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Bnp Leaflets


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i think the upsurge in BNP support in the UK has alot to do with the "new" conservative party.


There is no party effectively representing those that are moderately right wing which is fuelling this extremist group.


Don't let the BNP make you think it's a respectable party, rise above and look beyond the branding rog.

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i think the upsurge in BNP support in the UK has alot to do with the "new" conservative party.


There is no party effectively representing those that are moderately right wing which is fuelling this extremist group.


Don't let the BNP make you think it's a respectable party, rise above and look beyond the branding rog.


I agree with you regarding the way that the Conservative party has firstly wandered around and now has been taken by David Cameron. What is eeded is a latter-day Thatcher. it's a shame that Portillo stood down and that Tebbit is too old. Actually I liked Howard and I think that William H. bloomed too soon but that's life. At least 'Phony Tony' is now being seen through by most of his erstwhile supporters and thanfully Brown will also fall as the economy, based as it is on MASSIVE debt, hits the buffers.


As regards the BNP - still a very long way from being my cup of tea but also a very long way from where it was as recently as even five years ago. And they do present what a very great number and probably even the majority of British people are now thinking.

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i think the upsurge in BNP support in the UK has alot to do with the "new" conservative party.


There is no party effectively representing those that are moderately right wing which is fuelling this extremist group.


Don't let the BNP make you think it's a respectable party, rise above and look beyond the branding rog.


I agree with you regarding the way that the Conservative party has firstly wandered around and now has been taken by David Cameron. What is eeded is a latter-day Thatcher. it's a shame that Portillo stood down and that Tebbit is too old. Actually I liked Howard and I think that William H. bloomed too soon but that's life. At least 'Phony Tony' is now being seen through by most of his erstwhile supporters and thanfully Brown will also fall as the economy, based as it is on MASSIVE debt, hits the buffers.


As regards the BNP - still a very long way from being my cup of tea but also a very long way from where it was as recently as even five years ago. And they do present what a very great number and probably even the majority of British people are now thinking.


I fail to see how they are a 'different' party when their base is still made up of convicted, violent, racist individuals. They really have pulled the woll over your eyes!


Oh yeah, and they'd shut down the NHS, introduce eugenics and racial breeding, abolish mixed race marriages and kill the disabled while flying the swastika flags everywhere. How the hell can you trust these lying bastards?!


They just pretend to represent the man on the street when really they represent 1940s Germany!

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IMHO, what we really need is some visionary leadership to curtail the activities and influence of the media and put the control of politics and decision making back into the hands of confident politicans - and hence the people that elected them.


The media have far too much influence. We all only know what we: have seen on TV, heard on a radio, heard from someone else, or have experienced for ourselves...and you might be suprised at just how a few companies have such an influence on our lives, set the agenda and topics for discussion (many such topics which end up here on MF being discussed), and which have more recently resulted in widespread knee-jerk legislation. See this diagram for starters. and also this one.


IMHO, it is only by learning to speak a language or three that people will begin to realise it's a big ass world out there and that the other 5.95 billion people on the planet don't generally tend to think how the UK thinks. But if the people of the UK remain as xenophobic and arrogant as they are, it will only be a matter of time before major changes in the world pass them by e.g. the emergence of new superpowers (China, India and even Russia through its oil etc.) and their influence on trade and global politics etc.


A globalised economy is inevitable, but as most of us are unlikely to want to move to China or India to work, and would prefer to stay on the Isle of Man - then the only way to influence our part in that world economy is to build a diversified economy capable of linking to the rest of the world, yet designed to protect our current culture and way of life whilst working with a great many foreigners albeit remotely - as if a great many foreigners came here to work it would affect our culture i.e. our politics, our shops, our restaurants, our priorities, our religeons etc.


That's the difference between the 'racism' of the likes of the BNP and the 'culturism' that the island needs to build on and support...and why any immigrant (whether he is from Pakistan or Peterborough) and who is unwilling to adapt to the island way of life should be made unwelcome. We have a unique opportunity to achieve this balance as the island is only 220 square miles, is surrounded by the sea and has enough independence to be able to legislate to achieve such a balance.

