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Bnp Leaflets


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Some interesting posts,glad to see that we are all friends again and that we can agree to differ. You all have my respect for your views.


All The Best



Trying to claw respect back. Don't bother.


Try answering difficult questions instead.


Nothing of substance has been posted by you at any time over the last 2 weeks (ie. since you signed up because you thought you might get some votes)

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Some interesting posts,glad to see that we are all friends again and that we can agree to differ. You all have my respect for your views.


All The Best



Trying to claw respect back. Don't bother.


Try answering difficult questions instead.


Nothing of substance has been posted by you at any time over the last 2 weeks (ie. since you signed up because you thought you might get some votes)


Sorry your so negative h'boy,but I wish you ATB


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Some interesting posts,glad to see that we are all friends again and that we can agree to differ. You all have my respect for your views.


All The Best



You are a vomit inducing creep David.

Thanks for that Freggy


David :D

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Thanks to the three forum members who helped leafleting last Sunday, we are out again this Sunday same place and time for those needing lift. Also thanks to all those who pm'd me with messages of support.




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Daily Mirror: ONE of the two British soldiers killed in Afghanistan over the weekend was a devout muslim born in Pakistan.


Lance Corporal Jabron Hashmi, 24, died with Corporal Peter Thorpe, 26, after they were attacked in Sangin.


Before going to the frontline he told relatives: "When it's time to go, it's time to go."


His brother Zeeshan, 27, said: "He was very daring and had no fear.


"He was fiercely proud of his Islamic background and was equally proud of being British.


Daily Mail:L Cpl Hashmi and Cpl Thorpe were serving with the 3 Para Battle Group in Helmand Province. During the attack on Saturday night their guard position in the town of Sangin took a direct hit from a rocket-propelled grenade.


Jabron Hashmi was born in the Pakistani city of Peshawar, just 40 minutes from the Afghan border, and came to Britain with his family in 1994, aged 12.


He cherished a childhood ambition to be an army commander, and joined the British Army two years ago, training as a military intelligence specialist.


Attached to the Royal Signals in Afghanistan his job was to help build up a detailed grassroots picture of local Taliban activity and support, to aid British soldiers patrolling the area.


'Committed soldier and committed Muslim'


Speaking at the family home in Bordesley Green, Birmingham, his older brother Zeeshan, a former intelligence corps soldier now studying at Cambridge University, said: 'Jabron was a committed soldier and a committed Muslim.


'He was fiercely proud of his Islamic background and he was equally proud of being British.


'He went to Afghanistan hoping to build bridges between the East and the West. He has always wanted to serve his country since he was a little boy.


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Nice to see hboy doing what he does best - insulting anyone and everyone instead of being rational, and displaying colossal misunderstanding of posts he has read.


What I was quite clearly suggesting is that there are some people posting on these boards who lay themselves open to insult - and LOTS of others who don't.


I am not Rusty, Rusty is not me. Not last time I looked. I don't even know if I know Rusty, if you see what I mean.


And it would be fantastic if Mr Shappy copied the board with some of the messages he mentioned so we can see how widespread his support really is. In other terms, put up or shut up, preferably the latter.

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Just a couple of questions, David:


Are Jewish people welcome to join the British Nazi National Party?

Are coloured people welcomed? (After all, some of them have been here since Roman times - there was a division of them guarding Hadrian's Wall - so they're probably more 'British' than most of your members)

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There were 200,000+ Freemasons killed in the holocaust, and there are many wealthy masons on the IOM and I believe their society is active as they hold charitabe functions, what does the BNP think of them? (and I wonder what they think of the BNP!)

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From an interesting (2002) article about Nick Griffin at The Observer.


Griffin could superficially pass for a mild man with strong views. He is intelligent, well-read, and knows how to string an argument together and how to unpick one. But the problem is that beneath this veneer of respectability a pattern of scheming, intolerance and racism remains clearly visible.


The new-model Griffin was only unveiled in the late 90s. For the better part of the previous 25 years he had devoted himself to hard-core extremism. When he joined the NF in the mid-70s, it was visibly a neo-Nazi party, complete with armbands, confrontational marches, and a leader, Tyndall, with a predilection for dressing up in Nazi regalia.


A committed activist, Griffin worked his way up the ranks, which were not extensive, and in 1983, along with a couple of other young hopefuls, he staged a coup that dislodged Martin Webster, the leader at that time. Five years later Griffin was among a party of NF hierarchy which made an all-expenses-paid visit to Libya a few weeks before the Lockerbie bombing (and just a few years after the murder of WPC Fletcher). Their purpose was to gain funds from Colonel Gaddafi, who was also bankrolling the IRA at the time. During this period, the NF adopted a pro-Ayatollah Khomenei stance.


Not long after, Griffin found himself on the losing side of an internal power struggle and decided to leave the NF for the International Third Position, an umbrella group set up by an Italian fascist called Roberto Fiore, who was on the run in England from the Italian authorities. In 1989, Griffin lost an eye in a firearms accident, and was in and out of hospital for almost a year. During that time, he says, a Catholic faction took over the ITP and he retreated to a small-holding in the Shropshire countryside.


It was Tyndall who brought him back into politics. He was concerned that a modernising wing of the BNP was undermining his power, and employed Griffin to write a series of counter-attacks which offered a staunch defence of old-fashioned NF-style values.


Following the council by-election of the BNP's Derek Beacon in 1993, Griffin wrote: 'The electors of Millwall did not back a postmodernist rightist party, but what they perceived to be a strong, disciplined organisation with the ability to back up its slogan "Defend Rights for Whites" with well-directed boots and fists. When the crunch comes, power is the product of force and will, not of rational debate.'


In 1997, Griffin was the subject of a Cook Report sting. Thinking he was talking to representatives of the French National Front, Griffin complained: 'Britain does not have the tradition of intellectual fascism which is such an important factor in many other countries. While I do have a number of proposals to help rectify this deficiency, the truth is that this is a handicap which we can never overcome completely.' He also announced that the BNP should not try to appeal to 'middle-class notions of respectability... It is more important to control the streets of a city than its council chambers.'


It was after the Cook Report was aired that Griffin reevaluated his language and tactics. Ditching Tyndall, he joined up with the 'liberal' wing of the party. In September 1999, he defeated Tyndall in the party's leadership election, and, a quarter of a century after joining the far right, he found himself at its very centre. That's a lot of history to live down. In the words of a newsletter written by his former comrades at the ITP: '[Griffin] has been a conservative, a revolutionary nationalist, a radical National Socialist, a Third Positionist, a friend of "boot boys" and the skinhead scene, a man committed to respectable politics and electioneering, a "moderniser". Which is he really?'

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