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Bnp Leaflets


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The personal qualitites of BNP election candidates presumably reflect the core values of the party.


Remember this guy who campaigned in Liverpool ? [Rog take note ] BNP Statesman


There are several organisations working hard to stop the BNP. Here is one. Stop the BNP

Maybe it would be a good idea to start a branch of the anti nazi league or similar in the Island.

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The personal qualitites of BNP election candidates presumably reflect the core values of the party.


Remember this guy who campaigned in Liverpool ? [Rog take note ] BNP Statesman


There are several organisations working hard to stop the BNP. Here is one. Stop the BNP

Maybe it would be a good idea to start a branch of the anti nazi league or similar in the Island.


just the sort of person we want on this Island! one vital witness dropped evidence, I wonder why??!!

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Other than that I'm with Albert Tatlock all the way! The IOM is not England and that is why most of us want to continue to preserve what we have.

Sim - Portugal baterá Inglaterra! ...hopefully anyway, as it's been FORTY years since England won the world cup and they still bang on about 1966 - and there's been 9 world cups since then FFS! Every where I've been in the world any trouble at all has been caused by 'Brits on tour'. Small wonder that arrogant party's like the BNP are on the rise. My main worry is that the English will take the island with them.

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The main problem with the English (generalising) is that they believe everything they read in newspapers or see on the television news and allow the media to drive the agenda - and don't understand the longterm consequences of knee jerk law-making. For example they concentrate on 25,000 asylum seekers and yet ignore 200,000 Polish economic migrants who are in the UK keeping everyones wages down even though English unemployment is well over a million.


Those stupid english eh? That's a bit like concentrating on "English unemployment is well over a million", and yet ignoring that unemployment in the UK is low by European standards, despite these 200,000 Polish migrants who are apparently (despite all evidence to the contrary) fucking everything up. Or endlessly banging on about the manufacturing industry, regardless of whether or not a large manufacturing industry is neccessary and despite the UK having a fairly decent economy compared with much of Europe.


Tsch! When will they learn?


All this twaddle about the 'main problem of the English', as if populism and sensationalism is the sole preserve of the english! The concern about losing the manx way of life and worrying about the insecurities of the Manx identity I can understand, even though I disagree with it. But these gross, and dare I say it racist, caricatures, and this petty obsessession with the English dressed up as national pride is a disgrace, not that far removed (if at all) from the base and reprehensible ideas of the BNP itself, and an example of the very worst attitudes to be found on the Island (or any where else, for that matter).

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anyone had any confrontations with any of this bigots yet?


i personally can't wait for them to come anywhere near my letter box....i'll tell them what i think!!!


Although they may not bother with Kirk Michael.

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The main problem with the English (generalising) is that they believe everything they read in newspapers or see on the television news and allow the media to drive the agenda - and don't understand the longterm consequences of knee jerk law-making. For example they concentrate on 25,000 asylum seekers and yet ignore 200,000 Polish economic migrants who are in the UK keeping everyones wages down even though English unemployment is well over a million.


Those stupid english eh? That's a bit like concentrating on "English unemployment is well over a million", and yet ignoring that unemployment in the UK is low by European standards, despite these 200,000 Polish migrants who are apparently (despite all evidence to the contrary) fucking everything up. Or endlessly banging on about the manufacturing industry, regardless of whether or not a large manufacturing industry is neccessary and despite the UK having a fairly decent economy compared with much of Europe.


Tsch! When will they learn?


All this twaddle about the 'main problem of the English', as if populism and sensationalism is the sole preserve of the english! The concern about losing the manx way of life and worrying about the insecurities of the Manx identity I can understand, even though I disagree with it. But these gross, and dare I say it racist, caricatures, and this petty obsessession with the English dressed up as national pride is a disgrace, not that far removed (if at all) from the base and reprehensible ideas of the BNP itself, and an example of the very worst attitudes to be found on the Island (or any where else, for that matter).

B******s! Learn to speak a couple of languages and you will see that other countries are nothing like England. My views are based on spending a third of my life in England, a third on the island and a third travelling. Face it - the English have a 'Empirical chip' on their shoulder wherever they go in the world - including England.


