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Bnp Leaflets


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But he was thrown out for good the following month. The BNP have got rid of all the bad eggs and are now on the road to victory.


"The BNP have got rid of all the bad eggs"


Not yet in my opinion.


"are now on the road to victory"


But what is victory? If you mean a BNP government, don't hold your breath. If you mean instilling a bit of backbone in the major parties, then probably yes.

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Removing posts Mr Shappey?


A dangerous business 'round these here parts.


If you've got forum members working for you then please have the courage of your convictions and leave your posts in situ.






I did not remove the posts, was it one of the moderators?


all the Best


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The BNP have got rid of all the bad eggs and are now on the road to victory.

Just all the rotten apples to go now then (by the way, Lemming Road is a cul-de-sac).



Dear Albert,

It seems it Angers you that we have the right to stand for elections. Democracy will Prevail!




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The BNP have got rid of all the bad eggs and are now on the road to victory.

Just all the rotten apples to go now then (by the way, Lemming Road is a cul-de-sac).



Dear Albert,

It seems it Angers you that we have the right to stand for elections. Democracy will Prevail!




I did not say that, and you should read my first or second response to your posts which will confirm that. In actual fact I regularly go for a pint with one of your members as we have been friends for many years, and though I respect his right to say what he thinks, that does not mean my thoughts or views will change.


I feel more a sadness that you hold such views, rather than anger. However, don't expect an easy ride. Just as you have every right to stand at elections, other people have an equal right to stand or campaign against you, if you (or any of your representatives), intend to stand for election. And campaign against you we will.


In the meantime, as I suspect you have not travelled much, before the elections might I suggest you go on holiday, visit a few places outside England, learn another language and perhaps talk to a few people who have experienced the pain of fascism first hand. You will find it's a big-ass world out there, and that your party and your misguided views are those of an insignificant fascist minority. Also perhaps keep of the web for a few weeks and try not buying the Sun, Daily Mail, or Daily Express for a while - as not only are you 'what you eat' you are also 'what you read'. We are all the product of our environment Dave - and if you are weak enough to let other people guide your opinions without experiencing the world for yourself - you have only yourself to blame for how you turn out.

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Actually, I quite enjoyed reading it. Certainly the funniest thing to emerge from these forums for a while. It's also a shining example of precisely why we should allow extremist nutters their right to free speech - because when they get it they use it extensively and expose themselves for the deeply unpleasant and narrow-minded bigots they are. 99 per cent of the readership of that kind of propaganda will fall about laughing and then forget the BNP party exists. And one per cent isn't enough to get elected into control of the netball league.

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I remember my days as a student. I was mesmerised by the rants of the Socialist Workers and their cohorts.


I could never understand though why they shouted for "Freedom of Speech for all" but always with the proviso of ". . . . except for the NF/BNP".


Let theses people have their ridiculous say.


The results of 38 pages on this forum speak for themselves.

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Haven't been online for a few days - the general comments were tiresome. However, in your case, I will say that your response it typical of the Isle of Man and their attitude - can't find an answer then swear (must be something with not doing well at school and ending up with low intelligence levels). What you need to bear in mind is that you are presenting yourself as the alternative to the BNP way of thought and response: I must just consider joining them if the alternative is people like you. I believe that the highway board provide manhole covers for sewers, maybe they'll have an XXL size that should fit your mouth.


I imagine a lot of the responses you get are tiresome, as a lot of the rhetoric posted by you, David Shappy, Christian, Leggo and all the other BNP sympathisers is equally tiresome.


Ask a tiresome question, you get a tiresome response.


The BNP have targetted many homes here and Shappy confirms that they have 100 letters of encouragement. Whoop de do. Its a pretty poor show for a weeks effort and a sponsored fly past and probably indicative of what most locals feel about the whole proposition.


They've had a positive response from less than 0.125% of the population. Whereas 10,500 + people (over 13% of the population) have viewed these postings and the consensus is easy to gauge.


Why don't you continue arguing tirelessy with everyone else here because I am sure we can keep this up for weeks and weeks and weeks as the penny has obviously not dropped yet.


Well, yokel local (and you named yourself that!! Definitions of yokel: country bumpkin; rustic or socially inept (inept means absurd, silly) person; ). And what a silly response you have given - have you even read my previous posts? I think not. I do not, and never have, supported the BNP - I do not sympathise or even understand their mentality. As I lived in Birmingham for 35 years I am used to living in a multi-racial society and have many, many friends of different nationalities (I don't see black people as the sole targets of racism as many on this site do - racism can be aimed at anyone by anyone who feels threatened by something that is different to themselves - I have yet to feel threatened by anyone or anything)


You say that you 'imagine a lot of the responses get are tiresome, as a lot of the rhetoric posted by [me] ... ' - and that is where your attack on me quite simply falls down - you just don't imagine at all - where in my previous posts have I shown the slightest sympathy or support for the BNP?


You then went on to state: 'Ask a tiresome question, you get a tiresome response' - didn't I just.