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That's the difference between the 'racism' of the likes of the BNP and the 'culturism' that the island needs to build on and support...and why any immigrant (whether he is from Pakistan or Peterborough) and who is unwilling to adapt to the island way of life should be made unwelcome. We have a unique opportunity to achieve this balance as the island is only 220 square miles, is surrounded by the sea and has enough independence to be able to legislate to achieve such a balance.


Well said. :)

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I fail to see how they are a 'different' party when their base is still made up of convicted, violent, racist individuals. They really have pulled the woll over your eyes!


Oh yeah, and they'd shut down the NHS, introduce eugenics and racial breeding, abolish mixed race marriages and kill the disabled while flying the swastika flags everywhere. How the hell can you trust these lying bastards?!


They just pretend to represent the man on the street when really they represent 1940s Germany!


Well for one thing the base is NOT still made up of convicted, violent, racist individuals. Some still exist and that is to be deplotred but the majority have gone and the remainder are feeling very uncomfortable as the party changes around them.


Anyway, I think that you’re missing a few crucial points about the BNP.


First off they really have changed and the changes have NOT been well received by the long time members many of whom have left for the British Peoples Party which is now what the BNP was about seven to ten years ago.


In fact in 2005 the BPP was declared as being proscribed to BNP members by the BNP leadership in view of the BPP's appalling racist basis. That in itself speaks volumes.


These changes have been as a result of a continuing influx of members who rightly felt disenfranchised with the direction being taken by both the Labour and Conservative parties.


As for shutting down the NHS, where on earth did you get that idea from? Eugenics? A science that has unfortunately been given bad press and worse by the abuse and misapplication of it by the Nazis. Kill the disabled? Fly the Swastika flags? What tosh.


As for representing the man in the street, what they do is actually to say what the man in the street in so many cases is actually thinking and wanting and not hearing from the two main parties.


In April this year a poll conducted by ‘YouGov’ found that the majority of Britons agreed with the majority of BNP proposed policies.


When people were simply presented with the propositions put forward by the BNP 59% supported the halting of all further immigration, and for other BNP propositions the average support was at 55% . Interestingly, or maybe not as it is typical of the ‘halo’ effect that colours so many peoples thinking, when told that the propositions were from the BNP support fell dramatically.


To me that says that although the BNP is seen as a disreputable party the majority of what it proposes resonates well with the majority of people.


The two main parties better start to listen and act to bring themselves into line with the people they claim to represent. Right now they're the best recruiting ground that the BNP ---- and others ---- could have.


THAT'S why I see the BNP as being a positive influence, they will be the goad to bring the main line parties back on track with what the people want them to be doing.



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I fail to see how they are a 'different' party when their base is still made up of convicted, violent, racist individuals. They really have pulled the woll over your eyes!


Oh yeah, and they'd shut down the NHS, introduce eugenics and racial breeding, abolish mixed race marriages and kill the disabled while flying the swastika flags everywhere. How the hell can you trust these lying bastards?!


They just pretend to represent the man on the street when really they represent 1940s Germany!


Well for one thing the base is NOT still made up of convicted, violent, racist individuals. Some still exist and that is to be deplotred but the majority have gone and the remainder are feeling very uncomfortable as the party changes around them.


Anyway, I think that you’re missing a few crucial points about the BNP.


First off they really have changed and the changes have NOT been well received by the long time members many of whom have left for the British Peoples Party which is now what the BNP was about seven to ten years ago.


In fact in 2005 the BPP was declared as being proscribed to BNP members by the BNP leadership in view of the BPP's appalling racist basis. That in itself speaks volumes.


These changes have been as a result of a continuing influx of members who rightly felt disenfranchised with the direction being taken by both the Labour and Conservative parties.


As for shutting down the NHS, where on earth did you get that idea from? Eugenics? A science that has unfortunately been given bad press and worse by the abuse and misapplication of it by the Nazis. Kill the disabled? Fly the Swastika flags? What tosh.


As for representing the man in the street, what they do is actually to say what the man in the street in so many cases is actually thinking and wanting and not hearing from the two main parties.


In April this year a poll conducted by ‘YouGov’ found that the majority of Britons agreed with the majority of BNP proposed policies.