Unemployment in England is only low at the moment - just wait till the s*** hits the fan - as it has on at least three occasions in the past 25 years - let's see what happens then - when an economy built on debt falls over - let's see what happens when the English start fighting over the jobs they currently 'don't want to do'. Moreover, I didn't say the Poles were 'f****** everything up' I was pointing out the English choice of emphasis i.e. concentrating on asylum seekers. As to a manufacturing industry - basic economics says that if you have nothing to sell you will not make any money (unless you are a shareholder all of whom are currently 'exporting/outsourcing/bestshoreing' both manufacturing and service sector jobs for a better return)...or has Vinnie come up wih a method of exporting UK houses.


You might call it racism - I call it culturism. I'd rather thirty thousand German migrants all willing to adopt and protect the island than one arrogant Englishman.

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Right, ready for a flaming here, but.....


My main concern is that I do not think we have a racist problem here. I think the IOM is a pretty tolerant place. Yes, there will be inappropriate comments. But all in all, do any members of the racial minorities here feel threatened, abused on street corners, excluded because of their race or colour?


I don't think so, there isn't the polarisation that you see in other places. That is why I think the appearance of the BNP is so worrying. We do not have a problem, but given some of the stirring up that the BNP is renowned for, then we certainly will.

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Just one question, if you dislike the English so much, why do you spend a third of your time in England?


Chips on shoulders... someone certainly has one.



I spend time in England for work reasons. And I don't dislike all of the English - just the ones that live in England with the 'media herd mentality' and any of them that try to bring that attititude to the island. I respect everyone who fights for the island, wherever they are from, and whatever colour, creed or sexual persuasion they happen to be.


I don't have a chip on my shoulder - I just recognise 'the English' for what they are compared to many other countries. I just don't want that guff brought to the island - though it has already arrived - via laws, in attitude etc.

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As to a manufacturing industry - basic economics says that if you have nothing to sell you will not make any money (unless you are a shareholder all of whom are currently 'exporting/outsourcing/bestshoreing' both manufacturing and service sector jobs for a better return)...or has Vinnie come up wih a method of exporting UK houses.


Sorry for introducing the "M" word again Albert but if manufacturing is really an essential part of the British economy then the "invisible hand" of the "M" word will ensure it survives by making it profitable to trade.

Standard belief I know but all the evidence so far seems to indicate its correct.

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As to a manufacturing industry - basic economics says that if you have nothing to sell you will not make any money (unless you are a shareholder all of whom are currently 'exporting/outsourcing/bestshoreing' both manufacturing and service sector jobs for a better return)...or has Vinnie come up wih a method of exporting UK houses.


Sorry for introducing the "M" word again Albert but if manufacturing is really an essential part of the British economy then the "invisible hand" of the "M" word will ensure it survives by making it profitable to trade.

Standard belief I know but all the evidence so far seems to indicate its correct.

What the hell do you 'rooky' finance types think you spend all of your time investing in FFS? What are you buying shares or investing in? That's my point...the 'invisible hand' of the 'M word' is surviving throughout the world but the UK has pulled out.


Without manufacturing there would be no computer technology, no chair (that you are currently sat on), no gas, no oil, no cars, no banks etc.


Sorry, but once China and India and other cheaper service sector providers come online (or can do things for themselves) then unless a significant proportion of our economy is based on the manufacture of value added products, then if we rely on the finance sector, we are all going to be in the sh1t.


Just look at the Top 100 World Companies- most of whom MAKE THINGS (with the exception of banks - though we all have to use banks these days usually because our employers insist on it and remember that over a trillion quid is held by banks because of mortgages - bricks and mortar that we can't export).

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The Isle of Man is famed for the saying “There’s a boat in the morning” to anyone who is not Manx and/or complains about anything on the Isle of Man. Equally we are always referring to ‘Come Overs’ as if they are tolerated but not necessarily welcomed in every sense.


If the number of immigrants were to increase on the Isle of Man how long would it be before the Manx people’s tolerance becomes weakened? (Not long I suspect :huh: )


Take a look at modern Britain and tell me that the country would be worse off without ethnic immigrants, because I don’t believe it would be. It is not a question of whether or not we want them here; it is whether or not we need them here?


