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Bnp Leaflets


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No matter how abhorrent I think the BNP is I think this approach would be wrong. IMHO, by definition you would be showing political bias.


We don't want to silence them, I've said before that they're doing far more damage to themselves than anyone else could possibly do so that suits my own personal stance.


However, to bump a thread with no new information or any real worth, is just a blatant attempt to publicise their own cause.

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£12,000 in donations! :lol:


That'll be each of the *cough* 200 supporters that gave £60?, I'm sure if you put perhaps £12 people might believe you!


I bet you don't even have enough "donations" to pay for the ferry back!

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Mr Tatlock


Your optimistic statement that 'immigrants have taken up all sorts of jobs, from plumbers to financiers, and assimilated remarkably well' is an assumption that many will challenge, including Migration Watch and our own semi-skilled workers who have either been displaced, or whose wage-packets will be forever depressed by the availability of hordes of immigrants from high unemployment/very low wage countries. And for every new employed immigrant there will be many more in the black economy (including crime) plus the burden of them and their dependants on our failing (Inter)National Health Service, schools to cope with their special needs, another million houses to be built, and the crisis state of our roads, transport systems, judicial system - and on prison accommodation, assuming that they we find a way of keeping immigrant offenders in jail (some 8% of our current prison population).


Add to the above the inevitable benefits seekers and the Home Office is justified in it's fear that there will be a public backlash to the further influx from Romania and Bulgaria, particularly bearing in mind its gross under-estimation of 5,000 -13,000 per year in 2004 from the A8 countries, which turned out to be nearer 600,000! Coming to IOM soon!


One further example of the cost to society of lax immigration can be found in The Times (Friday, page 4) article headed 'Black girls to be the target to cut teen pregnancy' and your leader 'Statistical Bulge', reporting that 'the Children's Minister and the Public Health Minister note with concern that rates of teenage motherhood are significantly higher than average among mothers of black Caribbean, other black and mixed white/black Caribbean ethnicity'. Have they only just found that out? More likely that its been hushed up until its now reached crisis proportions? The heavily pregnant 16-year-old illustrated is quoted as saying that 'a termination was considered shameful in her culture' illustrating the wide-spread evidence that multi-culturalisation does not require immigrants to change their own culture in order to fit into our society.


And how did a girl from Chad manage to settle in Britain nine months ago? Chad was never a British colony, so why didn't she settle in France? The article and your leader stress that the new (?) race-based findings demand carefully targeted strategies, sensitively applied, and references are made to what must be a whole army of youth-orientated sexual health advice workers, social workers and specialists including a Black Health Agency and other organisations obviously dedicated to black-only citizens and immigrants. Another burden on the indigenous tax -payers - who will probably not create a public backlash for fear of being described as 'racists'.


All The Best


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Your name Ray Scott by any chance Mr Shappy? Half way down: claims to be a letter sent to the Times ... bet it wasn't published


Albert ... everyone ... don't feed this Troll ... let him cut and paste whatever junk he wants and talk to himself ... browse it, read it, learn from it ... but unless this pratt actually posts something worthwhile or original ... just ignore him.

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Mr Tatlock


Your optimistic statement that 'immigrants have taken up all sorts of jobs, from plumbers to financiers, and assimilated remarkably well' is an assumption that many will challenge, including Migration Watch and our own semi-skilled workers who have either been displaced, or whose wage-packets will be forever depressed by the availability of hordes of immigrants from high unemployment/very low wage countries. And for every new employed immigrant there will be many more in the black economy (including crime) plus the burden of them and their dependants on our failing (Inter)National Health Service, schools to cope with their special needs, another million houses to be built, and the crisis state of our roads, transport systems, judicial system - and on prison accommodation, assuming that they we find a way of keeping immigrant offenders in jail (some 8% of our current prison population).


Add to the above the inevitable benefits seekers and the Home Office is justified in it's fear that there will be a public backlash to the further influx from Romania and Bulgaria, particularly bearing in mind its gross under-estimation of 5,000 -13,000 per year in 2004 from the A8 countries, which turned out to be nearer 600,000! Coming to IOM soon!


