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Bnp Leaflets


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Been chatting to people all week about this, and the unanimous opinion is bad news for David, who must be a miserable individual anyway. The mildest opinion is that BNP members should be forcefully repatriated. Keep on wasting your money and time David, and if you ever feel like a change of hobby may I suggest the Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses or Amway, or, if it must be politics, how about Sinn Fein, George Bush for President, the German Green Party, or the Chinese Communist Party all of which I think you will find will receive a far, far more polite response on the doorstep.

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Been chatting to people all week about this, and the unanimous opinion is bad news for David, who must be a miserable individual anyway. The mildest opinion is that BNP members should be forcefully repatriated. Keep on wasting your money and time David, and if you ever feel like a change of hobby may I suggest the Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses or Amway, or, if it must be politics, how about Sinn Fein, George Bush for President, the German Green Party, or the Chinese Communist Party all of which I think you will find will receive a far, far more polite response on the doorstep.

That's what we've been picking up. Never mind losing their deposit - they won't even get their boat fare back. Research shows that under several existing byelaws they could also be prosecuted even for the leaflets they have sent out already.


(Which is an important point as would empower a deemster to ban an individual from the island for five years).


(Edited: to add whether you arrive on the island to deliver leaflets or have moved here previously and done so).








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The British National Party exists to secure a future for the indigenous peoples of these islands in the North Atlantic which have been our homeland for millennia. We use the term indigenous to describe the people whose ancestors were the earliest settlers here after the last great Ice Age and which have been complemented by the historic migrations from mainland Europe. The migrations of the Celts, Anglo-Saxons, Danes, Norse and closely related kindred peoples have been, over the past few thousands years, instrumental in defining the character of our family of nations.


more at :- http://www.bnp.org.uk/mission.htm


Ahhh - I like the word indigenous, - to me it means anyone who has setled on the Island for a generation of two or three - or more!!, (black, white, Polish, German, French etc), in fact tbh the "Manx" are such a mixture of these races (probably a lot more Norse & French than English, more than the BNP would like to admit) (Celts=Indo/)Germainc), so using "Shappy's" and the 'other' BNP muppets arguments, then the so-called "Manx" are more than likely more genetically related to the Scottish, Irish, Norse, Welsh, Germanic and French "Breton" etc than the so-called "English".


So I would like to say in the words of my "kindred folk" to the BNP, "Fuck off you ignorant bunch of pricks", "back to your own country and leave us alone".



Edited to add,


BIG UP to our French bretheren for the world cup!!!!

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Putting aside the fact that the BNP HAVE moved from the cess pit that they once inhabited (and still have a way to go) what should be of far more concern is that the policies of the Big Two in the UK are such that so many people now feel that they resonate far more with the majority of the opinions expressed by the BNP than with NuLabour or the present Conservative leadership.


As to why the BNP should seek a more visible presence on the Island, remember that the Isle of Man IS British so there si no disparity there.


The second issue is that the Isle of Man, by being remiss in introducing legislation that presently constrains the remaining more radical members of the BNP on the Mainland from promoting their stupidity, have left an open door as they can spout a great deal of bile unhindered by laws.


The Finance arrangements also leave the BNP in a position where if they held their funds on the Island there would be far greater difficulty for the British government to sequestrate them should the need or the wish so arise.

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As to why the BNP should seek a more visible presence on the Island, remember that the Isle of Man IS British so there si no disparity there.


I think there quite a lot a Manx people who would disagree with that statement.

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As to why the BNP should seek a more visible presence on the Island, remember that the Isle of Man IS British so there si no disparity there.


I think there quite a lot a Manx people who would disagree with that statement.


And they would be wrong.


The Isle of Man is one of the British Isles, it is a British protectorate, and the British Queen is head of state.

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As to why the BNP should seek a more visible presence on the Island, remember that the Isle of Man IS British so there si no disparity there.


I think there quite a lot a Manx people who would disagree with that statement.


And they would be wrong.


The Isle of Man is one of the British Isles, it is a British protectorate, and the British Queen is head of state.


Its a fair point Rog, but also remember Protocol 3 does define the term "Manxman" from a European perspective - this is essentially someone born in the IOM and who has no British born parents or Grandparents so it is difficult to argue that many true Manx people are British as Protocol 3 says specifically that they are not - they are in fact Manx men (women) born in a British Crown dependency with no UK ancestory.


Its a picky point but one worth mentioning, as this treats us differently to other British subjects in terms of employment rights within the EU etc (which many Manx people don't have).


Therefore I cannot see what affinity these British nationalists have with people who, under Protocol 3, are not British at all.

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The Isle of Man is one of the British Isles


Just on that point Rog, so is Ireland. Are the Irish also British then?


You must take all the connections into account Simply being of the British Islands is insufficient.


Eire is a fully independent nation with its own head of state. Northern Ireland on the other hand is part of Great Britain and so the people there are British and Northen Ireland is a part of Great Britain in spite of all the attempts that have been made by NuLabour to sever the ties and sell out the population TO a foreign power.

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Northern Ireland on the other hand is part of Great Britain


No, I've been here before with you Rog


Northern Ireland is not part of Great Britian


If you have the "United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland" then it follows that Northern Ireland can't be part of Great Britian as it wouln't make sense


I know it's just a small side issue, but it continues to surprise me how many people in England don't know what Great Britian / the United Kingdom / British Isles actually are


Edit to add - and I did say England because I generally find that the Scottish, Welsh, Irish and Manx do seem to have a greater understanding of the situation.

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just for the BNP people here to have taken exception to being branded nazi's.


Here is a picture of your "glorious" founder member John Tyndall...(far left)




pretty damning isn't it?

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