Your other comment: 'Why don't you continue arguing tirelessy with everyone else here because I am sure we can keep this up for weeks and weeks and weeks as the penny has obviously not dropped yet'. I agree with you, the penny hasn't dropped with you yet (maybe your subconcious had something to do with your choice of name) and, believe me, I can argue 'til the cows come home quite easily and this is because I have an IQ. This explains why the BNP propaganda that is apparently hitting the Island is of no concern to me - I'm not about to be tempted to vote BNP just because a leaflet comes through the door.


As I have said in earlier posts, everyone is entitled to their opinion - what you are not entitled to do is to force it onto me even though your accusations (to put it kindly) are misguided and completely wrong.


Bear in mind that whilst bigoted and aggressive people (such as you) launch unwarranted attacks on others (such as me) one group will continue to distance itself from the other and that is where true division takes place.


Try to stick to a reasoned approach and attempt an adult response.


To all of you who feel threatened by the BNP (and there appears to be many) follow the advice given for chain letters - put the leaflets in the bin

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Right chaps, I have a plan. Stop posting here and ignore them.


Right with you Gladys - a voice of reason at last. Don't think it will catch on though - they seem to like having something to moan about; maybe it gives them a feeling of being involved but at a safe distance.

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I would react but some of the messages on these pages sound like the ranting of people who are seriously unbalanced - and the language is foul - the BNP would be proud of them for conducting themselves in such a yobbish way


Fuck off.


Haven't been online for a few days - the general comments were tiresome. However, in your case, I will say that your response it typical of the Isle of Man and their attitude - can't find an answer then swear (must be something with not doing well at school and ending up with low intelligence levels). What you need to bear in mind is that you are presenting yourself as the alternative to the BNP way of thought and response: I must just consider joining them if the alternative is people like you. I believe that the highway board provide manhole covers for sewers, maybe they'll have an XXL size that should fit your mouth.



It was a joke! When someone takes a holier-than-thou approach to swearing and people's comments the only sane response is to make a joke out of it.


I really would like to take it as a joke but a joke is supposed to make people laugh and, sorry, I just didn't find it funny. I wasn't taking a holier than thou approach, I just never feel the need for profanity and don't understand why others do.


If everyone is so hot and bothered by all this, why haven't they organised a protest march at Tynwald? Would I be right in assuming they are prepared to shout and swear but not get up off their backsides and actually do something that would unite those who support the (general) jist of the arguments put forward on this site against the BNP.


I would sincerely like to hear your response to that - but please, just for me, don't swear in your response - I promise I am able to understand frustration and anger in ordinary text. You never know, if someone should organise it, I will probably see you there!

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Right with you Gladys - a voice of reason at last. Don't think it will catch on though - they seem to like having something to moan about; maybe it gives them a feeling of being involved but at a safe distance.



And exactly which "they" is it that you're talking about in such a condescending fashion?


Don't imagine for a moment that you're the only person here with an intellect, or even the only person here entitled to use it.


Having just rejoined the fray yourself to score old points (rather nicely, I thought) , it's rather unbecoming to follow it up with such a self-satisfied and patronising sideswipe at just about everybody else in the forum - undoes any previous good work really, as you lower yourself to the same level "they" are on. Whoever they - oh, wait a sec, we've done that bit...

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I really do think that a dignified silence is needed.


I think it is high time we stopped generating alot of sound and fury that signifies very little indeed and left the BNP to stew in its own juice. All this topic has achieved is a slanging match, and given BNP supporters a forum to post their views, links to their website and make snide remarks about how much support they have etc.


Studies have shown that the far right are very successful at getting their agenda into the main stream. They shout their xenophobia and twisted policies and right minded people feel they have to respond; as a result the media reports what was said and ask politicians for comment etc and it starts to feed upon itself.


I think this is starting to happen here. I really would recommend just swallowing your anger and ignoring them. Don't post, don't reply and don't let them set our, or our politicians, agnedas ... and lets see how they do in the elections.

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Right with you Gladys - a voice of reason at last. Don't think it will catch on though - they seem to like having something to moan about; maybe it gives them a feeling of being involved but at a safe distance.



And exactly which "they" is it that you're talking about in such a condescending fashion?


Don't imagine for a moment that you're the only person here with an intellect, or even the only person here entitled to use it.


Having just rejoined the fray yourself to score old points (rather nicely, I thought) , it's rather unbecoming to follow it up with such a self-satisfied and patronising sideswipe at just about everybody else in the forum - undoes any previous good work really, as you lower yourself to the same level "they" are on. Whoever they - oh, wait a sec, we've done that bit...


Aaaah, Johnny Rotten, read again - I was not being disparaging and no condecension was ever intended. Surely you don't suggest that I list every single person that has argued against the BNP. Agreed, it did come across wrong but I am sure that from my previous postings, I only attack those who attack me first, otherwise I am pleasant and polite.


To all those offended by the above, I apologise for my inappropriate wording.


REWORDING: most of the people who post here seem to like having something to moan about; maybe it gives some people a feeling of being involved but from a safe distance.


Friends again?


P.S. thanks for your kind(er!) comments. I really am on the side of the good guys (anti-BNP)

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