One further example of the cost to society of lax immigration can be found in The Times (Friday, page 4) article headed 'Black girls to be the target to cut teen pregnancy' and your leader 'Statistical Bulge', reporting that 'the Children's Minister and the Public Health Minister note with concern that rates of teenage motherhood are significantly higher than average among mothers of black Caribbean, other black and mixed white/black Caribbean ethnicity'. Have they only just found that out? More likely that its been hushed up until its now reached crisis proportions? The heavily pregnant 16-year-old illustrated is quoted as saying that 'a termination was considered shameful in her culture' illustrating the wide-spread evidence that multi-culturalisation does not require immigrants to change their own culture in order to fit into our society.


And how did a girl from Chad manage to settle in Britain nine months ago? Chad was never a British colony, so why didn't she settle in France? The article and your leader stress that the new (?) race-based findings demand carefully targeted strategies, sensitively applied, and references are made to what must be a whole army of youth-orientated sexual health advice workers, social workers and specialists including a Black Health Agency and other organisations obviously dedicated to black-only citizens and immigrants. Another burden on the indigenous tax -payers - who will probably not create a public backlash for fear of being described as 'racists'.


All The Best



loads of this was directly copied from the BNP website....more spam (http://www.bnp.org.uk/democracy/lettersmain.php)


This is the kind of post I'm talking about......this constant advertising and copy and pasting of the BNP website.


This person should not have the right to simply spam the board in this way. If I simply copy and pasted huge sections of websites and posted them randomly with no relevance to the discussion I would expect to be banned.


I support entirely what "Ans" has said....it's moderate and pragmatic...well done (even if you are a cyclist :D )

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Your name Ray Scott by any chance Mr Shappy? Half way down: claims to be a letter sent to the Times ... bet it wasn't published


Albert ... everyone ... don't feed this Troll ... let him cut and paste whatever junk he wants and talk to himself ... browse it, read it, learn from it ... but unless this pratt actually posts something worthwhile or original ... just ignore him.


he'll keep on posting his hate here every once in a while just for publicity, he has not debated, the BNP don't - see Redwatch, violence and intimidation are their political tools, even their leader admitted on Sky News 'some' (!) of their party was racist, as much as the interviewer could ask without having her name posted on Redwatch.


In case you didn't know:


"As Manx law stands, if an asylum seeker arrives in the Island via the common travel area, the rule is they are shipped back to the UK or Ireland."




"As the Island is not a state for the purposes of asylum and has no asylum legislation, it cannot provide asylum in its own right."


...which I guess means that your major argument is lost. As many people have said, all 'immigrants' work over here, they can't get off the boat an claim benefits. Go into the dole office and see how many 'immigrants' there are - zero.


Without going into too many details I know of a Eastern European immigrant who lost their job, immigration were all over them straight away and had they not found employment they would have been deported.


Cutting and pasting a recycled, clearly racially-prejudiced article is a complete waste of time and shows how little you know about the Isle of Man, no surprise though!

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T Reznor for MHK- and that's seriously no p-take. Faced with this kind of crap, we need some muscle in opposition.


Technical shite dumbass question for one of the mods- can this kind of knobhead multiple posting influence search engines in any way? Think you're spot on about paying for ads 4wiw

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T Reznor for MHK- and that's seriously no p-take. Faced with this kind of crap, we need some muscle in opposition.


Technical shite dumbass question for one of the mods- can this kind of knobhead multiple posting influence search engines in any way? Think you're spot on about paying for ads 4wiw


Thanks, but I have no wish to become an MHK and I don't intend to stay here for much longer.


However, I hope the MHKs reading will take note and stand up!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lol not seen a single leaflet nor has anyone i have spoken too, time for mr troll to go back under his bridge again.


I have no interest in politics at all but viewing this thread for as long as it has been going on has confirmed in my mind that the broad views of the people that post on this forum seem to match the views of my self, the island has no room for the BNP or any of its small minded 18th century policies.


Oh and do let us know if someone acctually gets a leaflet i cant wait to see if one of them comes to my door and i get the chance to quiz the mugs delivering them

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