As for the BNP in the Isle of Man, I feel we should apply the same questions as I mentioned above (Do we want them, do we need them?) I do however feel that immigration control is important to maintain social and economic stability on our island, and if a visit from the BNP helps us to understand the problems that come with accommodating immigrants, then we might be well placed to make our minds up on immigration policy.


I would like to make it policy that if someone chooses to come to live in the Isle of Man we should extend exactly the same level of protection as a penniless Manx person would receive if we were to turn up in their country.

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For the record, I'd like to point out as a Jew, that the views of Rog are not that of all Jewish people. To start talking about an Islamic 'colonisation' smacks of Hitler's views on the jews in Mein Kampf. Unbelievable. And there are Jews in Manchester and London (the Hassidic jews) who follow Jewish law to the letter. They keep within their own communities, they conduct business within their own communities, and stay well away from conteporary British society. They're certainly not 'integrated.' I've seen adverts in the Jewish Gazette from leaders of orthodox jewish communities urging young people not to 'marry out' which sicken me.


People had the same views of Jews when they came to England to escape the pogroms and then the Nazis, as people have of the many muslims who come over to the UK. They were suspicious of their religion and their clothing. The first generation of jews stayed together in tight knit communities. My great great grandfather spoke only polish and yiddish. I'm a fourth generation jew and am what you would call 'integrated.' This will happen to the many Indians/Pakistanis/Sudanese - whatever who are coming to England.



The BNP trade on Jingoistic Daily Mail perpetrated fears of immigrants and stories of 'african woman with ten children gets new kidney and free house on the social.'


I've had someone come, and in one breath tell me what a problem 'the immigrants' are in London where she comes from, how they come in and demand houses and healthcare, then in the next breath tell me about her mate who's English and who has six kids, has never worked in her life and who has two council houses. What's the difference? Colour.


What worries me is the plans mentioned earlier by the BNP to set up offices here. This will do nothing to help the so-called brand of the isle of man. Freedom [for right wing neo-nationalists] to flourish. Cant wait for the Guardian to pick up on that one.


There’s the world of difference between the ultra-orthodox communities and the islamic colonies. The UO thrive on exclusivity. To convert to Judaism isn’t a simple matter at the best of times, to convert to UO is to all intents and purposes impossible.


In the other hand what we are SEEING here is that the islamic colonies that are springing up, mostly over the last ten years and now at an accelerating rate, are now linking up and have an agenda that is all about taking over. Literally colonising GB.


As for the BNP – it IS changing. It has a long way to go to become a political party that I would feel comfortable to join, but it is now well on the way.

The new members, people who have looked beyond the name and the history and thought about what is in its ‘manifesto’ and seen what they want but fail to find in the other two parties are the force that is moving it away from being a place for the mad, bad, and sad.


The watershed will be when the odious Griffiths goes as he soon will. Once he is gone the rest of the residual scum will also decamp probably to the party that I identified on an earlier post and that is when things really will hot up. The question is will the BNP become a ‘respectable’ party or will the growing number of members motivate the main stream parties to forget political cant and pipe dreams and settle down to representing the people of GB and what they want.


People slag off the Daily Mail. Personally I don’t like the style of the reporting but what it reports is generally true. I also don’t like the Sun nor the Mirror and I can’t stand the Guardian nor the so-called Independent but again, it’s the style that rankles and if a story is true then it is true.


The Daily Mail is a paper that does present the main stream semi-thinking persons opinions and it’s very plain that there’s a pretty wide gulf between what is said and done in The Westminster Village and what concerns the average Joe Public. That gap is what the BNP is now addressing far more than immigration which though it might seem to be the stock in trade actually no longer is. Once Griffiths goes then the changes will be radical, welcome, and scare the living daylights out of our present main stream politicians. It’s THEM who have provided the BNP with its recruiting ground.


As for the BNP on the Isle of Man, I personally think that’s bloody ridiculous. What is needed on the isle of Man is a Manx National Party to address the gulf between Tynwald et al and the guy in Strand Street.

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People slag off the Daily Mail. Personally I don’t like the style of the reporting but what it reports is generally true...The Daily Mail is a paper that does present the main stream semi-thinking persons opinions

Do you really semi-think that Rog? :)

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