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Bnp Leaflets


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One of the most famous quotes on democracy made in the House of Commons 150 years ago - "I do not agree with what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it."


I do not agree with what you say, the quote is wrongly attributed to Voltaire but is similar to something he did say:


"I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write", 1770. In French, presumably.

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One of the most famous quotes on democracy made in the House of Commons 150 years ago - "I do not agree with what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it."


I do not agree with what you say, the quote is wrongly attributed to Voltaire but is similar to something he did say:


"I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write", 1770. In French, presumably.


- which doesn't make it impossible for it to have been used in the house of commons in the way I suggested. If i could remember the name of the bloke who said it (I keep thinking RD Blackmore but I'm pretty sure he wrote Lorna Doone instead) then I'd track it down.


But regardless of attribution, it's the sentiment which was the important thing, and which is sadly almost non-exstent within the pages of this forum.

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What makes you say that? It seems to me that whilst many forums would have banned the BNP-ers as soon as they emerged, this forum has engaged them in debate.


There's a difference between vehmently opposing someone's viewpoint and actively preventing him from expressing it. The forum has by and large chosen the former. I think you are confusing disagreement with censorship.

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see, that's a REALLY helpful contribution to the debate. Well considered thinking and concise expression of an opinion of this kind let's everyone know the class of person we're dealing with here.


I gave up wasting my time asking pertinent questions and constructing reasoned response to you and your ilk quite some pages back so I feel it's best to amalgamate my feelings into one statement.


You're all chickenshit faggots.


There, I hope that didn't confuse you. .

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What I was trying to explain, maybe badly, was that I believe that BNP would essentially subvert the principles of free speech and the value of individual freedom which I supposed to be the virtue of liberalism.

Given that a number of BNP policies are nothing but actively racist and homophobic, if in government (which is highly unlikely, nevertheless) the BNP would seek to deny homosexuals and people of different cultures and ethnic minorities their freedoms and rights. Though if such a denial were the will of the majority, this does not make it right. In this context democracy isn't such a wonderful principle. It does not mean the rule of the minority either, minorities such as homosexuals and the muslim communities for example do not genuinely threaten the power of the majority as is often claimed by those who harp on about political correctness.

From this line of thinking I therefore think the BNP have no place in the political system because as mentioned they would only subvert the system. Just as importantly, I do not believe a party that would wish to implement hateful homophobic and racist policies has any place in the political system. A party that appeals to the populaces' ignorance and irrational fears should have no platform to progress this hate.


Though Ans, I do think it better you construct a better argument than 'faggots'.

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What I was trying to explain, maybe badly, was that I believe that BNP would essentially subvert the principles of free speech and the value of individual freedom which I supposed to be the virtue of liberalism.

Given that a number of BNP policies are nothing but actively racist and homophobic, if in government (which is highly unlikely, nevertheless) the BNP would seek to deny homosexuals and people of different cultures and ethnic minorities their freedoms and rights. Though if such a denial were the will of the majority, this does not make it right. In this context democracy isn't such a wonderful principle. It does not mean the rule of the minority either, minorities such as homosexuals and the muslim communities for example do not genuinely threaten the power of the majority as is often claimed by those who harp on about political correctness.

From this line of thinking I therefore think the BNP have no place in the political system because as mentioned they would only subvert the system. Just as importantly, I do not believe a party that would wish to implement hateful homophobic and racist policies has any place in the political system. A party that appeals to the populaces' ignorance and irrational fears should have no platform to progress this hate.


Though Ans, I do think it better you construct a better argument than 'faggots'.

Ans your debating skills are very limited, when you resort to foul language you have lost the plot :D

The people will decide. Yes we have checked our eligabilty for standing with a solicitor and I can assure you doubters that we will be standing in this years elections and hope to do very well thanks.

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Goodness me, it's still dificult to get through to some people.


The pinciple of freedom of speech is applied to EVERYBODY, not just people you agree with, or it's not freedom any more.


Proposing the banning of a political party on the grounds that you think they would probably subvert the system if they were not banned is NOT freedom, or democracy - it's just a different kind of totalitarianism to the one you seek to suppress.


There can be no half-measures in this, especially not when it is apparently YOUR self-elected judgement which decides who is to be banned and who not.


And the other thing. Chickenshit faggotts?


What makes me chickenshit or a faggot for supporting the right of all inviduals and parties to a free voice, whether I agree with them or not? Abusive and insulting expressions like that merely reveal that you have reached the end of your intellectual capabilities and are unable to sustain any further arguments supported by logical thought so you give up and turn nasty. Everyone but you can see it's an admission of defeat.


And who, I wonder, are people of "my ilk"? You have no idea what my ilk might be, beyond the fact that I believe in free speech and democracy. So if everyone else who does so is also a chickenshit faggot, I presume you will be happy to see the alternative - an extremist, prejudiced and bigoted party in power.


You make no sense, have no logic, nor apparently the cognitive ability to comprehend the issues you're dealing with.

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