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BNP Manifesto:

Put simply, guns do not kill people, criminals kill people – especially when innocent people do not have guns with which to defend themselves.


What cr*p...!!!


If everyone had guns we would end up like America, as probably the most stupid law of all is the constitutional right to bear arms.


If everyone had weapons you would end up with idiots shooting others over petty arguments etc...


They don't put up strong arguments at all - they are flawed and biased.....


To quote a strong Manx phrase to them 'There's a boat in the morning.'

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I know they aren't noted for their logic but I don't get who they think they'll appeal to. It seems as if there populace will be divided as follows -


1. Those who have no problem with immagration.

2. Those who feel immagration is destroying the Manx way of life.


Group one won't vote for them anyway.


Group two will look around them and see that the first, most numerically and culturally impactful group of incomers have come from the UK. They aren't going to turn to a political party from that very country.


So unless there are vast numbers of comeovers who've come here to avoid a multi-racial U.K. (which may have been a motive in the 70's, but it doesn't square with my experience now), what's the point of their visit?

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Rog, I just don't know what to make of you ... surely the integration of the Jewish community in the UK is one of the best examples of successful multiculturalism there is ... the Jewish community is a part of British society, but has kept its distinctive identity. This works well in the most part apart from some of the more fundamentalist elements who remain isolated by their self imposed ghettos and religious laws. Of course such people aren't particularly different from other fundamentalist groups ... Plymouth Bretheren etc who also remain apart ... but for the most part the Jews are successfully integrated and contribute to British vibrancy. Within this many maintain their own very distinctive dress codes and taboos which maybe incomprehensible for the majority of the British population, but are accepted as part of a multicultural society.


I find the idea that we need the BNP to inform us of the policy difficulties and problems poverty and lack of integration bring to communities so much bull. The issue isn't the reality of these difficulties but the policy solutions the BNP advocate to solve them ... their solutions are a barbarity and should be anathema to any reasoned person.

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Rog, I just don't know what to make of you ... surely the integration of the Jewish community in the UK is one of the best examples of successful multiculturalism there is ... the Jewish community is a part of British society, but has kept its distinctive identity. This works well in the most part apart from some of the more fundamentalist elements who remain isolated by their self imposed ghettos and religious laws. Of course such people aren't particularly different from other fundamentalist groups ... Plymouth Bretheren etc who also remain apart ... but for the most part the Jews are successfully integrated and contribute to British vibrancy. Within this many maintain their own very distinctive dress codes and taboos which maybe incomprehensible for the majority of the British population, but are accepted as part of a multicultural society.


I find the idea that we need the BNP to inform us of the policy difficulties and problems poverty and lack of integration bring to communities so much bull. The issue isn't the reality of these difficulties but the policy solutions the BNP advocate to solve them ... their solutions are a barbarity and should be anathema to any reasoned person.


The Jewish people in Britain are British in all respects other than the religion that we follow. There is no “multiculturalism” involved. We have concentrations of Jewish families but these are not Jewish isolated colonies, they are simply a collection of Jewish people living within easy reach of a Schul (and usually trying to out-do each other but hey! That’s life!)


Multiculturalism is different. It equates to multi-nationalism and that makes for both an unstable state as more than one nation seek to dominate as we see by the mostly islamic colonies being established in GB as well as for social unrest as these colonies are actively avoiding integration with the pre-existing population of GB.


Previous to the influx of the islamic colonists – for that’s what they are – over the last few years we had in GB a multi-ethnic society but still A society. There were different groups who had brought their own ‘things’ in, some of which became incorporated into the British way of life, others didn’t but the end result was a vibrant and evolving single nation. The influx of what really are colonists has changed this. It’s not about fundamentalists, it’s about the establishment of colonies and it’s a road to disaster.


The BNP in changing now has active members who share one common value. To be British and to keep Britain as the primary focus. A BNP meeting, certainly in any major city, will have all sorts of people present including those form the ethnic minorities and yes, even Jewish people. The racists are being forced out. There’s still a way to go but the roll is on.


Me? I’m not a member but I do try to be broad minded and look not only at where a thing comes from but also what it is and what it contains.


There is a place for the BNP in GB today. If nothing else NuLabour have created the situation where ordinary people are being driven there as they otherwise feel disenfranchised by the antics of Phony Tony on the one hand and the apologetic policies of a succession of weak Tory leaders on the other.


Maybe if a latter day Margaret Thatcher were to emerge many of those who have resorted to the BNP would return to the fold but even then I’m not sure as so many of the policies proposed by the BNP though frequently badly written are well intended and make a very great deal of sense. Not all by any means, but many.