When people were simply presented with the propositions put forward by the BNP 59% supported the halting of all further immigration, and for other BNP propositions the average support was at 55% . Interestingly, or maybe not as it is typical of the ‘halo’ effect that colours so many peoples thinking, when told that the propositions were from the BNP support fell dramatically.


To me that says that although the BNP is seen as a disreputable party the majority of what it proposes resonates well with the majority of people.


The two main parties better start to listen and act to bring themselves into line with the people they claim to represent. Right now they're the best recruiting ground that the BNP ---- and others ---- could have.


THAT'S why I see the BNP as being a positive influence, they will be the goad to bring the main line parties back on track with what the people want them to be doing.




some still exist.. isn't that enough!!??


looks like we've found the IOM representative...

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As for representing the man in the street, what they do is actually to say what the man in the street in so many cases is actually thinking and wanting and not hearing from the two main parties.


The man in the street is a shit.

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some still exist.. isn't that enough!!??

looks like we've found the IOM representative...


Not in me you havn't!


All I'm doing is trying to present the BNP as it IS rather than the immediate knee jerk reaction people have to it.


There are far too many sacred cows that never get questioned such as the idea that anything that comes from the bNP is racist, nasty, and extreme Right Wing. If anyone actually opens their minds and reads what is written by them (albeit rather badly) the party is inclined more towards the Left than the Right.

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As for representing the man in the street, what they do is actually to say what the man in the street in so many cases is actually thinking and wanting and not hearing from the two main parties.


The man in the street is a shit.


That may or may not be so but he is also in the majority.

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As for representing the man in the street, what they do is actually to say what the man in the street in so many cases is actually thinking and wanting and not hearing from the two main parties.


The man in the street is a shit.


That may or may not be so but he is also in the majority.

...though media controlled, xenophobic, arrogant, can't speak any other langauge (often including his own), an average IQ of 100 and the average reading age of a 13 year old.

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For those of you have visited the holocaust exhibition at the Imperial War Museum, in London.

You will know that the exhibition ends by quoting Edmund Burke.


"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."


Nick Griffins visit to the Island would suggest that the BNP are fairly serious about targeting the general elections. The BNP are riding on the crest of a wave after their recent success in the UK local elections, however this wave must be broken before it has the opportunity to engulf the Island.


The vast majority of people on the Island will simply tear up theses leaflets and forget about it, however there will be a number who will take them as the gospel and will join the BNP.


The particular problem with these leaflets is that it will give those holding xenophobic and racist attitudes, the idea that their views are mainstream and acceptable.

Therefore we must show our FACES, to demonstrate that they are in a minority.

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The particular problem with these leaflets is that it will give those holding xenophobic and racist attitudes, the idea that their views are mainstream and acceptable.

Therefore we must show our FACES, to demonstrate that they are in a minority.


But the whole point is that on the Mainland they are not.


The 'YouGov' poll in April proved that.

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some still exist.. isn't that enough!!??

looks like we've found the IOM representative...


Not in me you havn't!


All I'm doing is trying to present the BNP as it IS rather than the immediate knee jerk reaction people have to it.


There are far too many sacred cows that never get questioned such as the idea that anything that comes from the bNP is racist, nasty, and extreme Right Wing. If anyone actually opens their minds and reads what is written by them (albeit rather badly) the party is inclined more towards the Left than the Right.


is that because their leader consistently denies the holocaust, thinks Hitler was a great man and I seem to remember the BBC documentary a few MONTHS ago where a member said he wanted to kill P@kis..


not racist? Mmm....


Open mind?! maybe YOU should!

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I heard on MR that "John Shimmin the Home Affairs Minister says he will be making inquiries about the visit of BNP supporters, including their chairman, to the Island in the last two days."


It also says the BNP also claimed 'support in Manx pubs for their ideas on immigration.' Well IMHO ask a few pissed manxmen anything in a pub and you'll get any answer you want to hear.


Whilst many people, including myself, don't like what the BNP have to say - if we are to maintain free speech then the BNP and other groups should always be entitled to voice their opinion ('I might not like what you say but I would fight to the death to defend your right to say it' - and all that).


It will take a major change for the Manx public to accept and vote for conventional party politics over here as it is, never mind the right wing fantasies of a party of racist unintellectual half-wits pandering to a mob mentality.

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