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Bnp Leaflets


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well if people elect them it's their choice, but it will be the beginning of the end for the Isle of Man and I can see people moving away because of it, while more BNP supporters move over and the 'festivities' begin, I can just see a lot of raised arms at local football matches!!


Anyway, I thought the government were already racist enough?! then again, as AA Gill said, what sort of decent black family would want to live here?! maybe someone should tell him who's been canvasing here, I'm sure he'd piss himself laughing!

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Two chinese friends of mine were discussing buying some shoes in Strand Street this morning and were accosted by ... well how should I put it ... a lady of slovenly clothing, pushing a pram ... get my drift.


"Speak English" she shouted as she pushed by ... my friends instantly did and questioned if this particular lady would care to use Chinese while shopping in Beijing.


I wonder if this lady had recieved a certain leaflet through her letter box this weekend emboldening her ignorance and xenophobia?



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Two chinese friends of mine were discussing buying some shoes in Strand Street this morning and were accosted by ... well how should I put it ... a lady of slovenly clothing, pushing a pram ... get my drift.


"Speak English" she shouted as she pushed by ... my friends instantly did and questioned if this particular lady would care to use Chinese while shopping in Beijing.


I wonder if this lady had recieved a certain leaflet through her letter box this weekend emboldening her ignorance and xenophobia?




she probably doesn't know where Beijing is, though just the sort of person that does need deporting, that my taxes no doubt support!!

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Two chinese friends of mine were discussing buying some shoes in Strand Street this morning and were accosted by ... well how should I put it ... a lady of slovenly clothing, pushing a pram ... get my drift.


"Speak English" she shouted as she pushed by ... my friends instantly did and questioned if this particular lady would care to use Chinese while shopping in Beijing.


I wonder if this lady had recieved a certain leaflet through her letter box this weekend emboldening her ignorance and xenophobia?




Dont know about that Chinahand. My father is fond of telling me how he was asked to leave a pub in Peel [during the 1960s] for speaking Manx.

I think both examples, yours and mine, are examples of ignorance rather than the result of some nasty political agenda

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accosted by ... well how should I put it ... a lady of slovenly clothing, pushing a pram ... get my drift.





Its the first time in 4 years they have ever been accosted. Coincidence?

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GMB General Secretary Kevin Curran today exposes the BNP's "dirty dozen", twelve more BNP "politicos" who have criminal records for offences ranging from violent assault to criminal damage. These names are added to the ten BNP supporters already exposed by Kevin Curran in a speech in London last weekend.


The GMB's Kevin Curran said:


"BNP members have been attempting to swamp the GMB with calls protesting at our campaign. Some have been brainless, some have been downright threatening. Their only effect has been to strengthen our resolve, as a union, to warn voters about the criminal culture in the fascist BNP.


"The retaliation attempted by the BNP only shows they fear the light we will shine on their values of racism, violence and intolerance in the coming months. We will continue to name and shame, as we tell voters that the BNP is a party that stands for nothing but hatred.


"The BNP's chief propagandist, Dr Phill Edwards - real name Dr Stuart Russell - has wrongly claimed that the GMB bankrolls a group called Tyne and Wear Anti-Fascist Association. We don't. The fascist spinmeisters have confused us with another GMB - Gateshead Metropolitan Borough. This GMB is delighted to have TWAFA brought to our attention, and generous funding is something we are now considering, given that there are at least three BNP convicts from the North East lurking among today's dirty dozen."


Today's BNP "dirty dozen" are:


1. Tony Lecomber, prominent in the BNP hierarchy, served three years in jail for a nail bomb plot. He got another three years in 1991 for stabbing a Jewish teacher and has 12 convictions in all.


2. Kevin Scott, BNP organiser in the North East, has convictions for assault and threatening behaviour.


3. Paul Harris, 41, BNP council candidate in Barnsley was convicted of using threatening behaviour towards a pensioner.


4. Jason Douglas, one of the BNP's leading candidates in the Greater London local elections, is a convicted football hooligan.


5. Warren Bennett, the BNP's chief steward, is also a convicted football hooligan.


6. Stephen Belshaw, who stood for the BNP in Amber Valley, East Midlands, was convicted in 1994 of attacking a Jewish solicitor.


7. Colin Smith, BNP South East London organiser. 17 convictions for burglary, theft, stealing cars, possession of drugs and assaulting a police officer.


8. Darren Dobson, BNP council candidate in Oldham. Convicted of racially aggravated assault at Oldham magistrates in November 2001.


9. Frank Forte, BNP member in Waltham Forest, convicted of Actual Bodily Harm in 1989.


10. Paul Thompson, former BNP organiser for Durham and Darlington convicted of criminal damage after an attack on a book shop in Durham. Also convicted for violence after attacking football fans.


11. Neil Keilty, BNP member, whose convictions since 1987 include criminal damage, possession of an offensive weapon and threatening behaviour.


12. Gary Mitchell former Sunderland BNP secretary, convicted of racist attacks and possession of offensive weaponry.



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Can a mod just merge this into the 1st BNP topic and save us time and bandwidth.


Seems like there might be a good case for this being a different thread.


EDIT: made intelligent sense as a different thread IMO.

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B******s! Learn to speak a couple of languages and you will see that other countries are nothing like England.


That's just plain super Albert, the only problem being that I didn't say that other countries are like England. 'Other countries' are nothing like France, or 'Bolivia' either, so what's your point?


My views are based on spending a third of my life in England, a third on the island and a third travelling. Face it - the English have a 'Empirical chip' on their shoulder wherever they go in the world - including England.


A chip on their shoulder? Pots and kettles spring to mind. I've met plenty of English people who've been arses, but they've been no worse or represented a greater proportion of their nationality in my experience than is the case with the Manx. Perhaps you personally just bring out the worst in them, with the attitude you've displayed on here so many times, it would hardly be a surprise.


You might call it racism - I call it culturism.


That's because racism is a dirty, nasty little trait, and so you've just invented a pleasant euphemism like 'culturalism' to absolve you of any guilt. The fact is that any post that even vaguely hints at mentioning the English acts upon you like a red rag does upon a bull, and you simply can't help but wheel out the usual clanking stereotypes, reducing 40 million other human beings to nothing more than the object of a venemous caricature. That is racism, pure and simple, no matter how you may care to rationalise it, claim that it's based on experience, or introduce questionable historical precedent to justify your views (all of which being favourite tactics of the prejudiced).


SoI'd rather thirty thousand German migrants all willing to adopt and protect the island than one arrogant Englishman.


So you only resent and look down your nose at one race. Bravo.

I think my point Vinnie is either: you have obviously one years experience that is 25 years old - or - are in your late twenties, graduated in politics or english, and have f*** all experience of real life.

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I think my point Vinnie is either: you have obviously one years experience that is 25 years old - or - are in your late twenties, graduated in politics or english, and have f*** all experience of real life.


I think you are being grossly unfair here Albert. Vinnie has put some valid points forward and IMHO he is probably the best poster on the forum.

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I think my point Vinnie is either: you have obviously one years experience that is 25 years old - or - are in your late twenties, graduated in politics or english, and have f*** all experience of real life.


I think you are being grossly unfair here Albert. Vinnie has put some valid points forward and IMHO he is probably the best poster on the forum.

I don't think so. And would add - probably the latter and probably English.

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