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Rog, I just don't know what to make of you ... surely the integration of the Jewish community in the UK is one of the best examples of successful multiculturalism there is ... the Jewish community is a part of British society, but has kept its distinctive identity. This works well in the most part apart from some of the more fundamentalist elements who remain isolated by their self imposed ghettos and religious laws. Of course such people aren't particularly different from other fundamentalist groups ... Plymouth Bretheren etc who also remain apart ... but for the most part the Jews are successfully integrated and contribute to British vibrancy. Within this many maintain their own very distinctive dress codes and taboos which maybe incomprehensible for the majority of the British population, but are accepted as part of a multicultural society.


I find the idea that we need the BNP to inform us of the policy difficulties and problems poverty and lack of integration bring to communities so much bull. The issue isn't the reality of these difficulties but the policy solutions the BNP advocate to solve them ... their solutions are a barbarity and should be anathema to any reasoned person.


The Jewish people in Britain are British in all respects other than the religion that we follow. There is no “multiculturalism” involved. We have concentrations of Jewish families but these are not Jewish isolated colonies, they are simply a collection of Jewish people living within easy reach of a Schul (and usually trying to out-do each other but hey! That’s life!)


Multiculturalism is different. It equates to multi-nationalism and that makes for both an unstable state as more than one nation seek to dominate as we see by the mostly islamic colonies being established in GB as well as for social unrest as these colonies are actively avoiding integration with the pre-existing population of GB.


Previous to the influx of the islamic colonists – for that’s what they are – over the last few years we had in GB a multi-ethnic society but still A society. There were different groups who had brought their own ‘things’ in, some of which became incorporated into the British way of life, others didn’t but the end result was a vibrant and evolving single nation. The influx of what really are colonists has changed this. It’s not about fundamentalists, it’s about the establishment of colonies and it’s a road to disaster.


The BNP in changing now has active members who share one common value. To be British and to keep Britain as the primary focus. A BNP meeting, certainly in any major city, will have all sorts of people present including those form the ethnic minorities and yes, even Jewish people. The racists are being forced out. There’s still a way to go but the roll is on.


Me? I’m not a member but I do try to be broad minded and look not only at where a thing comes from but also what it is and what it contains.


There is a place for the BNP in GB today. If nothing else NuLabour have created the situation where ordinary people are being driven there as they otherwise feel disenfranchised by the antics of Phony Tony on the one hand and the apologetic policies of a succession of weak Tory leaders on the other.


Maybe if a latter day Margaret Thatcher were to emerge many of those who have resorted to the BNP would return to the fold but even then I’m not sure as so many of the policies proposed by the BNP though frequently badly written are well intended and make a very great deal of sense. Not all by any means, but many.



what a load of sh!t!!


The BNP are violent, nazi-sympathisers and they have succesfully changed their outward appearance in order for you to write this crap, clearly their strategy had worked but their core-'values' remain the same!


The 'immigrants' to this island have made a positive difference to the economy, they actually work unlike some lazy white folk who's council houses I pay for!


And while we're on the subject, I know of some council house working white folk that OWN flats in Spain, CRAZY!!!

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According to the 2001 census the Isle of Man Population (Place of Birth, No of Residents and % of Total Residents) was as follows:


Isle of Man - 36,619 - 47.98%

England - 29,156 - 38.20%

Wales - 881 - 1.15%

Scotland - 2,663 - 3.49%

Northern - 1,791 - 2.35%

Republic of Ireland - 1,774 - 2.32%

Other European Country - 751 - 0.98%

Channel Islands - 208 - 0.27%

Europe-Non EU - 228 - 0.30%

Central Asia - 149 - 0.20%

South East Asia - 265 - 0.35%

Indian Sub Continent - 162 - 0.21%

Far East - 72 - 0.09%

Middle East - 81 - 0.11%

North Africa - 46 - 0.06%

South Africa - 388 - 0.51%

Southern Africa - 137 - 0.18%

Other Africa - 111 - 0.15%

Australia - 157 - 0.21%

New Zealand - 61 - 0.08%

USA - 178 - 0.23%

Canada - 133 - 0.17%

Central and South America - 57 - 0.07%

Caribbean Islands - 87 - 0.11%

Rest of the World - 117 -0.15%

Unknown - 43 - 0.06%


The BNP don't know what they're talking about with regard to the Isle of Man. We don't have a problem with the type of immigration the BNP refer to.


IMHO the island has 'changed' primarily because of the number of English people that have moved here. The main problem with the English (generalising) is that they believe everything they read in newspapers or see on the television news and allow the media to drive the agenda - and don't understand the longterm consequences of knee jerk law-making. For example they concentrate on 25,000 asylum seekers and yet ignore 200,000 Polish economic migrants who are in the UK keeping everyones wages down even though English unemployment is well over a million. They have destroyed most of their own manufacturing industries and now most people now work in the service sector which is also at risk of being decimated once India and China come on line properly. In the meantime they think they are 'better off' because their house prices have gone up though they fail to realise they are actually worse off because they have massive mortgages and the bank and tax man keep a far greater proportion of their wages than ever before. A great part of the English economy is built on debt. Plus they all drive foreign cars, all wear foreign clothes and are obsessed by 'celebrity'.


