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Bnp Leaflets


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In trying to understand why the BNP is interested in the IOM, my partner just found this at the BNP manifesto website


3. Create a pan-British parliament to deal with overall economic policy and provide the authority and accountability required for the Ministry of Finance, and matters such as foreign policy on which it is clearly essential for the British nations to speak with one voice. This body would have its formal base on the Isle of Man, though it would sit in rotation in each of the national parliaments.

Just followed the link and thought the paragraph would be burried within a long winded page. I didn't expect it to be highlighted with a photo of our flag right next to it. (Looking at the pole and flag fastening, it's a Government flag too).


I was watching a news programme a while ago (the one that has Michael Portillo on) and they were discussing the flag of St. George being taken to represent the BNP and how it was good to see it back representing sports fans support. Ironic then that the BNP start poking their noses out of their holes at this time when the English flag is so visible.

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BNP Manifesto:


The Armed People – the ultimate protection against invasion or tyranny


The exploitation of the 1996 Dunblane Massacre of sixteen school-children and a teacher by a homosexual paedophile to provide an excuse to disarm many thousands of law-abiding citizens was one of the most breath-takingly cynical acts of the Blair regime.


Put simply, guns do not kill people, criminals kill people – especially when innocent people do not have guns with which to defend themselves.

I don't swear often, but I did a moment ago.

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Very worrying. What is a UK political party doing canvassing over here, so intrusively and with obvious intentions to make this something of their base? I think a bit of real investigative journalism is required here; why are they outside of their own jurisdiction, what support have they got locally, what is their organisation here and why have they pinned our flag to their website, what is their long term objective vis a vis our own government?


We have only just shrugged off the reputation for being a backward, repressive society with birching, anti-homosexuality laws. If we now appear to be accepting this mob, we will put ourselves back 20 or 30 years.


And despite the derisive comments above, MCB does have a point. Is one way to get shut of them to check whether they need work permits and if they have them? It worked with the TV licence vans a couple of years back.


Bernie Moffat, where the f*ck are you?

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I've just come in and listened to the Nick Griffin interview on MR and I'm absolutely appalled. He says that his members have been in to pubs on the island and have found that people wish for the good old days where this was a quiet island with no crime. Fair enough, but what on earth does that have to do with anything that his evil party stand for? What part of the problems that we do have here with crime and violence have anything to do with immigration? I can't remember a night out where I saw trouble caused by anyone other than white manx/british individuals, surely the exact group of people that this gobshite is attempting to appeal to with his nasty and dangerous views.

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Say what you like about BM, (and I am not a great personal fan) but on issues like this he does seem to be able to rumble some action, much better than our elected.


Bernard is a personal friend so possibly I am biased. He has had his own problems recently and is, anyhow, close to retirement.

He has a fabulous record of direct intervention into social problems and in my humble opinion is someone the Manx people shuld be proud of.

Possibly its time for someone else to step forward and take over the mantle. He has done far more than his bit.

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Why the IOM? a country with no organised party politics, with a recent upsurge in immigration, an amateur civil service regularly manipulated by any passing sharp businessman, Cash rich, contact through the finance sector to the good and the not so good throughout the world.

All could be yours by returniing relativley few MHKs, plonk Griffin into Tynwald then elect him Chief Minister. They could have their very own rich country.


This has the makings of a takeover

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I fail to see why the BNP is distributing leaflets on the Island unless it is to raise the awareness of people to what is REALLY happening over here with the intent of forming a Manx Right Wing party.




The BNP has changed from what it was. The new membership has moved it away from the pseudo-Nazi party that it was and now it is much more main stream though there are still a number of the Old School, especially that lout Griffiths and his cronies, who remain and continue to hold it back.


One thing that is does do is to provide a goad to the main stream parties to address the interests of GB to a greater extent than they otherwise might by openly expressing views and opinions that are in touch with a vast number of people “on the street”. In that the BBP does serve a very good purpose as otherwise The Westminster Village would concentrate not on the wishes of the public as a whole but on their own agendas.


There is much about the BNP that I deplore ---- and yet there is much that they promote that I entirely agree with. Their stance against the (effectively) uncontrolled immigration into GB for one thing, their abhorrence at multi-culturalism for another, and their recognition of the real and very present threat from the growing moslem colony in the country and all that entails.


The thought of a BNP parliament is terrible – at least as the BNP is at present – but the thought of a few BNP MP’s providing a voice that ignores political correctness and who will concentrate on Britain as a nation makes an attractive proposition to me.


Just as Labour has changed from what it once was to the Frankensteinian monster that it is today, so the BNP has changed and will continue to change. Look at what there IS, not at what there was. It’s no longer just a sea of white faces. It’s a sea of BRITISH faces of all colours.


You want extreme right wing? Don’t look to the BNP any more. Rather look at the BPP --- http://www.bppuk.org/ --- they are what the BNP were and it’s where the nasty crew from the BNP are now moving as the BNP becomes civilised.

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Don't be bought in by the branding that griffin and the party try to portray....the main membership are racists and bigots.


What I am particuarly upset to see on here is people tarring the english because of this minority of idiots.


Do you not see what the BNP are doing? Why let them cause rifts between the Manx and the English which seems to have been the effect of their canvassing.


This kind of party has no place on this island and it is up to us all regardless of our nationality to stand united against such bigotry who are exploiting the island as part of their propaganda campaign. Don't let them do it!


I'll tell you exactly what their wanting to do (it seems to me) is to get candidates to stand in elections here....now they stand a high chance of getting elected not because of popular support but because in many areas it would be possible to stand uncontested. So without a popular mandate they could become a commissioner or perhaps an MHK (although these are usually contested) and they can turn to the British public and say "we have been supported by the Isle of Man", how will that reflect on us all.


If they come near you with their leaflets tell them where to go and that they are not welcome.


DO not let the BNP cause rifts in our society in which we all live in relative peace and co-operation.

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I've just come in and listened to the Nick Griffin interview on MR and I'm absolutely appalled. He says that his members have been in to pubs on the island and have found that people wish for the good old days where this was a quiet island with no crime. Fair enough, but what on earth does that have to do with anything that his evil party stand for? What part of the problems that we do have here with crime and violence have anything to do with immigration? I can't remember a night out where I saw trouble caused by anyone other than white manx/british individuals, surely the exact group of people that this gobshite is attempting to appeal to with his nasty and dangerous views.


exactly! going into pubs and asking a few p!ssed-up punters who don't want crime?! seriously, I wouldn't trust a word he says as all the violence over here is caused by white folk anyway, so obvious crap! I'm sure we'll have the MHKs coming out next week putting them down. I can't see them getting anywhere, the government won't let them as it would a disaster for the IOM's reputation, house prices and even economy.


more seriously, I know of people who have ended up in hospital because of these b@stards, don't believe a word they say.

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