observing the remarkably unstable platform on which you have based your personal and vitrolic attacks on someone with different political views to your own, I can see why you'd be afraid of such a conversation - you'd lose, because your point is invalid and more bigoted than the person you're complaining about.


But to construe it as some kind of personal threat which needs "further action"? Be sensible. Oh, sorry, I forgot. That's the bit you extremists have difficulty with, isn't it?

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Stupidity of the first degree, as emails can be easily traced should you decide to take the matter further.


I've already contacted the "feds" to change my identity, and they have arranged for me to go under deep cover in Peel as a Spanish Fisherman called Carlos so that they can't track me down.


I am that scared I really don't know what to do.


If you see a moustachioed sailor in Michael Street just give me a knowing wink!

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oh, by the way


And I hate to descend to your level, but I really couldn't resist this one - you said "Its the irony of a "British" nationalist that can't write in English that gets me. "


Anyone who knows PROPER English would have written "It's the irony etc...."


By your own standards the classic apostrophe cock-up clearly disqualifies you from expressing any further opinions on the subject.


Unless you really ARE a Spanish fisherman and are afraid the feds will discover that your lak of ability in English also demonstrates a lack of a work permit.

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That, Declan old bean, is the sole purpose of an open forum - for people to express their views.


If you have a problem with that - or if it's just that you believe, like hboy, that people are only allowed opinions if you agree with them - then you've come to the wrong place, and the wrong country.



You seem to be labouring under the mistaken belief that this is an open forum. It's not - there have been plenty of instances where posts have been removed.


However, my point was not that hboy et al shouldn't debate with the BNP types, just that that isn't what has been happening on this thead. The BNP-ers have consistantly flipped and flopped to avoid the questions put to them about their intentions towards the Island and about the validity of their world view. In those circumstances continuing to debate with them is futile, since they aren't taking part in the debate.


In fact a sizeable part of their contribution has been to simply post links to the BNP's website, this is just spamming and wouldn't have been tolerated from a commercial organisation. If they want to debate, let them debate, but if they just want to advertise why do those who oppose them keep giving them the opportunity to do it by replying to their posts?


I also wonder why so many of the anti-BNP posts have been counter-productive. What is the point of picking on the spelling and by being abusive towards them, when the case of those opposing the BNP is so strong on intellectual and moral grounds. Indeed the sensible posters have exposed the lack of substance and anything other than rhetoric in the responses from the BNP supporters who have appeared on this thread. So what is the point of picking at trivialities like spelling?


Basically my point is aimed at hboy and the other anti-BNP posters and that is that if they continue this debate they should do it intelligently rather giving the BNP opportunity to promote their cause against a backdrop of a muddle-headed and abusive oppostion. Let's have a bit of common sense, hey?

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Good morning, I am sorry if I have offended anyone on this forum but Democracy means a lot to me and my fellow IOM members of the BNP. We are standing two members this year for the house of keys and you will find out who they are soon enough when we make our press release. The leaflet campaign was a hugh success

with over 100 letters asking for info on how to join and also £2600 in donations. Lets not argue just let the people decide thats Democracy!

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Good morning, I am sorry if I have offended anyone on this forum but Democracy means a lot to me and my fellow IOM members of the BNP. We are standing two members this year for the house of keys and you will find out who they are soon enough when we make our press release. The leaflet campaign was a hugh success

with over 100 letters asking for info on how to join and also £2600 in donations. Lets not argue just let the people decide thats Democracy!


I would point out the obvious that 100 letters out of a population of 80,000 is, in my mind, not that encouraging.


On democratic grounds I am glad you are pitching candidates, hopefully they are more lucid than your idiot supporters who have been posting here.


Personally though don't bother peddling your hatred and paranoia at my door. I'm Manx and proud and the British National Party have nothing at all to offer me.

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Good morning, I am sorry if I have offended anyone on this forum but Democracy means a lot to me and my fellow IOM members of the BNP. We are standing two members this year for the house of keys and you will find out who they are soon enough when we make our press release. The leaflet campaign was a hugh success

with over 100 letters asking for info on how to join and also £2600 in donations. Lets not argue just let the people decide thats Democracy!


I would point out the obvious that 100 letters out of a population of 80,000 is, in my mind, not that encouraging.


On democratic grounds I am glad you are pitching candidates, hopefully they are more lucid than your idiot supporters who have been posting here.


Personally though don't bother peddling your hatred and paranoia at my door. I'm Manx and proud and the British National Party have nothing at all to offer me.

The leaflets that we delivered were not full of hatred, a lot of people came out to talk to us and thanked us for for our leaflets. You must not have read them. Did you see the aircraft fly over Douglas this morning with banner attached (VOTE BNP). The campaign will hot up during the coming weeks.


All the Best


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The leaflets that we delivered were not full of hatred, a lot of people came out to talk to us and thanked us for for our leaflets. You must not have read them. Did you see the aircraft fly over Douglas this morning with banner attached (VOTE BNP). The campaign will hot up during the coming weeks.


All the Best



Just to throw my two penneth in - what do you actually hope to achieve?


The IOM is a non party system so even if you get two candidates in what can you do to change the system?


If they cannot get onto COMIN (which they won't) what policies of the BNP do you seriously expect to be able to drive?


Could you change the Residency Act? No


Could you change immigration policy? No


Could you change the work permit system? No


Its no to everything because you will have absolutely no power and no support from anyone and in a no party system thats five years of total inertia.


However if your guys fancy earning £38,000 a year plus expenses to do absolutely nothing then good luck to you, but anyone voting for you must expect that its a lost vote because you will be totally powerless to pursue any of the agendas you promote.

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I don't think much weight can be given to BNP comments on democracy and free speech as their policies in regard to homosexuals and 'non-British' peoples can only serve to deny them their voice and freedom. Therefore, my belief if that the BNP should be denied any method of participating in the British and Manx political system.

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You do yourselves no good and help yourselves less.


The political system you seek to promote and protect is founded on the principle of freedom of expression for all political views of individuals or parties, regardless of what they are.


Suggesting that one party should be excluded from the system because they hold a view which you dislike - and may even be widely unpopular among the electorate - completely opposes the principles you SAY you wish to defend.


One of the most famous quotes on democracy made in the House of Commons 150 years ago - "I do not agree with what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it."


Democrac, children, is meant to be a two-way stree, and unless you genuinely subscribe to that belief you are in fact an extremist of the worst kind.

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Declan you need to read it back.


you're the one who said "you're just giving them an opportunity to spout their views."


And I repeat - sole purpose of an internet forum.


And how does my subsequent post contradict that?


My point is - the abusive posts are "giving them the opportunity to spout their views" "against a backdrop of a muddle-headed and abusive oppostion." Whearas "sensible posters have exposed the [bNP's] lack of substance".


So engage them in debate, but do it sensibly because we who oppose the BNP have the intellectual and moral high ground.

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