IMHO I believe the number of English immigrants has led to the recent trend in IOM politics (particularly during the last 5 years) to quickly adopt every English law without giving ourselves time to assess the consequences as the IOM government used to do. This has led/is leading to, a wide number of changes on the island.


Globalisation might be inevitable, but we have a responsibility to protect our own way of life and to diversify to be able to cope with any economic situation. We don't need a BNP we need an MNP signed up to by all that live here (wherever they are from) - otherwise we will all go down the toilet along with England.

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How about a few apt cliches


Wolf in sheeps clothing


rowing with muffled oars


stealth approach.



These people are dangerous, hands up who would be happy to be asian, jewish, gay or a trade unionist in a BNP run society?.

Concentration camps could not happen again? Guantanamo, coming to an apathetic socity near you

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For the record, I'd like to point out as a Jew, that the views of Rog are not that of all Jewish people. To start talking about an Islamic 'colonisation' smacks of Hitler's views on the jews in Mein Kampf. Unbelievable. And there are Jews in Manchester and London (the Hassidic jews) who follow Jewish law to the letter. They keep within their own communities, they conduct business within their own communities, and stay well away from conteporary British society. They're certainly not 'integrated.' I've seen adverts in the Jewish Gazette from leaders of orthodox jewish communities urging young people not to 'marry out' which sicken me.


People had the same views of Jews when they came to England to escape the pogroms and then the Nazis, as people have of the many muslims who come over to the UK. They were suspicious of their religion and their clothing. The first generation of jews stayed together in tight knit communities. My great great grandfather spoke only polish and yiddish. I'm a fourth generation jew and am what you would call 'integrated.' This will happen to the many Indians/Pakistanis/Sudanese - whatever who are coming to England.



The BNP trade on Jingoistic Daily Mail perpetrated fears of immigrants and stories of 'african woman with ten children gets new kidney and free house on the social.'


I've had someone come, and in one breath tell me what a problem 'the immigrants' are in London where she comes from, how they come in and demand houses and healthcare, then in the next breath tell me about her mate who's English and who has six kids, has never worked in her life and who has two council houses. What's the difference? Colour.


What worries me is the plans mentioned earlier by the BNP to set up offices here. This will do nothing to help the so-called brand of the isle of man. Freedom [for right wing neo-nationalists] to flourish. Cant wait for the Guardian to pick up on that one.

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I just don't get this- is it all just a PR stunt? And MR should be hassled for messing up and failing to investigate this properly.


I agree, it does sound a little that way doesn't it! I can't understand why some of these people are getting so hot under the collar about it. After all, as far as I am aware, BNP are not akin to The Bodysnatchers and people on the Island, as elsewhere, have free choice as to whether or not to support them. What's the big deal? When the BNP start to show signs of actually planning to slaughter innocent people, then I would react but some of the messages on these pages sound like the ranting of people who are seriously unbalanced - and the language is foul - the BNP would be proud of them for conducting themselves in such a yobbish way - and they claim to be Manx as well: BET THE MANX ARE PLEASED ABOUT THAT

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I would react but some of the messages on these pages sound like the ranting of people who are seriously unbalanced - and the language is foul - the BNP would be proud of them for conducting themselves in such a yobbish way


Fuck off.

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I just don't get this- is it all just a PR stunt? And MR should be hassled for messing up and failing to investigate this properly.


I agree, it does sound a little that way doesn't it! I can't understand why some of these people are getting so hot under the collar about it. After all, as far as I am aware, BNP are not akin to The Bodysnatchers and people on the Island, as elsewhere, have free choice as to whether or not to support them. What's the big deal? When the BNP start to show signs of actually planning to slaughter innocent people, then I would react but some of the messages on these pages sound like the ranting of people who are seriously unbalanced - and the language is foul - the BNP would be proud of them for conducting themselves in such a yobbish way - and they claim to be Manx as well: BET THE MANX ARE PLEASED ABOUT THAT


I'd say the big deal is that many of the local population are inherently racist and they only need a small push to get them voting that way. Yes they might not consider themselves racist but just how often do you hear the "n" word and other racist phrases uttered when the people who say them really don't see what they said is wrong when you (meaning me) ask them why they said such things.

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Lets not get distracted by allowing one poster to disrupt this by turning it into an anti English thing.


I'm not being overtly anti English ... just stating the obvious that these people claim to stand for British values so by definition they are "English" and symtomatic in my mind of what is 1) wrong with Britain and 2) should not be replicated over here in any form.


Its amazing how arsey some posters can be (its MANX Forum after all) when you mention the fact these people give British people a bad name.


The BNP supporters themselves claim they are English and claim to extrol English values so how can mentioning the fact that they are English be construed as racist??


Other than that I'm with Albert Tatlock all the way! The IOM is not England and that is why most of us want to continue to preserve what we have.

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