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I really would like to take it as a joke but a joke is supposed to make people laugh and, sorry, I just didn't find it funny. I wasn't taking a holier than thou approach, I just never feel the need for profanity and don't understand why others do.


A joke is a joke if it is intended to be funny. The fact you didn't find it funny just makes it an unfunny one. I can live with that. However, I think it is unfair of you to tell me not to swear in my reply to you. We took a vote and it was decided that the forum would allow swearing.


Sorry I don't think the rest of your post applies to me since I'm not all angry.


However, you are coming across as rather condescending.

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Really helpful contribution to the deabte Declan.


Glad to see you haven't lost your touch.


The boy Shappy will be lapping it up - behaving like that just makes him even more certain that most people here are in fact stupid and will be easy meat when the BNP spreads its propaganda.

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I see no 'edited by Declan' in his post and no mods have touched it.


Actually I did edit it.


On reflection I thought I might have taken the joke too far. Although I did use a smillie which I'm told immediately invalidates whatever's gone before.


Although only an imbecile could construe them as "lewd" offensive maybe not not lewd.

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Actually it is one of the subscribers' perks. See here.



After Subscribing Manxforums.com, you will be upgraded to 'Subscriber' status. Subscriber features include:


* Can remove 'edited by' legend from posts


Which is rather good since "the edited by" text make posts look untidy.

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and save the insults you deal out so casually for the people wshoe really NEED insulting?


Are you suggesting that you are just so superior that you are above being insulted? Everyone with forceful views gets insulted every now and then.


Grow up.


Perhaps if you posted nicer, saner more rational things people would not feel the need to be so insulting.


Cause and effect and all that.

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and save the insults you deal out so casually for the people wshoe really NEED insulting?


Are you suggesting that you are just so superior that you are above being insulted? Everyone with forceful views gets insulted every now and then.


Grow up.


Perhaps if you posted nicer, saner more rational things people would not feel the need to be so insulting.


Cause and effect and all that.


Aaaaagh, it just never stops - the aggro that is. So, here is something I hope lightens the mood:


In the 1960s people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world’s weird and people take Prozac to make it normal. (Damon Albarn)


I don’t do drugs. If I want a rush I just get out of a chair when I’m not expecting it. (Dylan Moran)


In prison, I studied German. Indeed, this seems to be the proper place for such study. (Oscar Wilde)


West Germany might beat us at our national sport, but that would only be fair. We beat them twice at theirs. (Vincent Mulchrone)


The Englishman, be it noted, seldom resorts to violence; when he is sufficiently goaded he simply opens up, like the oyster, and devours his adversary. (Henry Miller)


If you can’t be a good example, then you’ll just have to serve as a horrible warning. (Catherine Aird)


Never try to keep up with the Jones’. Drag them down to your level. It’s cheaper. (Quentin Crisp)


The world is divided into two sorts of people: those who divide the world into two sorts of people and those who do not. I fall resolutely into the latter category. (Stephen Fry)


I come from a poor neighbourhood. If anyone ever paid their rent, the police immediately came :thumbsup: round to see where they got the money from. (Alexi Sayle)


Our neighbourhood was so rough that any cat with a tail was considered posh. (Les Dawson)


I wouldn’t say my neighbourhood’s rough but the local paper has a column for forthcoming deaths. (Bob Monkhouse)


The only reason my wife has an orgasm is so she’ll have something else to moan about. (Bob Monkhouse)


I never comment on referees and I’m not going to break the habit of a lifetime for that prat. (Ron Atkinson)


One of the most pleasing sounds of Springtime, to be heard all over the country, is the contented cooing of osteopaths as Man picks up his garden spade. (Oliver Pritchett)


Fortified with Krug, he produced from behind his back a glow-in-the-dark condom in the shape of a Stealth Bomber called ‘The Penetrator’. Great. Now I could read during the dull bits. (Kathy Lette, Altar Ego, 1998)


Men build bridges and throw railroads across deserts, and yet they contend successfully that the job of sewing on a button is beyond them. Accordingly, they don’t have to sew buttons. (Heywood Broun, writer, Seeing Things at Night)


Old Age


I feel like my body has gotten totally out of shape, so I got my doctor's permission to join a fitness club and start exercising. I decided to take an aerobics class for seniors. I bent, twisted, gyrated, jumped up and down, and perspired for an hour. But, by the time I got my leotards on, the class was over.

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and save the insults you deal out so casually for the people wshoe really NEED insulting?


Are you suggesting that you are just so superior that you are above being insulted? Everyone with forceful views gets insulted every now and then.


Grow up.


Perhaps if you posted nicer, saner more rational things people would not feel the need to be so insulting.


Cause and effect and all that.


Aaaaagh, it just never stops - the aggro that is. So, here is something I hope lightens the mood:



Why do you expect the agro to stop when you post what you do?







(Note we assume Rusty and Johnny Rotten are in fact the same person by your response)

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